The Serpent's Egg

Dead Can Dance


The birds of leaving call to us, 
yet here we stand 
endowed with the fear of flight. 
the winds of change consume the land, 
while we remain 
in the shadow of summers now past. 
When all the leaves 
have fallen and turned to dust, 
will we remain 
entrenched within our ways. 
the plague that moves throughout this land 
Omen signs 
in the shapes of things to come. 

Tomorrow's child is the only child. 


In the Kingdom of the Blind the One-Eyed are Kings

If it were within our power, 
beyond the reach of slavish pride. 
To no longer harbour grievances, 
behind the mask's opportunists facade. 
We could welcome the responsibilty 
like a long lost friend, 
and re-establish the kingdom of laughter 
in the dolls house once again. 
For time has imprisoned us 
in the order of our years, 
in the discipline of our ways 
and in the passing of momentary stillness 
we can view our chaos in motion 
and the subsequent collisions of fools 
well versed in the subtle art of slavery. 


Song of Sophia 

With one wish we wake the will 
within wisdom. 
With one will we wish the wisdom 
within waking. 
Woken, wishing, willing.



John Francis Dooley 
wipe the sleep from your eyes 
and embrace the light. 
You have slept now 
for a thousand years 
beneath starless nights. 
And now its time for you 
to renounce the old ways 
and see a new dawn rise. 
In former days 
the masks were raised 
when the god came down 
from off the mountain, 
and a sacrifice was made 
for they knew the day of wrath 
was fast apporaching. 
Just like yesterday, before the war 
John Francis Dooley 
the scapegoat has run 
all our sins are disowned, 
and now it's time for you 
to take off thy mask 
and cross the Rubicon. 
If you and I were one 
within the eyes of our designs 
it would still not change 
the fact of our leaving. 
For tonight we must leave 
with the first gentle breeze 
for the Isles of Ken we are assailing 
Just like Ullyses, on an open sea. 
On an oddysey of self discovery. 



Dead Can Dance

Spleen and Ideal

Into the Labyrint

Within the Realm Of A Dying Sun


Toward the Within

A Passage in Time
