
w e i ß       k r e u z           (m a y   1999) 
> stories

der gefaltete zettel
'the folded paper,' centred on aya

die lampe im schrank
'the lamp in the closet,' centred on omi

sprechen und entscheiden
'to speak and to decide,' centred on ken

mach die augen zu für die kinder
'close your eyes for the children,' centred on yoji

sein und mein
'his and mine,' centred on aya

deine hände halten die träume zusammen
'your hands hold the dreams together,' centred on omi

ein verrückter brief
'a crazy letter,' centred on weiß

lustige kleine champignons
'funny little mushrooms,' centred on yoji
*nominated for a best shounen ai award at takuhitsu 2000*

immer ohne dich
'always without you,' centred on aya

'young girls,' centred on birman, aya, and an "original" character

diese wertlosen wörter
'these worthless words,' centred on ran and aya chan

die berührung einer handfläche
'the touch of a palm,' centred on schuldig

> mail

most stories featured on this page contain a degree of violence, profanity, sexual themes, and homosexuality. please exercise discretion and responsibility when viewing.

copyright © 1997 koyasu takehito