Mestre JC


Read through or go to last updated  03 APRIL,  2003

**Check on Sep 2001 Singapure X Master J C (link to JC  Protest Against Violence)

**Check on OUSADO & J C (link to play following a game from my Protest Against Violence)

            **Check on JC x USA (link to play following a game from my Protest Against Violence)

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Thankyou for coming so far (down under?!) to this site!! I would like to invite everybody to participate and help us play the Capoeira Internet.


Capoeira (Internet) is our revolutionary 2000 cultural weapon!!

From Webster's Dictionary:

Icon·o·clast(I•kon'u•klast"), —n.
Etymology: Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from Middle Greek eikonoklastEs, literally, image destroyer,
from Greek eikono- + klan to break -- more at CLAST
Date: 1641
1 : one who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration
2 : one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions

If you can read Portuguese, when you find this sign click here  go and check out the original text at the Portuguese link. Translations sometimes may hide the "$pice flavour" of its content.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sydoni Smith
To: ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:36 PM

I must clarify that I have not trined directly under Master Geni, founder  and true master of Zambiacongo, and in no way want to express any disrespect  to him. On the few meetings I have been fortunate enough to meet him I was  impressed and respectful. I do not feel that he is even aware of the truth  and issues involved in capoeira in Byron Bay, Australia. I certainly have  not spoken to him and any information he has received has been passed on in  a chinese whisper fashion. He has not recently observed the work I have been  doing in capoeira and has no reference to comment on my progress.If I have  caused him any embarrasment I strongly appologise. I understand the work he  does in capoeira is close to brilliant. Working with the street kids,  ect........... I do not mean to generalise when I speak of my unfair  treatment and definately offer no shame to capoeira it self, after all I  have played for eight years out of love and interest.
I just want to recognize and acknowledge that there is reason for concern  about grading unfairness and capoeiristas being mistreated in the name of  money and egos. I want to stop the mistruths that have evolved and create a  fair playing feild for all.
To give the children in Australia the oppurtunity to be a part of capoeira  not get caught up in body building, weight and muscle image concerns that  are as maladaptive as the sought after model image that girls starve  themselves to acheive. This is the message being given to the children.
Young students see people not train for a year and give their money at  grading and be allowed to grade. These children and teenagers have approached me with their concerns.They themselves work hard all year for what others just get handed for a few bucks.They are shown that to be the biggest is what capoeira is about that to hand over money is the ticket to the next grade. Those who can make the group more money are also rewarded with belts. Is this prominent in other countrys. I do not see it as a specific group or master or in the name of capoeira, but individuals with no morals destroying the truth of capoeira.
Capoeira will always be a part of my life and I will not loose it just because of unfounded misguided judgements. Capoeira does not need academys and belts and tournaments. I see that now. It is intrinsic and about freedom and breaking through the chains of life that enslave you. I have been enslaved by the indoctrination that being graded is of importance. I felt it
was neccesary so I could work with children and teach them the wonders and skills of the art of capoeira. But I now give up working in this system. I will find other ways to keep the art alive.
Sydoni Smith.

----- Original Message -----
From: hermes rios <> To: Mestre Jeronimo
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: About women + Capoeira in AUS + human corruption

Don't blame the art CAPOEIRA. Don't say that CAPOEIRA is bad business. CAPOEIRA IS ABOVE US. CAPOEIRA  DOESN'T BELONG TO US, WE BELONG TO CAPOEIRA. What you and many others in Australia and all over the world
need to do is to do better character research on capoeira "masters". There's a bunch of "safados" who abuse a title that we don't even know who gave it to them, or if in fact it was ever given. What you gringos/as need to do is to stop making MAN (capoeira masters) GODS.
People make mistakes, people have different set of values. Don't drop capoeira because of people with no values. Find a good, decent masters with honesty and integrity in his/her heart.
Itabora - from BR

----- Original Message -----
From: Sydoni Smith <> To: Mestre Jeronimo
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 10:48 AM

After playing Capoeira in Australia for eight years and instructing classes  for four years, I now understand why there is need to be concerned about the  direction Capoeira is taking in this country. I have found the reason I have  stayed involved in recent years is in fact to share my knowledge, love and  experience of this art form with others. Having taken the opportunity to  instruct classes I have been extremely rewarded by feedback and observing  students learn and progress from my insights and instruction.

