Willow's Pagan Place

"By Oak and Ash and Holy Thorn,
Blessed be the Day you were Born."

Notes from the web spinner

This is primarilly a Wiccan web site, but it does have
many points of interest, such as tips on healing the
planet, Runes and Magickal symbols. There
is also a guest book that you can leave a message,
as well as a way to reach me by Email. And there is
a section on activism, which deals with environmental
and human rights issues. There are also links to sites
that deal with Wicca as well as political activism.
There are many like me who wants to see an end to
corporate greed that is killing our Sacred Mother. For
more info on activism, surf to "Activist Corner".
Don't forget to use magick to heal the Mother and
stop the ones in power from harming Mother
and Her children. A suggestion is to cast binding
spells on the corporations and governments that
are killing this planet and abusing human rights,
as well as casting spells for things like restoration of
forests and other healing magick. You can also cast banishing
spells on institutons such as "Big Timber" and "Big Oil",
"Big Business", The Banking industry, Capitalism,
"Big Money", "Corporate dollars", the military industrial complex
just to say a few. Don't forget to send love to the Mother,
since love is the best kind of Magick for healing the
Earth and Her childen.

I hope that you enjoy and find this site informative and
educational about Wicca, Magick, and activism.
This web site is constantly growing, evolving and
changing, so feel free to bookmark it and visit it often.
Special thanks to Reclaiming Collective, Circle Network
News, the Earth First! journal, Silver Raven Wolf,
and Rainforest Action Network for some of the
content on this site.

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Front Page News

For more headlines go to
"Activist Corner"

ExxonMobil Threatens Pristine Amazon Valley

Human Rights abuses in Saudi Arabia
Put pressure on US Gov't to allow human
Rights Organizations into Saudi Arabia

Citigroup, the World Bank and thier destructive projects
Boycott Citibank and Solomon Smith Barney
!!!Cut up your CITIBANK credit cards!!!

More Dirt on Citibank - Megamerger approved
US Gov't approves Citi's $31 billion merger with Associates First
Capital Corporation, Making Citibank the biggest financial institution in US

Boise Cascade's flawed business practices
They are up to no good, logging old growth in Pacific NW

To Keep them desitute and starving, the World Bank's
Practices allow the rich to steal from the poor

Important followup actions on IMF and World Bank

World Bank approves "Nightmare" African oil and pipeline project

Help stop Occidental Oil from harming the U'wa Tribe and thier lands
Give Al Gore a piece of your mind. Vice President Gore has
"old money" invested in Occidental Oil.
important update - Uwa Blockade attacked
Columbian Court revokes Occidental Injunction

About the World Trade Organizition
How they are weakening environmental protecton laws
in the name of free trade.

Assist the Dineh (Navaho) people in defending thier soverignty
The Big Mountian campaign

Legalize Industrial Hemp - Coalition for Agricultural and Industial Renewal
Industrial Hemp, which has less than .003% THC, not to be confused with marijuana (More that .1% THC)
has many uses such as food, fuels, plastics, fiber for clothes, building materials and paper.
The California legislature is considering a bill that will legalize Industrial Hemp.
The main reason
Industrial Hemp and marijuana are confused because they are both Canabis Sativa.

How the Shrub(Grinch) stole the White House

How George Bush II stole the presidency - and supposedly the Republican Party
stands up for states' rights. Then this bastard turns around and gets the
Supreme Court to stop the Florida recounts. Thus, Bush was not elected by
the people (
He diddn't win the popular vote) but Bush was, for all intents
and purposes, appointed by the Supreme Court. This was a bloodless
coup d'etat by the far right. Now George Shrub is getting cozy with the

PROTEST this every day. Cast a binding spell on Bush, such as the one below...

Take a photo or image of G. Bush and some embroidery floss and wrap it
around the the image, mummy style. As you do that, chant...

"President George Walker Bush, I bind you from doing harm to the Earth"
President George Walker Bush, I bind you from doing harm to the people"
President George Walker Bush, I bind you from doing harm to yourself"
"As my will, according to the free will of all, so mote it be"

Do this as the Moon wanes, and bury it at the Dark of the Moon.

Blessed Be,

Email Willow

Fundamentalism - Diarrhea of the mouth and constipaion of the brain

Uncle Sam feeds babies
Into that meat-grinder
Called the WAR MACHINE

Oh Mother Divine
Help us not to malign
Our precious planet...

When good people fail to act,
evil flourishes.

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Blessed Be!!! 

Guestbook on Page 2

Leave a message

To the Goddess & God
And the Elemental Spirits

Wheel of the Year
The Pagan Holidays

Activist Corner
To Create and bring about social changes
Such as Environmental and Human Rights
isssues. Go for Social Justice.

