Maitre has closed down his page

I don't know if I will reopen this page or not. I might if I feel like I have a reason to do so. I need a purpose for a website, and currently I don't really have one. I could make it a page about my writing (essays, poetry, short stories, ramblings, ponderings, opinions, my philosophies), but nah. I could write computer tutorials, but nah. I could upload some speeches I gave, but nah. I could put a page of my artwork, but I'm not an artist. I could make this a page where I am asking for donations for the Maitre college fund. I like that idea. I really like that idea, but nah. Likely, this page will just sit here, like it is right now, for an obscene long period of time.

Still Reading? Fine, then I will give you a little history. This page was once known as Maitre's Playland. It was had a dancing gator set atop a Sarah Brightman background. It had information about my thoughts regarding Sarah Brightman, why "Y'all" is far a better term than "You guys" (trust me on this, I know), it had information about me (including cute baby pictures), it had other stuff (like a guestbook, message board, and stuff like that). All in all, a pointless website, but it was my pointless website.

If you are still reading, I still have more rambling. I had uploaded some pictures I drew a couple years ago. I created some quick little cheesy pages for only family and close friends to see, but what the heck, I will go ahead and let you see what I had done. I stopped drawing, so I am back to stick figures. Oh, I have a bad habit of hehehehe'ing. I think I am out of that now, but the link will show you what I mean. The reason I don't draw.