The Shellac Shanty

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Best of Bourbon Street - May 1998
The Shanty was recently awarded Best of Bourbon Street for May 1998... Thanks!

Welcome to the Shellac Shanty.
You'll notice that graphics are almost non-existant here... the reason?
I wanted to make as much room as I could for the tunes in the
Jukebox .

I happen to like older jazz, and I have a pretty substantial collection of 78 rpm records,
So I decided that I would share a few with you.
Pull up a comfy chair, sip your favorite cool beverage, and enjoy well over 90 minutes total of old jazz.

What else do I like? I like trains. I like photography. I like crank-up phonographs. I like Nawlins.
I also write poetry, but that's another day and lifetime.
If there's any interest, and I have any disk space left over, I'll put some up.

Go check out the Japanese Hawaiian Records or Laughing and Crying Records pages!!

Hello there...Instead of new files, we have some older transfers to share.
Caveats: these files were done a LONG time ago, and may not be up to the level of quality of those in the Jukebox. Also, there is little or no information about these files, so any input would be GREATLY appreciated.

The info may be buried in the files if you have an older version of the RealAudio player - the G2 player won't show copyright info (which is where the label and catalog numbers are).
This is the way to the Jukebox, all files are in streaming RealAudio. Enjoy!

If you have any comments, please feel free to drop me an eMail.
The address is

This is the starting point for the Shellac Shanty System, a series of shellac sites, each catering to different musical aspects of the 78rpm era.
The Shellac Shanty
It's the one that started it all, jazz & swing & more!
The Other Shellac Shanty
This is where the 78 jazz albums live
The Little Grass Shellacky Shack
The site for Hawaiian 78s
Wacky Shellacky
The site for Novelty and Humour 78s - under construction
The Shellac Shanty Annex
More 20s 30s and 40s recordings, plus a complete Glenn Miller EP set
The Shellacky Barn
The site for older Country & Western 78s - just opened and being built
The Swingin' Shellac Section
Hey, Daddy-o, swing it out here at this NEW site!
The Home Recording Site
The site for home-recorded discs and cylinders - under construction
Home Page of Brad the Impaler
My original home page

Here are some other interesting shellac sites you can cehck out:
Swazoo Koolak's Jukebox A great site with more 78 rpm music in MP3 format - rotates monthly.
The Wolverine Antique Music Society site Gus Frederick's site with LOTS of info on 78 collecting, Crapophones, and Red Columbos.
ShellackyToonz! Brian just put this up, plus links to a GREAT .mp3 player.
May not be available during tornado season.
the Cyberspace World Railroad Dan Dawdy's DEFINITIVE site on railroading. If it's about trains, it's here.
Red Hot Bands, 1895 - 1929 This is an EXCELLENT site for research and a LOT of streaming audio 78s.
Glen's Vintage Jazz and Hot-Dance Pages Another shellac site with excellent jazz and hot dance 78s, all in MP3 format.
Jim & Marianne's Jukebox "Popular" acoustical recordings (made prior to the current date minus 77 years, i.e. January 1922 as of today) and Edison Diamond Disc recordings.
Martin's 78 Turntable This site has RealAudio streams of hot tunes from the Jazz Age as well as (mostly harmless) fun tunes from the past.
Dismuke's Virtual Talking Machine Another fine collection of streaming RealAudio files centered on music from 1900 to the 1930s. Rotates periodically, and the files are download-able.

If you would be so kind as to Sign My Guestbook I would kindly appreciate it.
If you just want to Look at the Guestbook you are most welcome to do so.

This page is hosted by the Kind Folks at Where you can get your own Free Home Page
Oh, yes, you are visitor number since 11/9/1998 to the Shellac Shanty & Social Club.

To see where The Shanty would be in CyberNawlins, Check out this Fine Map
Click on the map to browse

For more info about the creator,
go to the Home Page of
Brad The Impaler.
Thank you.

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