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ABC AUSTRALIA, 28/03/2003 16:08:31

Vanuatu backs Papuan independence

Vanuatu's foreign minister, Serge Vohor, says support for the Indonesian province of Papua's independence is one of his country's major foreign policy components.

Speaking at the opening of a new Papua office in the capital, Port Vila, Mr Vohor said Vanuatu will strongly lobby for Indonesian government recognition of an independent Papua, despite recent threats.

Papua pro-independence groups also have offices in Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States and Britain.

Mr Vohor announced at the opening Papuans would be included in Vanuatu's delegation at this year's Pacific Islands Forum meeting in New Zealand.

Indonesia reportedly warned Vanuatu not to proceed with the setting up of the Port Vila office, threatening to sever diplomatic relations.

28/03/2003 16:08:31 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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