
September 18, 2000

Zionism is the Only Peace Plan
by Gary M. Cooperberg

We should have had peace back in 1948. The Living G-d of Israel gave us the ability to bring true peace, not only to the Middle East, but to all of Mankind. In fact, this is our purpose for being. When G-d conveyed to our Father, Abraham, the message that through him will all of the families of the world be blessed, He set into motion the only peace plan which will eventually bring true peace to the world.

The Creator of the Universe and of all Mankind desires only good for His creations. He wrote a blueprint for bringing true peace to the world. His Torah is not merely an historic document, rather it is the key to elevating Mankind to holiness. He created a Holy People to serve as an example to demonstrate to all of Mankind that it is able to achieve true peace and sanctity by serving G-d. He set aside a Holy Land for the specific purpose that His Holy People would follow His Holy Law there. When all of the Jewish People return from the lands of their Exile and follow His Commandments, the entire world will witness blessing such as has never been seen in world history. The Jewish State will become the example for all of Mankind. Those who follow the example will likewise flourish. Those who seek to oppose the example will be destroyed by G-d. The Blessing of Abraham will be fulfilled in our generation, "Those who bless you I will bless, and he who curses you I will curse, and in thee will all the families of the Earth be blessed."

The major obstacle to immediate fulfillment of our destiny is our own unwillingness to accept it. Since it is G-d's Will, it will eventually come to pass under any circumstances. But He would prefer us to actively participate in the process, rather than oppose it. When a Jewish government enters into negotiations which find them denying any part of our birthright, it brings tragedy upon us. No people, other than the Jewish People, can have sovereignty over the Land of Israel. Any entity which challenges our sovereignty must be physically and ruthlessly opposed. We have no right to compromise on Divine Destiny. When we attempt to do so we bring tragedy upon ourselves, and upon the world.

As we approach another New Year we should be ever more aware of the potential we have for averting tragedy and bringing peace to all of Mankind. It was at this time of year that Oslo was signed. And, again, we find our leaders continuing to court murderers in a mad attempt to make peace with terror. One can never make peace with evil unless he eradicates it. Only by purging the Jewish State from the likes of Arafat will we have changed course from tragedy toward fulfillment of our destiny.

Having an influential Jewish lobby in Washington, or even attaining a Jew in the White House will bring us no closer to peace. By definition, Jews living in Exile hamper the redemptive process. Not from Washington, not from Cairo, not from Amman, not from Oslo, rather only from Jerusalem will genuine peace emanate. Those who think Jerusalem can be shared are gravely mistaken. Those who seek to wrench her from the Jewish People will not only fail, but will bring havoc upon themselves. Those who battle the Jewish State and the Jewish People are really doing battle with the Living G-d of Creation. If they truly seek peace they would stand with G-d's Chosen rather than oppose her. To do otherwise is to invite self-destruction.