The Cross


Ambon Berdarah On-Line
News & Pictures About Ambon/Maluku Tragedy



Hits since
August 8 1999





 Radio and TV News


A collection of Radio and TV News
Listen to what observers, politicians and journalists say about Maluku Tragedy


ABC News (Windows Media Player required)
INDONESIA: Laskar Jihad head found not guilty of inciting violence 31/01/2003
     (Click here for the transcript)
INDONESIA: Are Islamic militants operating in Papua? 05/07/2002
INDONESIA: Maluku security should not be muddied 13/06/2002
     (Click here for the transcript)
INDONESIA : Vice president visits detained militia leader 09/05/2002
 (Click here for the transcript)
INDONESIA: 12 more killed in attack on Christian village near Ambon 29/04/2002
     (Click here for the transcript)
MALUKU: Ambon "a tropical Beirut" 06/02/2002
Click here for the transcript)
INDONESIA: Is the Laskar Jihad seeking to de-Christianise the nation? 13/12/2001
Click here for the transcript)
(RealAudio required)
Special effort for peace in Malukus pays off 23/4/2001
Jakarta ignores problems in Indonesia's Maluku Islands 7/2/2001
Author questions whether Jakarta elite comprehend regional problems 9/10/2000
Indonesia's most troubled regions receive a budgetary boost 3/10/2000
Maluku Christians protest against Muslim attacks - seek asylum with Swiss 28/9/2000
Half a million Indonesian refugees now in Malukus 16/8/2000
Maluku Muslim warriors discovered in West Papua 24/7/2000
Ambon media accused of inflaming religious tensions 10/7/2000
Church leaders in Indonesia's Maluku Islands want UN peacekeepers 26/6/2000
Christians say Jakarta should do more to stop Malukus violence 22/6/2000
Sectarian violence erupts again in Indonesia's Maluku province 30/5/2000
Rogue military elements blamed for Indonesian unrest 8/5/2000
Muslim activists begin training for Maluku Jihad 10/4/2000
Uniting Church seeks access to Ambonese boat people 2/3/2000
Indonesia's downward spiral of violence 22/1/2000
(Windows Media Player required)
Christian accuses military of siding with Muslims in Ambon violence 6/1/2000 

BBC News (RealAudio required)
Baroness Caroline Cox, member of UK's House of Lords 5/12/2000
Indonesian military stays in politics 18/8/2000
A search is now under way for the missing passengers 7/5/2000
Muslims threaten jihad in Indonesia 6/4/2000
Religious riots on Indonesian island BBC News 24/2/1999
Journalist Dan Kirk describes what he saw when he recently visited Ambon
Listen to Jonathan Head: "Almost medieval weapons"
Violence in Maluku "The violance here is brutal" 28/9/2000
"The fighting has cost thousands of lives" 27/6/2000
Massacre in the Moluccas 20/6/2000
"We are pretty certain that this is another clash between Christians and Muslims" 20/6/2000
Ambon violence flares again 27/7/1999
Religious strife in Ambon 27/2/1999

A series of bombs explode outside of churches across Indonesia 24/12/2000
Watch Indonesia religious violence toll up to 4000 21/12/2000

The Guardian (RealAudio required)
John Aglionby describes the latest sectarian attack in Indonesia 20/6/2000

IMB (RealAudio required)
Ambon Update 1/12/2000

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