Runes and Magickal Symbols
Norse Alphabet, Witches Script & Elements,
Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Also Candle Magick and Magickal Tools

Goddess and God Names
Dictionay of the Deities

Magickal Jargon
Dictionary of Wiccan Terms

Tips to Heal the Earth Mother
We need YOUR help!!!

A Witch's Herbal Magick Guide
Herbs and their magickal uses

Crystal, gem, and Stone magick
Powers of gems and stones

The Planets and their meanngs



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The Wiccan Rede

Byde the Wiccan Rede you must In Perfect Love and TrustEight words the Wiccan
Law Fufill An it harm none, do as ye will Except in thine own defense
it be Ever mind the Rule of ThreeFollow this with mind and heart And merry meet and merry part

"If Witches are so evil, Why do we..."

Why do we want a world without war? Why do we want a world devoid
of poverty? Why do we want a world where no one goes hungry?
Why do we want a world free of crime? Why do we want a world
without racism? Why do we want a world where everyone has a home?
Why do we want a world where the water, ground, and
air are clean and pollution free? Why do we want alternative, clean, and
renewable energy sources such as Solar and Wind power. Why do we recycle?
Why do we support religious tolerance and freedom? Why do we
support world wide human rights? Why do we want a Perfect Love
and Perfect Trust world? Is it perhaps because
we are not evil? Blessed Be.

Freedom Statement
Released by Lady Liberty League
July 4, 1999 Weekend

"The Wiccan religion is a world religion, with churches
and practitioners in more than three dozen countries around
the globe. Over the past twenty years, Wiccan ministers
have been among the speakers and delegates at interna-
tional interfaith conferences. Professors from universities
in the USA, Europe, and elsewhere have identified the
Wiccan religion as a religion in the classroom and in
published writings," said Rev. Selena Fox, senior minister
of Circle Sanctuary, an international Wiccan church.

"In the United States, there have been legally estab-
lished Wiccan churches for more than a quarter century,
and federal court rulings have consistently upheld the
legitimacy of Wicca as a religion. In all branches of the US
Armed Forces, Wiccans have been effectively serving
their country along with members of other religions in both
the past and present at military installations within the
USA and around the world."

"If Wiccans in the US Armed Forces lose their First
Amendment rights, what other religious practitioners will
lose theirs next? Religious freedom is a cornerstone of
American democracy and must be upheld," continued
Rev. Fox, a Wiccan minister who is directly descended
from a member of the first Continental Congress and from
Revolutionary War patriot leaders and soldiers, including
one who wintered with George Washington at Valley

"This Fourth of July weekend, as we honor the birth-
day of the United States of America, may we strengthen
our resolve to uphold the free exercise of religion for all as
well as to preserve the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness, upon which our country was

The Broomcloset
It has been a long time comming. The Goddess and her children have emerged from hiding.
Wicca is no longer a secret religion. One can find knowledge from books or the Internet.
It is now time for all Wiccans and Pagans to come out of the broomcloset--- For Good.

Common Pagan / Wiccan Beliefs
Divinity is Immanant or internal, as well as transcendant
or external This is often expressed by the phrases thou 
art Goddess / God.
Divinity is just as likely to manifest itself as female.
 This has resulted in a large number of women being 
attracted to the faith and joining the clergy.
A multiplicity of gods and goddesses, whether 
as individual dieties, or facets of one or a few
 archetypes. This leads to multivalued logic systems
 and tolorance to other beleifs.
Respect and love for nature as divine in Her own right.
 This makes ecological awareness and activity a religious duty.
Dissatification with monolithic religious organizations and
distrust of would be messiahs and gurus. This makes 
Pagans hard to organize, and leads to contant growth.
The conviction that human beings were meant to live lives
filled with joy, love, humor, and pleasure. The concepts
of sin, guilt, and divine retribution are misunderstandings
A simple set of ethics and morality based on the aviodance
 of harm to others. This means to all living beings and 
to the planet as a whole.
The knowledge that all can create their own realities
 through the use of power that all have.
The importance of celebrating the solar, Lunar, and 
other cycles in our lives. This lead to the revival 
of ancient Pagan holidays, and the invention of new ones.
A minimum of dogma and a maximum of eclecticism.
A strong faith in the ability of people to solve their 
own problems on all levels.
A strong commitment to personal and universal growth,
evolution, and balance.
A belief that one can grow 
by learning and using healing Magick for themselves.
The knowledge that human interdependance implies 
community cooperation
An awareness that to reach higher goals, one must 
practice what they preach
Pagans above all love themselves as well as others. 
Self love is very important.

A Creation Myth

Before the Universe was, there was the Goddess and the God They made love, and thier orgasm caused the BIG BANG Thus, the Goddess gave birth to the universe.

  Resources for battered women

"Domestic Violence is not okay anymore..."

Lifeline - Support for battered Women

Battered Women's Alternatives Home Page

The National Organization for Women ( NOW ) Home Page

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