
Dead Can Dance

Black Sun 

Man of fire.
I've seen the eyes of living dead.
It's the same game - survival.
The great mass play a waiting game.
Embalmed, crippled, dying in fear of pain.
All sense of freedom gone.
Black sun in a white world.
Like having a black sun in a white world.
I have a son,
His name is Eden.
It's his birthright,
Beyond estranged time.
Give me 69 years,
Another season in this hell.
It's all sex and death as far as I can tell.
Like Prometheus we are bound,
Chained to this rock of a brave new world,
Our godforsaken lot.
And I feel that's all we've ever needed to know,
'Til worlds end and the seas run cold.
Give me 69 years,
Another season in this hell.
There is sex and death
In mother nature's plans.
Like Prometheus we are bound,
Chained to this rock of a brave new world,
Our godforsaken lot.


Fortune presents gifts not according to the book

Fortune presents gifts not according to the book
Fortune presents gifts not according to the book
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
What various paths are followed in distributing honours and possesions
She gives awards to some and penitent's cloaks to others
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
Sometimes she robs the chief goatherd of his cottage and and goatpen
And to whomever she fancies the lamest goat has born two kids
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
Because in a village a poor lad has stolen one egg
He swings in the sun and another gets away with a thousand crimes
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

Song of Sophia

With one wish we wake the will
within wisdom.
With one will we wish the wisdom
within waking.
Woken, wishing, willing.



Dead Can Dance

Spleen and Ideal

Into the Labyrint

Within the Realm Of A Dying Sun

The Serpent's Egg

Toward the Within

A Passage in Time
