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    The largest of the interstellar human governments, the Earth Alliance represents the powerful interests of Earth and its colonies in the galaxy. Spanning six star systems and commanding over one hundred warships of all types and sizes, the Earth Alliance is sworn to defend the interests of humanity and insure the safety of its many worlds.
     Founded in 2075 to replace the crumbling United Nations, the Earth Alliance was seen as a step forward for bringing the disparate nations of Earth together. One of the first steps taken was the creation of Earth Force, a combined military command which would oversee both the ground forces on Earth as well as any defenses and vessels in orbit. Slowly, Earth Force grew to command all Earth forces across the Sol System. By 2113 colonies had been established on Mars, Titan and Ganymede and Earth Force commanded over twenty military vessels.
     The Earth Alliance remained largely confined to the Sol System until 2155, relying on "sleeper ships" to carry colonists beyond the system's edge since the Alliance did not possess jump gate technology at that time. Everything was suddenly changed, however, when a Centauri Cruiser left hyperspace near Mars' orbit. All space traffic in the area immediately scrambled out of the area, heading down to the surface as quickly as possible. At the same time, a squadron of defense monitors was launched and sent up to make contact with the alien vessel. However, hostilities were quickly averted as the Centauri made contact and offered to open a trade embassy with the Earth Alliance with the intent of fostering better relations. Within a month, the Centauri and Earth Alliance had brokered a deal allowing Alliance ships to use Centauri jumpgates, for a price. By 2175 the Centauri had sold the technology wholesale, setting the stage for the great expansion.
     2175 saw the opening stages of a massive emmigration from Earth to the Proxima, Alpha Centauri and Orion Systems. By 2200 full fledged colonies had been built there as well. Contact with other civilizations continued as embassies from the Narn, Pak Marrah, Vree and other cultures were established on Earth. By 2210 the Earth Alliance was an accepted, if small, member of the interstellar community.
     The testing ground for the Earth Force military came in the year 2231 when the Earth Alliance, at the behest of the League of Non-Alligned Worlds, sent a fleet to help combat the brutal Dilgar Empire. This war proved a quick victory for the Earth Alliance depsite the massive losses previously to the League and the Narn. Within the year the Dilgar had been curshed and their empire wiped from the galaxy. While some of the Dilgar Warmasters were able to escape, the rest of the Dilgar population perished at the hands of the Narn as vengeance for colonies lost to 'medical experimentation'.
     In 2245 the Earth Alliance authorized an expedition into what is now known as Minbari space, working off of rumors of that a powerful civilization lay just beyond Alliance space. A force consisting of two Dreadnaughts, three Heavy Cruisers and one Explorer Ship was assembled and dispatched to explore the region and attempt to make contact. For over two months nothing occured and then, too quickly, events spiralled out of control. The expedition stumbled across the Minbari Warcruiser carrying the Grey Council and, in a series of errors, misinterpreted the Minbari tradition of approaching with open gunports as a sign of hostility. The EAS
Prometheus opened fire on the orders of her captain and the Warcruiser was disabled with her forward observation deck destroyed and most of the Grey Council becoming casualties. Return fire from the Minbari fleet was disultery and the Alliance expedition was able to fall back to Vesidia. What was to follow was the first major war between the Earth Alliance and another power.
     The Earth-Minbari War was to shake the very foundation of the Earth Alliance and humanity, bring Earth Force to the point of annihilation and the war to the gates of Earth itself. The colony on Proxima III was wiped out by a ground assault, followed soon after by the colonies on Orion VII and Alpha Centauri. Bent on total destruction, the Minbari warfleet finally attacked Sol, destroying the Titan base and the orbital defenses of Mars. However, in the asteroid belt between Marn and Jupiter, the Minbari fleet was to suffer a terrible loss. The Warcruiser
Blackstar and her escorts had pursued a group of Earth Force Cruisers into the field and had succeeded in destroying several when remote nuclear mines were detonated by Lieutenant John Sheridan onboard the EAS Lexington, destroying the hapless Warcruiser and her attending group. The loss of the Blackstar also meant the loss of the fleet's command staff and halted the Minbari advance long enough for Earth Force to organize a last ditch defense of Earth. This chance was to prove a critical factor in the events to come.
     The Battle of the Line has been documented in hundreds of books and vid-casts, so the exact details will be left out. Suffice to say that the Minbari attack, which threatened to totally overwhelm the few Earth Force ships left, was suddenly halted for reasons unknown even to most Minbari. The attack fleet fell back from Earth's orbit and a delegation was sent to secure peace with the Earth Alliance. Within a few hours, total disaster for the Earth Alliance had been averted and humanity had been given a second chance.
     Between 2248 and 2256, the Earth Alliance spent most of its energy rebuilding its strength and contributing supplies to the Babylon project. In 2256, the Babylon 5 station went online after repeated setbacks and sabotage attempts and served as a diplomatic stronghold for the interstellar community. Over the next three years it became a hotbed for politic intrigued and rebellion. The recent Narn-Centauri War began on Babylon 5. Later on, the station istelf broke with the Earth Alliance after the government under President Clark ordered the bombing of the Mars, Proxima and Orion colonies as punishment for seceeding from the Alliance. From 2259 onwards, Babylon 5 was not to play a significant role in Earth Alliance internal politics.
     Clark quickly realized that to hold power meant he had to remove the most influential and powerful Earth Force commanders before asserting total control. In a series of assassinations and false accusations, he was able to imprison most of the Earth Force High Command and kill the rest, leaving only General William Hague as a voice of protest. The General was able to escape onboard his flagship, the EAS
