The Cross


Ambon Berdarah On-Line
News & Pictures About Ambon/Maluku Tragedy






UN Office For The Coordination Of Humanitarian Affairs

Indonesia - OCHA Consolidated Situation Report No. 124
12 April - 17 April 2003


General Situation

A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspress, reported on 11 April that a violent stone throwing incident occurred between Hila IDPs in a camp at Hative village with people from a neighbouring Riang sub-village of Baguala sub-district, Ambon Island. No serious casualties or physical damage were reported. According to the military area command, security apparatus secured the area and brought the situation under control.

A local newspaper, Siwalima, reported on Saturday (12 Apr.) that Military Area Commander (Pangdam) Pattimura, Major General Agustadi Susangko Purnomo, emphasised that the Military will not tolerate Republic Maluku Selatan (RMS) flag hoisters. According to him, it was agreed at a Maluku civil emergency authority meeting that information leaflets would be distributed to Maluku people informing them of the fact that hoisting RMS flag would not be allowed. The security apparatus will arrest anyone contravening the order and will have that person charged according to the provisions of Indonesian Law and Order.

Limited access to some basic essential services in some IDP camps in the province continue to exacerbate IDPs living conditions. Siwalima on Tuesday (15 Apr.) quoted a camp coordinator from Mandala Stadium IDP camp in Karang Panjang (a suburb of Ambon city), saying that 26 displaced families do not have access to clean water since 11 April, as they are not able to pay water bill for the last six months. The Coordinator of the Provincial Department of Social Welfare requested the camp coordinator to raise the issue with Ambon Mayor and Maluku Governor.

Siwalima also reported on Tuesday (15 Apr.) that the Ambon city administration made provision in its annual budget to build 400 houses for poor people (excluding IDPs) in Ambon. According to the available statistical information, there are about 13,000 poor people in Ambon. The plan is to provide funds for eligible beneficiaries to buy required building materials to build the houses by themselves. It was explained that this policy was adapted on the consideration that there are many poor people who are not IDPs but have also been severely affected by the conflict and therefore deserve assistance from the Government.

Population Movement

An LNGO, Yayasan Hualopu, with support from OXFAM organised a one-day discussion forum to socialize the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (GPID). The panellists were representatives from OCHA Maluku and the Maluku Provincial Government. Some sixty participants, including IDP camp coordinators, representatives from LNGOs and INGOs, attended the forum.


A field team from CARDI conducted a psychosocial assessment in some schools on Seram Island. Another team from CARDI's Community Rehabilitation Programme monitored on-going projects in Pitu, Taniwel, Kairatu and Waisala villages on Seram Island.

SC UK conducted a rapid assessment for education programme in schools in Ambon and Seram Islands on Monday (7 Apr.) and Thursday (10 Apr.).

Food Security and Agriculture

AcF during the reporting week distributed seeds, tools, and fishing equipment to 2,630 families (11,147 persons) in 55 villages in South Buru district and some part of Northwest Buru district.


IMC this week conducted a total of 733 consultations at its supported health stations on Buru and Seram Islands, except in Waesala due to limited/difficult communication accessibility with the station. Meanwhile, rehabilitation work at health centres in Masohi (Waraka Health Post and Tanjung Health Post) is in progress.

MSF-B this week conducted a total of 414 medical consultations at its supported health stations on Ambon Island. Meanwhile, an Outreach Team from MSF-B which conducted a total of 209 medical consultations and training in South Buru from 2 to 11 April. Some drugs were also donated to nine locations.

Water and Sanitation

Mercy Corps funded an LNGO, Yayasan Putra Matalete, in Ambon to provide water installation with gravitation system for 4,146 local community members and IDPs in Halong Baru camp at Halong Navy Base area (near Ambon City).

MSF-B is implementing activities for general maintenance and improvement of water and sanitation facilities in Ambon IDP camps and collective centres.


CARDI's Emergency Psychosocial Project (EPP) continues providing support to the conflict affected youths and children through structured non-formal education activities and direct school support activities.

Following the completion of evaluation session of the first phase of its ENACT (Engaging Children and Youth in Building New Communities) programme, SC UK is now implementing the second phase.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

Under its Community and Rehabilitation Programme, CARDI continues providing support for return and reintegration efforts on Ambon and Seram Islands through the provision of assistance for means of livelihood and improvement or development of infrastructure.

SC UK continues its implementation of children's programmes (child interaction and games), which involves participants from Muslim and Christian communities, at the SC UK's Children's Resource Centre in Ambon city. SC UK also doubles the frequency of its English language classes from twice to four times weekly. Volunteer teachers have been resourced from the Teacher Training Faculty of Pattimura University in Ambon. Meanwhile, frequency activities of the sports, art, education and social activities remain the same (once a week).


General Situation

A local newspaper, Mimbar Kieraha, reported on 11 April that the Provincial Government of North Maluku would start development of the new capital of the province, Sofifi, which is located in North Oba sub-district of Central Halmahera district. Construction of several infrastructures (i.e. offices of the Governor, Regional People's Representative Council [DPRD] and other governmental departments) will start on July 2003 by using the fund from the National and Provincial Budgets.

A local newspaper, Ternate Pos, reported on Thursday (17 Apr.) that 14.03% of the population in North Maluku are living under the poverty line. The data resulted from the National Economic and Social Survey conducted by Statistic Central Body (BPS) of North Maluku last year. The ratio was measured based on the last year's population of 794,024 people.

Water and Sanitation

CARDI signed contracts with the Community Board Organization (CBO) of Gusale Puncak village North Oba sub-district for its water and sanitation project. CARDI will support the community in building five water tanks, one distribution tank, one sediment tank, one spring catcher, and installing 4 km pipe from the spring to the village.

Food Security and Agriculture

On Tuesday (15 Apr.), FAO handed over 28 fishing canoes to beneficiaries in Balisosong village and 31 canoes in Sosol villages of Kao sub-district. On Wednesday (16 Apr.), FAO handed over 32 canoes in Pune village and 50 canoes in Mamuya village of Galela sub-district. During the reporting week, FAO handed over 91 canoes from the total of 203 canoes that have been constructed by FAO through local carpenters. The remaining forty canoes are still under construction.


During the reporting week, IMC mobile clinic and doctors conducted a total of 646 consultations in Kao, Malifut, Galela, North Morotai sub-districts and in Bacan and Obi Islands. IMC also conducted health education on anti worm disease at SDN Ngoali in Malifut sub-district and distributed worm medicine to the students on Monday (14 Apr.).

IMC conducted training in Traditional Birth Assistance (TBA) and Participatory Learning Action (PLA) on Family Planning in Ruko village of Galela sub villages. Thirteen TBAs attended the training.

Shelter and Non- Food Items

CORDAID visited its supported housing construction sites in Golao village of Jailolo sub-district, Talaga village of Ibu sub-district, Susupu and Peot villages of Sahu sub-district, Biamaahi village of South Jailolo sub-district, Tahane village of Malifut sub-district and in Sosol village of Kao sub-district. This visit was for a final evaluation of the project that has been completed.


CARDI is monitoring implementation of its Youth Civic Participation Programme, that is aimed at following up development of the community action plan and supporting the Peer Educators and the Community Committees to establish good working relationship.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

CARDI started coordination activities for its new Community Rehabilitation Initiatives programme funded by UNDP and conducted meetings with the Provincial Social Office (DINSOS). CARDI also collected and analysed community profile information related to the programme.

This report and previous ones can be found at

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