

Bath Recipes

Face Care

Foot Care

Massage Recipes



Steam Facials


Finding Essential Oils



Aromatherapy Recipes: Links

The following sites can help you find out more about aromatherapy on the internet. The companies listed are not advertisers, and I have recieved no money or gifts for listing them. Hope you enjoy!

General Information:

* AromaWeb
* Yahoo! Aromatherapy
* Introduction to Aromatherapy
* Guide to Aromatherapy


* Dorothy's Aromatherapy Page


* Bird's Encyclopedia Of Aromatherapy
* Oasis By Design
* Web Directory: Aromatherapy
* Canadian National School of Aromatherapy


* alt.aromatherapy
* Aromatherapy Mailing List


* American Alliance of Aromatherapy
* International Federation of Aromatherapists
* National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy



Please read the following warnings about essential oils:
Oils which ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR HOME USE include, but are not restricted to: cinnamon, clove, hyssop, and sage.
Oils which SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING PREGNANCY include, but are not restricted to: basil, clove, cinnamon, fennel, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, rosemary, sage, and white thyme.
Oils which SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR STEAM FACIALS include, but are not restricted to: bay, clary sage, ginger, juniper, pine, and tea tree.
Oils which are PHOTOSYNTHESIZING include, but are not restricted to: lemon, bergamot, lime, and orange. Do not go out into the sun for at least two hours after applying these oils to your skin.

Please email us at
with any questions, comments, recipes, or suggestions.

DISCLAIMER: This site and its owner are not responsible for any harm which may come to the user of the recipes presented in this web site.

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