We know Capoeira began out of a need for slaves to free themselves from  there oppressors. It enabled these slaves not only to physically escape but  also to discover freedom within their bodies through the movements and game
of Capoeira. It was a tool to liberate the slaves and give them all round  freedom.

This is what Capoeira in Australia should be offering students. The reasons  for the birth of Capoeira and to give students the chance to play the art  and experience freedom and liberation. To learn the ritual and reasons  behind its existence. Not to be drawn into an egotistical display of bravado  and acrobatics, in a circle where the maladaptive ego rules over the beauty  of the art of Capoeira. This is so prominent in Australia. Capoeira is  poetry in motion, evidence the slaves existed and were smart enough to  escape their oppressors.

It is no secret that Capoeira did not begin as a sport but has in fact  evolved as a modern sport. It is also apparent that in its modern evolution  it has lost much of its context and truth. Yes we should be concerned about  this.

I am a sports science major with a degree in Human movement (exercise  science). I have been involved in sports and competition for 24 years. I  have been practicing Yoga for 11 years and Martial arts for ten years, eight  being Capoeira. I do not speak to you as a novice.

From all my experience and research I can confidently and factually state  that sport is business. That is not to say it does not have many other  rewarding attributes. It is however a multi million dollar industry.  Capoeira in its purist form, what it truthfully is, is not a sport. In  Australia and around the world that's precisely what the major groups are
existing for. Yes the art is being lost students are being mistreated all in  the name of money.

I am very versed on the bullshit politics between groups, masters and  teachers in this country and finally after being involved with various  schools I can confidently draw the conclusions I now present to you.

I have no fear in naming groups and teachers as its about time I did. I have  been involved with group Zambiacongo Australia for 5 years. I have taken  much pride in this group and have operated from Byron Bay. I have been  graded at the  Batizados each year, and been actively involved with  teaching, administration and the development of other students. I have been  dedicated, reliable, highly involved, and truthful to the art and passing  the jewels of Capoeira onto others. I am now in the situation where by I  have been mistreated. I have now had to take a double look and assess
current Capoeira in this country.

I have left grupo Zambiacongo, Master Geni Capoeira from Bahia, and  apologies that I have only been awakened by my  own misfortune. Hopefully  this will prevent unfair behaviour for other  unaware students.

Each year we had a Batizado, each year the criteria  changed. These changes  developed,  not within structured rules but to suit the business of the  group. When I graded for my early belts playing the Berim-Bau was essential,  others who proceeded after me for the same belts could not even hold  Berim-Bau. I have for years felt that discrimination was happening but over  looked it because I was in awe of Capoeira and my teachers skill. People who  had not trained all year would suddenly appear at grading time offer their  money and be allowed to grade. Students who obviously had no participation in Capoeira that year. Belts where invented for other students that had  never even existed before. It seemed changes were invented to accommodate  not a valid structure but successful business. The biggest and the strongest
where the heroes and the ones who where dedicated and held knowledge,  experience and a true sense of the art and its reason for being were  over  looked.

I recently stated to my teacher, that another student, who is taking my  position in Byron due to my departure (named after a white shark, but would  be more suited named after a slimy snake due the fact he has been  undermining me due to the fact I would not have a sexual relationship with  him) could make the group more money. This has been prominently the reason
behind my mistreatment. This student has been out of Capoeira for one year.  My teacher agreed and unfortunately is more concerned about money to be made  then quality of teaching. Again Capoeira is dying as a business.

