Real Fairy Tales :


Webmaster: Real Fairy Tales
Layout: Mary
Launched: 29/06/05
Foreigners Online


*** We Are Back!!! 08/01/08***

  • It took us a while but we are defnetly back!

    After unpleasent events, unecessary fights and plenty of disapointments which almost cost the closing of Real Fairy Tales, after a long converstaion we've decided that closing the Fairy Land wasn't an option so we decided to re-open the site.

    As you can see we have some changes, big changes. We grew out of some things around and decided to expand the horrizons. This Interactive Story site is no longer dedicated only to Blue or any of the boys, now if - it's your wish - you can post stories about anyone you want, any singer, band, actor etc...

    We've re-opened with a few updates and only 2 new stories. Well... our email got crazy and lost some of the material we've had so we're asking the writers if they can send us the chapters or the stories sent before so we can post them propperly.

    You can also notice that some stories are gone. Those who know what happend are aware that the banment of these writers and their stories are for the best to not cause any trouble.

    We're still having problems with our schedule, so be patient, the site won't be updated weekly as before, we're gonna try to update it once or twice a month depending on the month, so, if we don't update at all don't push us through email or posting on the tagboard 'cause you know we're doing our best here to give you some entertainment.

    Well, this is it! We're back and we hope you enjoy your staying. Old and new writers, welcome to the Real Fairy Tales.

    Jan & Lis
