We  have mated Australian Ch Stolzsein Azca Arqueil to Oberhundes Deakin we have two pet males left out of this litter
contact us on 03 62 72 11 51
Oberhundes Deakin (AI)
Australian Champion Stolzsein Azca Arqueil
Below are some photos of the Sires  parents and Grandparents
These magnificent Rottweilers belong to Eckart Salquist of Jenecks Rottweillers in the USA.
Multi VI Most Beautiful Jenecks Wotan ScH III, IPO III, FH, AD Gekort biz Eza
ARV CH Jenecks Uno ScH  III FH, AD Gekort, BH
Oberhundes Bessie owned by Frank and Belinda Picak Oberhundes Rottweilers Australia
Below are photos of the Dams parents
Australian Champion Linbedach Twist n Shout
owned by Samantha Bradley Stolzsein Rottweilers Australia
Australian Champion Zamuich Count Arcey
owned by Andrew Kingdom Zamuich Rottweilers Australia
ARV CH Jenecks Uno ScH  III FH, AD Gekort, BH