It is obvious many people are attracted to Capoeira because of its  demonstration of physical skills, acrobatics and precision. It is beauty to  the eye. My teacher for the last five years, Barrahvento,is a true master in  his physical talent and is literally brilliant at displaying awesome body  control and strength. As are other teachers in this country. This is the
main reason for there huge following of students. Sadly the majority of  humans value others and themselves on extrinsic displays of beauty and skill  and over look true inner worth. The show of Capoeira and the big business is  what is winning in this country and I can now understand Master Jeronimo's  concern. The intrinsic nature and essence of Capoeira is being killed. Sadly it is not only apparent in Capoeira but is in fact human dilemma and  the unfair and superficial way that most of the world politics operate.  Capoeira is the concern though and I do not believe anything can be done to
stop its demise and deterioration as the majority usually wins and  unfortunately the majority of teachers have not a lot of integrity to the  art of Capoeira but pride themselves on the business of Capoeira. In my  opinion it is unavoidable that Capoeira become a huge money making  competitive sport with no memory of its fore fathers the slaves. Bimba did a
good thing to have Capoeira legalised but unfortunately in its  institutionalisation and progress it's truth is being lost.

Commendations to Jeronimo who  is fighting and also being abused by other  teachers and groups for his good intentions to promote a healthy true  Capoeira and teach the world about its essence. He is seemingly a minority  in the numbers of true masters.

Sydoni Smith.

----- Original Message -----   From: eterno vagabundo revolucao Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: capoeira south korea

** This game was send from BR in Portuguese but contains English subject/ginga. If you want to know more about it, if you can ginga Portuguese, go to Problems in AUS

Hi, JC and Jorge Draga, I would like to ask you to read this beloow and hear your views on this subject. It seems that this Corean boy is learning Capoeira at your Roda ?! And it's already a "master" in the art?! What is going on?! I hope to hear from you.

O Eterno Vagabundo  - Peace

>--- In delaseoul@y..., "FITZCARL" wrote: friday august 9th paper >

> > Saturday, August 10, 2002

> > Dancing with the enemy

> >

> > At a nondescript gym in Nowon-gu, northeast Seoul, an unfamiliar  rhythm emanates from within, one rarely heard in
these Eastern parts.

> > Singing to the beat of a drum, students encircle two opponents  fighting - or are they dancing? - in a smooth, ritualistic
motion.  ¡ãTwo capoeiristas test their physical prowess in the ritual circle, or "roda," at Hanyang Gym in Nowon-gu.
Instructor Choi Hyun-hwa is in  the background, playing the drum.  A taekwondo studio during the day, every night this
"dojang" becomes  the training ground for another type of "do," or martial art, one  with its contemporary origins in Brazil and
its roots in Africa -  capoeira.

>>"I have to thank Marc Dacascos for my business," said instructor Choi Hyun-hwa, referring to the actor who artistically
displayed the  fighting art in the 1993 American film, "Only the Strong," which  prompted many of his students to seek him

> >  Because of its athletic grace and its accompaniment by  traditional Brazilian music, it is often mistaken as a "dance," to
 the irritation of some capoeira enthusiasts.  But Choi doesn't mind this characterization.  "If you do it right, it looks like a
dance," Choi admits. But with a  fourth degree black belt in taekwondo, Korea's traditional martial  art, Choi himself is
inclined to teach capoeira as self-defense. Choi is known among Seoul's martial artists as the first master to  teach capoeira
in Korea. Five years ago, his own taekwondo master, who had seen capoeira on his travels abroad, demanded Choi learn
the  African-rooted art form.
> > Since then, Choi has shuttled back and forth from Seoul to Sydney,  Australia, learning capoeira from trained masters
there. And just last year, he began teaching techniques to interested students at his  own dojang.

> >

> > He seems to be right. In his classes, his students seem as caught up  in the rhythm of the music as they are focused on
perfecting their  technique.
> > At his gym, Choi teaches a traditional style of capoeira, but his  knowledge of other martial arts - kendo and "teukgong
musul"  (special  forces combat training) in addition to taekwondo - cannot help but  come through. "To teach self-defense,
it wouldn't be fair to students  to exclude some moves, just because they belong to another martial  art," he said.

> > Rather than guarding the secrets of this traditional art, Choi seeks  to share his knowledge of capoeira with as many
Koreans as  possible. "What's the point of enjoying these great techniques by  myself?"

> > By Catherine Jun Staff reporter (cjun@k...)