Alexander, and link up with the rest of the rebels near the Proxima System. From there, they launched a lightning strike against Clark's forces stationed there, freeing the planet and forcing the surrender of the defending forces which in turn gave Hague a force worth two full battlegroups. With the Proxima industries now under his command, Hague ordered his fleet to full readiness and entered hyperspace for the Orion System.
     The Battle of Orion ended much as the Battle of Proxima with Clark's loyalists being caught offguard and routed. The one major setback during the battle was the loss of the
Alexander, althought Hague was able to escape in time to the EAS Agammemnon and resume command of the battle from there. With a fleet now numbering over eighty major warships including twenty Omega-class Destroyers, Hague ordered full speed for Earth to liberate it from President Clark's control.
     At the same time as Orion VII was being liberated, Clark had found a new ally. Having made contact with the Shadows and their allies, Clark had been successful in procuring the technology needed to produce Shadow bio-armor. Immedately putting the new technology into production, a force of ten advanced
Omega X-class Destroyers was assembled and sent to destroy Hague's fleet. However, the squadron ran afoul of the Whitestar Fleet under the command of Captain John Sheridan who beleived that the fleet was being sent to attack Babylon 5. The battle was furious but short lived as the advanced Destroyers were wiped out with little loss to the Whitestar Fleet. Unknown to him, Hague had escaped annihilation because of the inadvertant help of an old ally.
     The Battle of Earth was short lived and almost entirely one sided as General Hague's fleet was able to bypass a small Destroyer squadron in Mars orbit under the command of General Leftcourt and drive for Earth orbit. Seeing the tide turning against him, Clark locked himself in his office and set the Earth Defense Grid to fire on the planet itself before shooting himself in the head with his PPG Pistol. Troops loyal to General Hague broke down the door moments later to find Clark's lifeless corpse and the Defense Grid already locking on to Earth. Senator Marook of the African Combine signalled Hague and pleaded for help in saving the planet before the Particle Beams on the platforms layed waste to the surface.
     Hague's fleet went onto a full offensive as the platforms were blasted from the skies. In acts of heroism, the Dreadnought
Evictus and the Cruiser Terran Pride rammed platforms about to open fire, saving the lives of countless Alliance citizens with their sacrifices. Within an hour of the threat from space being ended Alliance ground forces had landed and the last of Clark's troops had been rounded up and placed in prison to await trial for war crimes. A new Earth Alliance Senate was set up and Earth Force disbanded to be replaced with the new Earth Alliance Army and Navy in an effort to prevent another military takeover if the top commanders were all killed. By the end of the second month after the liberation, the Earth Alliance had been returned to some semblance of order.
     With the embassies reopened, the Alliance Senate tried to convice Sheridan to rejoin the Earth Alliance with his forces. However, Hague and Sheridan suffered a falling out and the process became hopelessly entangled in accusations and counter-accusations of power mongering and empire building. In a bitter gesture, the Bablyon 5 diplomats were expelled from Earth, though an Earth Alliance embassy still remains on Babylon 5 as per the terms of the station's construction.
     One point of trouble recently within the Earth Alliance has been the replacement of the feared Psi Corps with the Earth Alliance Psychic Division. A military institution rather than a separate branch of the Earth Alliance government, the Psychic Division is a volunteer organization of telepaths in the Earth Alliance Army and Navy. Trained to use their talents for the betterment of the Alliance, the Division telepaths have become valuable members of the Intelligence Division and trusted officers onboard the various vessel of the Earth Alliance Navy. However, in defiance of the Senate decree against them, most of the upper leadership of the Psi Corps, including the Psi Cop Alfred Bester who is now wanted for over two hundred charges of murder, fled Earth for parts unknown. At the same time, a sizeable portion of Earth Alliance military equipment went missing including two
Omega-type starship hulls designated for investigation by the Earth Alliance Navy. When the search team arrived at the holding area near Io, both hulls were gone along with a good number of damaged Starfuries from the nearby ground base. It was later learned that the hulls missing were taken to an unknown location for refits as Omega X Shadow Destroyers..
     The final act of the Earth Civil War is now under way as the prisoners captured by Hague's forces during their march toward Earth are being released back into society and into the Earth Alliance military. While war crimes trials have been conveened in order to punish those responsible for following illegal orders, the fear is that many soldiers and officers still loyal to the memory of President Clark are at large. This fear has led to the assignment of several high-profile officers including Major General White to far assignments where they cannot have as much influence on the Earth Alliance. While it is hoped that the divide between the two sides of the Civil War will one day close, the process is proving to be a long and hard one.
     In a lightning raid, elements of the Psi Corps attacked Earth in 2262 with a force of five Shadow Destroyers and close to two-hundred Starfighters. The attack was timed to coincide with several terrorist strikes across the Earth Alliance including assassination attempts against key officials including President Cherikov and General Hague. Caught without their commander, the Earth Alliance ships in orbit of Earth fought back, succeeding in destroying several of the attacking ships, but suffered severe damage to their Cruiser group and heavy losses to the Thunderbolts, forcing a withdrawl toward Earth. The battle was turned, however, with the arrival of League forces under Commander Susan Ivanova which were able to take down another Shadow Destroyer and force the retreat of the Psi Corps. With the end of the battle, Commander Ivanova traveled to Earth where she was able to secure a non-aggression pact between Babylon 5 and the Earth Alliance, once more bringing the famous station back into the fold with Earth.
Roster of Serving Earth Alliance Personnel

