[Site Stats]
Daisy Hannah BR
Since: 14th March, 2003
Version: 5, I just came to dance
Webmasters: Jully and Natty
Afiliates: A.F.C. Online | Totally DCHJ | SC8 World Forever More?
Siter sites: All About S Club 8 | Frankie and Calvin Unofficial More?

People, this the 5th version of the site, and we hope you like it!
Please if you find any problems in the site e-mail us! And if you want anything in the site, contact us too, don't get anything without permision, because we have been working really hard in the site, so please, e-mail us and ask for the material!
Don't forget to vote in the pool, sign the guestbook, and vote for us in the awards and top sites! And e-mail us with your opinion! That's it, enjoy!

[News and Updates]

Hiya!!!Sorry for no updates!!!We are so busy!And we are making a new site,with graphics,when it opens we'll tell you,guys!So,today's update is a new affiliate calleed Popstarnet Forum,it's really good,so enjoy it!Byee!

By:Natty and Jullyon April 9th

*Siggy and Banner*
Hey! Just a little update! I've added 1 new siggy, and 1 new banner, bye!!
By:Natty on April 1st

*Siggy and Banner*
Hey! Just a little update! I've added 1 new siggy, and 1 new banner, bye!!
By:Jully on April 1st

*Siggy and Pool*
Hiyaaa,guys!!!Well,I've just added one siggie of Hannah,it's on the graphics page!I've put the pool's result at the fan's opinion section and change the pool,I hope you like the new question,start to vote!And keep voting for us!Byee!
By:Natty on March 29rd

Heeeeyyy!!! Today, I've added 4 new wicked siggies! Now I know how to use brushes! and my new graphics are better then the others! LoL Well, we decided to just make Daisy and Hannah graphics, because the site is dedicated to them, so, e-mail us, and tell what you think, if we should make all members graphics or Daisy and Hannah graphics, ok?! Bye
By:Jully on March 24rd

*Pool's things*
Hey!!!First I wanna say sorry,cause I am not updating,it's cause of the tests in my school!And sorry cause we change the pool every saturday,and we couldn't,so today I've changed the pool,and puted the results on the fans opinion!So,start to vote!Thanx!Bye!
By:Natty on March 23rd

*XP Icons*
Hiya! I was really really sick last week so i could not update, but now I'm back! I've opened a new section, 'XP Icons', and there you'll find icons to use in the XP users! I'll ask Natty to change the pool, because I don't know how to do it =S Ok people I gotta go, thank you for visiting the site and voting for uskeep doing it! Byyyeee
By:Jully on March 22th

*New Siggie and Link us Buttons*
Hey people! Sorry for the lack of updates... We have been really busy lately, but we'll keep updating, don't worry about that! So, today I've added a new siggie, and I've changed all the link us buttons, I've put lots of new wicked button, better then the others! And all the buttons are separeted by size! Keep voting for the site and supporting us!And I'll do the new layout with a tag board!!!!!! Byyye, see ya!
By:Jully on March 18th

*Happy Birthday, Daisy Hannah BR!*
Heeeeyy! Happy Birthday to us, happy birthday to us!!! Today the site turns 1!!!!!! :D Well, thanks Natty for the graphic, and sorry for not updating the site, I was at my father's house, but I'll try to do something to the site tomorrow, ok?? Byyye
By:Jully on March 14th

*Happy Birthday, Daisy Hannah BR!*
Heeeeyyy!!!Today's our site birthday!So,I've opened a new section called Site Birthday,and there is a graphic that I made there,and,plz,if you could,make a graphic and send it to me or jully,then we will put it on here!Thanxxx!
By:Natty on March 14th

*Pool's things and Pics*
Hiya!!I've changed the pool,so plz,vote,and added the new fan's opinion!Added new pics from Ministry of Maythem,the cake thing, it's on gallery!That's it!Keep voting for us,thanxx!!
By:Natty on March 13th

*Vote for us*
I've added a button to vote for us in the top s club sites, it's in the first page of the site, that's it, vote for us!
By:Jully on March 10th

*New sections*
I've opened 2 new sections: Closed Signs Section(in graphics section) and a funny pics section(in media section). If you have any pics, send to us!
By:Jully on March 9th

*Pool's things*
Hi!!We've changed the Pool and put the result on The Fan's Opinion!And, today's Paul(Ex-Sclubber "7") Birthday,so Happy birthday,Paul!!
By:Natty on March 6th

*Their own TV show*
Hiya,guys!!Finally a new from S Club 8,thy were on a little vacation,andnow I guess they will back with some news,yeah,that's right,SC8 will have own TV show,called I dream and is set to be on telly by the end of the year!You can read more on this site and we really hope it's true!That's it!
By:Natty on March 6th

Hey! Sorry for not updating, we're really busy at school but I promisse will try to update more, ok?! Well... I've added a free siggie section to use in foruns, and it's in the graphics section, please do not steal them! Thanks, Byeee
By:Jully on march 3th

*Pool and Fan's Opinion*
Hey!!I've change the pool,and added the other result pool on Fan's Opinion!So,start to vote on this new question!That's it!Byee!
By:Natty on February 28th

*New Affiliate*
Hiya,guys!Just here to say that I've added a good new affiliate,called Feel The Rush,visit it!And sorry about the videos,cause we are having problems,but I will try to put it!Tomorrow we will change the pool,so keep voting!
By:Natty on February 27th

*New Version*
Hey! The new version is up, with new graphics, downloads, sections, a new video, new pool, links, lots of things, we hope you like it!!
By:Jully and Natty on February 25th
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