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One of the few things that I really love to do, other than saxophones and music, is to get involved into the Internet and computers.  Some of the stuff that I do online are surfing, chatting with friends (via ICQ and IRC), and of course, e-mailing to them.   To date, I've been involved in the Internet for about 3 years (and counting).


Internet Relay Chat, or IRC for short, involves multiple users joining into chatrooms and chatting with other users.  The most popular irc client being mIRC, users from all over the world are able to communicate with each other and become virtual friends.  With IRC, I've made quite a few friends myself, and most of them I've never met before.  The most popular irc program or irc client is mIRC.  There are a few other irc clients such as pIRCh and more, but mIRC remains the more prevalent client.   This irc client can be downloaded at the mIRC homepage.

There are many irc servers around, with DALnet, IRCNet, and Undernet being the most popular ones.  The servers that I usually join are IRCNet and DALNet.  In IRCNet, the channels that I frequent are #gossip, #unichat, #mamak21, #mamak, and #prime.  Of late, I've been more 'active' in #gossip and #unichat than others.  You can find me in one of these channels, and nick that I use is [-K0Z20-].

Here are some friends that I've made with in IRC (some of them have homepages you can check out):

#gossip: bigBADwof, piKey, oOlUi-, frenchie, Swe3ti3, G|ng3r, DeXtEr, nite-hawk, buG_C, BLUECOW, k4g4m1z, nAfnAf and many more.. (sorry ah, if I left anyone out!  Tell me and I'll add in..!).  Check out their homepage as well.. it's maintained by oOlUi-.

#unichat: sheMoves, |atte/gReEnPepp, Advan, ^VorteX^, JuSTiN^X, Sp|key, hap3e, Puck, |nf|n|ty, t|nkerbeL, DrF, and more...

#kajangsatay (in DALNet): BadSector, DarkStarz, MaDDoGg_BiGGiE, Killer-Demon, KillerAngel, AccessDenied, FlipSide, jmjj, buG_C, nite-hawk, boofie, SHSIOW, ArchAnge|, Dark^Wolf, nottie-gal, jO^gIrL, rhodia, SoyaDude, King^/WarLord, and more.. This is the channel of my hometown of Kajang, and our town is famous for its satay, hence the name kajangsatay.

I feel glad that I was able to get to know them online, and even met some of them as well.  Unfortunately, not many of them stay on some of the channels and IRC in general, as some of them have finished their studies and some are working as well.   So IRC friends can come and go, but it has been a great pleasure getting to know some of them.


I Seek You, or ICQ (when mentioned quickly) is a chat program which only tells you who, of your friends, are online.  You don't get overwhelmed by the presence of a lot of users, as in IRC, but only with friends of whom you've added into your ICQ Contact List.  Each user is assigned a UIN, or Universal Identification Number, where each individual user is distinct from another.  You can chat with friends one-on-one basis, and can add a few others into the chat session, without having many users interrupting.  It's a really cool program as it allows you to find out who is online, and who is not.  You can download this cool program from their website at

My ICQ UIN is 7511438, or you can find me with my nick Eric Marienthal (that's corny, isn't it?)

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