Structure of the Earth Alliance High Command

Earth Alliance Navy

Earth Alliance Army

Earth Alliance Shipyards
Earth Alliance Timeline
     The Earth Alliance is formed.
     Geneva is chosen as the site of the new government because of the city's defensible position.

     Mars Colony is founded.

     Titan Colony is founded.

     Ganymede Colony is founded.

     The Earth Alliance makes formal contact with the Centauri Republic.
     The Earth Alliance gains the use of Centauri jumpgates for travel between stars.

     The Earth Alliance joins in the Dilgar War.

     The Earth-Minbari War begins
     The colony on Vesidia is bombed out of existance

     The Battle of the Line at Earth where the Earth Alliance makes a last-ditch stand against the Minbari attack fleets.
     The Earth-Minbari War is ended by the Minbari Grey Council.

     Babylon 5 goes online.

     President Santiago dies onboard
Earth Force One as she passes over the moon of Titan.
     Vice President Clark becomes President of the Earth Alliance.

     President Clark declares martial law.
     President Clark orders the bombing of Mars, Proxima III and Orion VII in retaliation for rebellions begun on the planets.
     Babylon 5 withdraws from the Earth Alliance.
     General Hague leads a rebellion in Earth Force against President Clark and wins the Battle of Proxima.
     Orion VII is liberated by General Hague.

     The Battle of Mars ends with General Hague's fleet defeating General Hallis' Fourth Squadron.
     The Battle for Earth is won when Hague's fleet is able to destroy the orbital defenses and secure the planet.
     Earth Force is disbanded and replaced with the Earth Alliance Army and Navy.
     The Psi Corps is disbanded and replaced by the Earth Alliance Psychic Division
     Many key Psi Corps leaders including Alfred Bester dissapear along with Earth Alliance Navy hardware

     The Psi Corps attacks Earth with several Shadow Destroyers but is driven off by the combined Earth Alliance-League of Non-Alligned Worlds Fleet
     The Earth Alliance and Babylon 5 sign a non-aggression pact
The EAS Alexander fleeing Earth with her escort of Thunderbolt and Starfury fighters close by
It was General Leftcourt's Fourth  Destroyer Squadron which opposed General Hague at the Battle of Mars and who subsequently helped him destroy the Earth Defense Grid when it began to target the planet
General Hague's fleet, the EAS Agammemnon in the lead, as it leaves Mars orbit for deep space in order to make the hyperspace jump toward Earth
General William Hague adressing the Earth Alliance from Earth Dome after the death of President Clark and the liberation of Earth by rebel Earth Alliance forces