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Last change: Feb 22nd 1999


about me

picture1So you're curious. Curious enough to take a look at my personal page. Or are you just curious to see what I look like, what I do like, where I life and what I usually do?
This page might provide you with the answer... I'm not promising anything, though!

How could I start this nice little story about me. Well, hmmm, I was born. You might add now that that's what people usually are. Everybody gets born. True. I was born ages ago in the ancient year of 1973. That makes me... well figure it out yourself how old I am now. I have no clue what date is today so how should I know...

Thomas, Picture 2 Anyways I'm roughly 25 years old (if you're still curious: I was born on the 7th October 1973, and if you want you can send me a nice birthday mail. I like getting mail!

What else could I tell you that you might find interestening. Oh, yeah you might want to know where I am from.
I was born and passed most of my life in a small town in Northern Italy called Brixen. That link should provide you with an up-to-date photograph of my hometown.
When I left home to study, I moved to the University of Innsbruck. And here is still where I usually can be found. On my year abroad I studied in Manchester at UMIST. And I definitively had a good time there.

And then there's a few places where I might be found if I'm online:

Ancient Anguish First of all there's the very first MUD I ever played: Ancient Anguish. I'm there every now and again, not so much for playing reasons, but because I know quite a few people on there and it's always nice to meet old friends. And - take care if you meet someone called Wowbagger!
Then there's another MUD you could try your luck on as well: DiscWorld; based on the books by Terry Pratchett. If you'll ever meet a wizard called aSillyName whilst being there, send him your greetings - and never tell him, his's got a silly name!
Olymp, a BBS And finally there's a BBS I'm using quite often as well: Olymp. I'm not going to offer you a link to that one, well, not now at least. Because I think the homepage this BBS has to offer is not worth mentioning. They're promising a new one; perhaps then they'll get a link. As for now... that's just my sort of protest.