2002 Home page

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2002 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
The Dawgs Missouri Manglers The Meek Boys
WhoDey The Mules The Mustangs
McKamikaze Highlanders The Outlanders Bemee Gizzards
Pigskin Pipsqueaks The Butchers American Looney

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

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Week 14 Transactions
PAP Transactions
The Butchers activate:
 Griese, Brian       QB  Broncos
The Butchers cut:
 Beuerlein, Steve    QB  Broncos

The Dawgs activate:
 Maddox, Tommy       QB  Steelers
The Dawgs cut:
 No need to cut anyone because they are at 13 active players.

The Manglers sign: 
 Betts, Ladell       RB  Redskins     for  42 TPs
The Manglers cut:
 Jones, Thomas       RB  Cardinals
The Mules sign:
 Hasselbeck, Matt    QB  Seahawks     for  40 TPs
 McCardell, Keenan   WR  Bucs         for  40 TPs
 Johnson, Leon       RB  Bears        for  40 TPs
The Mules DL:
 Dyson, Kevin        WR  Titans       for  15 TPs
 Thomas, Anthony     RB  Bears        for  15 TPs
The Mules cut:
 Stewart, Kordell    QB  Steelers
Trade Transactions
 Not Allowed
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Week 14 Scores

West Texas Mustangs       132      5-9
Meek Boys                 100     12-2

Upset of the Week!  Big day for Jamal Lewis.

Dawgs                     138      8-6
WhoDey                     58      4-10

Dawgs whup it up on the guy who doesn't send in his 
lineups.  Brad Johnson and Ricky Williams win it by 

Outlanders                131      3-11
Butchers                   90      6-8

Another upset.  Jake Plummer and New Orleans lead the 
Outlanders to victory.

American Looney           141      9-5
Bemay Gizzards            116      6-8

Bledsoe and company get it done.

Missouri Manglers         220      9-5
Mark's Mules              133     11-3

Why don't you save them for when it's important, Paul?  :)

Pigskin Pipsqueaks        152      4-10
McKamikaze Highlanders    117      7-7

Another upset.  Big day from Deuce McAllister.