Vol. 12


The battle about turning Ushio into normal again, takes a long time. In the crowd is a big part of the persons, Ushio met during his adventure. Reiko, Asako, Mayuko, Yu and Saya try desperately to catch up Ushio and to comb him with his mother’s comb, but it is an unsuccessful operation. Besides, Ushio isn’t able to recognize them and they are forced to let Tora, Hyō, Hinowa Sekimori, Jun, Nagare and Shigure intervene as well. The situation is getting more and more desperate: Ushio and Tora fight one another, while the monsters of Hakumen no Mono are around them. When everything seems to be lost, Asako gives the story a curial turn. She brings her beloved friend to his sensed again… Normal again, he and Tora finally reach Asashikawa and here is where the Spear has led them there. They meet its terrible past. Why are they here and for what reason had Ushio been chosen to be the rightful owner of the Spear? The answer of all the questions gives a journey he and Tora go on… A journey to the past! Leaded by Jiemei and the monster, who travels back through the time; Tokisaki. It shows them the past of the Spear of the Beasts and Hakumen no Mono and sends them back to China, 2290 years ago. Arriving there, they meet the girl Jiemei, who resembles like Mayuko and they make friends. Because she is Chinese, she doesn’t know what to do with Ushio’s surname, so Ushio writes his name in the sand and she reads the Kanji in Chinese: “Zang Yue”… She takes Ushio along to her home. Jiemei’s family is very kind and they invite Ushio to be their guest. They know the huge white monster, which lives in the mountains of Seikyū and terrifies everyone: Hakumen no Mono. Jiemei’s family makes all kind of weapons for a long time now and they want to make a spear, which can kill Hakumen. The father and the son – Giryō – are very confident of that and they’re working very hard on that Spear, but unfortunately this spear won’t do any good as well…