> > 2002.08.09 >From: catherine

>To: Fitzcarl
>Subject: Re: could you please let me know how to contact master choi hyun hwa
>Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 16:24:47 +0900

>Classes are 6 days a week, 8pm to I believe 9:30pm. Dropping in at about 7:30 or so would probably be good.
>The gym's phone # is 02- 3392-4382, but Choi Hyn-hwa doesn't speak very good English. He can possibly pass it onto someone who does.
>Good luck,

From Fitzcarl Sun Aug 11 00:21:46 2002
>Subject: could you please let me know how to contact master choi hyun hwa
>dear catherine jun,
>thank you so much for your wonderful article. could you please let me know how to contact master choi hyun hwa. how
can i find the hanyang gym in nowon gu.
>i have been looking for a capoeira school for years in korea. i have been here for about four years already. i have studied
capoeira angola in new york for three years. but my training stopped after leaving new york to come to korea.

----- Original Message -----
From: Canguru To: ; Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002

Subject: Bantus Capoeira Australia

~ ~ ~  About this game: This 'Jogo' was performed in Portugues - yet, Mestre Pintor student replyed in English to BR - later, after I've called him to respect Capoeira and his "graduation" he sent a proper reply to BR with FUNDAMENTO DE JOGO ** If you want to know more about it check out 'RODA' and also Shaming BR Culture in AU

Caro Mestre Jeronimo, Dear Mestre Jeronimo,

I don't like to communicate through E-mail, yet I was notified from some gossip (from Mestre Jorge Draga) and would like to reply. I will reply in English...

eu nao gosto muito de communicar pelo email, mesmo, quase que nao pego no computador, mas fui notificado
de algumas foffocas que sinto obrigado a responder. vou escrever em ingles pois a primeira carta estava escrita assim.

I'd like to respond briefly to M. Jorges request to remove links to his and other Australian sites.  The links were placed in a spirit of goodwill to promote Capoeira in general and direct people with an interest in Capoeira to groups in their area.  However we have no problem in removing those links and this has been attended to by our web master.

In response to the other two pages of M. Jorges lengthy request I'd firstly like to say that the elected senior position on our committee is that of chairperson. The cultural leader of our group is Mestre Pintor and this is recognised with the honorary
title of President, it is not an elected position recognized by our constitution, and he is not a member of the committee, rather it is an acknowledgement of the respect that we give to the Master of out group.

The upcoming elections are not urgent, as has been suggested, rather they are timed to the start of the financial year.  The meeting has been discussed with our members over the past few months. Our members think that listing Mestre Pintor as our President is a nice gesture of respect to acknowledge the support and direction that he provides.

This direction is shown by the two six month residencies of two experienced Bantus instructors here in Perth that M. Jorge unfortunately forgot to mention, professor Gringo and Carlos Alberto. Professor Gringo is known personally or by reputation
to many Capoeira professionals in Australia and Brasil and his quality of teaching would be acceptable anywhere.

Personally I am proud of our group here in Perth, of mine and everyones efforts to make it as good as it is today.  We have increased in size and quality despite all the "generous" help shown by the Western representative of the Aussie Capoeira Federation (such as being asked NOT to visit classes nor attend events).

Unfortunately M. Jorge has had little opportunity to see for himself the progress of our group as he has never accepted any invitation extended by myself or professor Gringo to visit our classes or events. He did not accept the request of professor Gringo for permission to attend and participate in a Samba de Roda training session or roda. In fact the only event
involving professor Gringo that M. Jorge attended was his farewell at the airport.

I am happy to communicate personally with anyone who would care to contact me. I find broadcast emailing unsatisfactory as the source of the information (rumour?) is often inaccurate, biased and uninformed.

I would like to extend a friendly invitation to anyone who comes to Perth to visit our group and see for themselves to make up their own minds.  I am sure that over time our good name will spread this way of its own accord. We're very easy to find, our group plays at least one roda on the street each week, winter, summer, rain or shine because we love to play and promote Capoeira.

If you cannot make it to Perth, have a look at our website, and keep your eyes open for upcoming events. Mestre Pintor will be visiting our group very soon for our first batizado and another one year residency is being arranged for one of the Bantus instructors to come over from Belo Horizonte.

We're looking forward to the day when we also get enough money from the government to be able to fly 15 people over from Brasil and the Eastern States and put everyone up in nice hotels for a Capoeira Festival. Until then, we'll do it under our own steam and work hard to build up Capoeira and promote this art which we all love.


