Ancient Order of Spitzalod and Dakmonias

Why I chose to become a pagan

Druid Walking I follow a traditional Wiccan path that was channelled back from a period of 47 B.C. from the destoyed ruins of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, Egypt. This time honored tradition accepts me as me: Gay and Black. It does not try to conform me to societial norms as other religious and spiritual traditions have tried to do in the Name of Guilt instead of God. Nor does it teach me in any way to hurt others by my irrational behavior that may be based upon my emotions. It teaches me to balance harmony within myself, the planet, and its inhabitants. It teaches me to be unconditional in my love for all. It instills within me to respect every thinking person whether they be Pagan, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or Hindu. It Allows me the Free Will to chose my life and how I will live that life either within the Light or within the Darkness.

Why do I follow Spitzalod and Dakmonias?

Well!! It isn't why I decided to follow Spitzalod and Dakmonias; I think that the question needs to be, why Spitzalod and Dakmonias allows us to call upon them as our Pantheon Deities? I need to break this up into several articles to explain or to allow us the opportunity to explore and discover the answers to the Spitzalodian System of Wicca.
Talk to me about . . . What is . . . Here's my thoughts on . . .
Spitzalod. The Great Council? Calling of the Powers.
The Order of Spitzalod. A Coven of Power? The perversion of the old ways.
Dakmonias.   Powers, Spirits, and Demons.

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