Canguru - Tom Foss
Chairperson Bantus Capoeira Australia Inc.
0411 242 576

From: J C
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Subject: Are BRs "americanizing" their Culture - ?! Re: are Americans "Americanizing" Capoeira?!


Capoeira (global community, others)


    Indeed this 'subject' that Monique is calling in the Roda is very important and not the 1st time that we have a reference on this "game" - Who is... What is... (respect to) Capoeira!

    Many people will have lots to say, others nothing to add. But there's something that must B decided some of those 2000 days regarding this issue.

    I would like to add, to call your attention to the fact that people talk many times about the profession of Capoeira in a discriminative way - perhaps ignorance. Some, many, just want to "graduate" again the memory of the struggle of our people (Palmares), the work (luta) done... of Zumbi, Bimba, Pastinha... - they are icons to us - why people want to graduate professional Capoeira to die (live) into misery - social misery!?????

    Why? As I recall another day, to another call (from "grupo bantus" Perth AU) why the Daly Lama (for ex) can have a good life, a good time, travelling 1st class to do his "spiritual business" (of course in the gOod holy name of piece, evolution, liberation of his folks, etcs - social matters in 2000) and Us - CAPOEIRAA - professional capoeirista can't have the right to earn $$ for the (productive) work that we provide to YOU - right to enjoy FREEDOM (SOCIAL)!!! ??? - Why Capoeira has to be labelled as "piece and love" (?), fun thing, blablabla... for those that want to have fun THEMSELVES... and gladly (?) will spend their $$ to please others... BUT not Capoeira sons???? Cant' we respect Capoeira work? The problem of paying is irrelevant. What matters is the quality of the work you have... the comida (food) that you will put through your mouth - the graduate your spirit!

    I agree with this comment that we should look to Capoeira to evolve and belong (have fruits) at the place where we take it now, 2000. I fell the same, why can't an Australian (be aborigine or not) become a master (professional) and be respected for the work he/her is doing to evolve and educate the community? If... IF only this person has the knowledge (experience) of the traditions of the Ritual Capoeira, and respects the traditions of BRs; this "new - young" (mestre) can sing and (tune) master the Gunga to conduct the Roda and educate people  - ?! One does not to be "old" -- age does nnot prove you are the ONE - Capoeira!

    I don't think that only BR mestres can do the good JOB. But, I guess many of them (old?) fear that 'YOU' (in the memory will display as: outsiders - invaders ?!)  will take away the only "thing" (precious) that they have now to survive. They fell important in the eyes of society when they are NOW called "mestre" - Master was the invader?!

    Would YOU (non BR) consider that matter, of respecting these "old" masters (old) way of living in 2000. 'Cause to some it can B a hard adaptation to new times (of $lavery). So far, they would fell OK, we would like this to happen, to respect you when you are 'playing' your own games with Capoeira. - ?!@

    Of course there are far$ants and people that would never show ($show) respect to you (Capoeira) after that you (pay) for the (sportive) graduation (belt) they offer. Others, in the name of "tradition" (could be just bullshit!) will never recognise you to 'belong' (TO BE CAPOEIRA) indifferent of the colour of your skin and passport.  In fact, are those that agree with Galileo... ' Earth is round (like a Roda) ' ... intelligent people will lead to educate Capoeira sons. Yet that are many (new) traitors to "ZUMBI & PALMARES" (CAPOEIRA Way!) that are amongst U$ - and Them!!! (..)

One could only ADD this one more comment: "shadows (B it from a "negro" or "white" etc) don't have a different colour" !!!! Capoeira is Life!

Capoeira eh tudo o que a boca come!!! Let's us respect US!

Laroiê... !! Axe'

Me. jc

----- Original Message -----
From:  To: Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 11:38 AM

Subject: Nao saia na Chuva, se na quer se molhar


Yoji Senna

To:  (** a student of Master Loka in the USA)

Thank you Mrs. Sparague for writing.

I hope you have a good day when you receive this. That the Oxala' peace cape cover you with its eternal power.
First of all I don't think I'm disturbing, but, if, I'm sorry. Capoeira is something very important and dear to me, Capoeira is everything to me.
As you should be aware, I've talked extensively with Jay recently, and he have provided me with a good insight about you and your group. And particularly how you regard me. I absolutely understand why your fear me and have to resort to character assassination to explain your fear.
I don't have nothing personal against you, au contrarie. I admire your for your organizational skills and your care-de-pau by leading a Capoeira group. You're courageous and bold, and I admire that in a lady. But you're extremely lucky that your nemesis in town is me. I'm pretty mellow.
I would like to assure that if we cross paths (we will) your physical integrity as well those of your 'student' will be respected.
This is a small world and it's get smaller and overpopulated. I sent you the email so you could feel a taste of what is going on in the rest of the world. And cases like yours are being repeated everywhere.
I don't have a problem with teaching Capoeira et all. Nor because you're a woman, or white. But I have a problem with you doing whatever.
Last week I get a hold of a CD of your and was laughable at least.
It very offensive to me that was born na Capoeira, and am an Afro-Brazilian proud of my heritage to know that you're out there perpetrating, sounding like that and saying that you teach Capoeira.
If your physical Capoeira looks like you guys sound, Meu Deus!
That's is fact, Rosa, you can't cover the sun with your hands.
However I will contact everytime I feel like. Of course always inside the canons of civility and respect.
I wasn't born yesterday. And I've been dealing with Capoeira since the time your parents were thinking about conceiving you.
Rosa menina, Menina Rosa, I'm not out to get you at all. And, I would like you to succeed but above all, I demand, yeah, I demand you to do a respectable work.
We are playing social Capoeira, and in Capoeira you know that you don't block, you flow or dodge.
But, bottom line if you want to be left alone, start doing things right, if do know learn, but don't teach people half truths. You can fool some people sometimes, but you can fool all the people all the time. I've offered help with the music. If really had learn and practiced, by know you should be playing berimbau with Philharmonic. Get at the U, and learn Portuguese, go spend sometime in Bahia, or in Sao Paulo, or Cuiaba.' Prepare yourself to don't leave holes in your Ginga(atitude). In other words don't be bogus, or a false-pretender, an impostor. And you should be doing it for free, if not is fraud.
If you recall once when you came to our Quilombo, I asked you with taught you're qualified for the task, Do you remember you answer?
It's basics, You don't like me, or you're afraid, you think I'm a voodoo priest (hahaha). I didn't start Capoeira last night as you, and you like or not I'm established, and I know what I'm doing. I'm not guessing.
Is up to us to make things better.
Thank you again for writing to me, and thanks for give me the opportunity to express my taught directly to you.
As far talking to Loka. I don't is pertinent given that we supposed to meet when he was in town, but he let me down. And is you who is not doing Justice to Capoeira, Loka is allowing only.
nuff respect, that Exu open your paths and your mind.
I hope you read this with a open heart, and understand me a little bit better. I don't want to be your enemy.


Yoji Senna
with the beat on the feet since 1974.

rosa escreveu,

I am respectfully asking again, please leave us alone.
We want only to train capoeira in peace, under the
direction of our own master.

Please do not contact me. I am not interested in
receiving email from anyone except Mestre Loka
regarding our training of capoeira.

Please do not contact our students. If any of the
CapuraGinga students are interested in joining your
school, they know how to contact you.

If you have anything further to discuss, please direct
it to Mestre Loka.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: J C  To: Mestre Sena USA <> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Subject: cara-palida que esta 'ensinando capoeira' nos EUA


Pediu... ganhou... to enviando via espresso da meia noite... indiferente de cor e raca...  pra todo mundo!


----- Original Message -----
From:  To:
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: March is comming and I'm wandering on your thoughts Re: Canberra Capoeira

Muito Obrigado pela mensagem Jeronimo.

Gostaria se possivel que voce mandesse esta mensagem para,, e' um chaveco.

Essa e' a cara-palida que esta 'ensinando capoeira' representando o Loka, aqui Mpls.

Yoji Senna
----- Original Message -----   see  Problem of BRs in AU
From: J C
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2:02 PM

Subject: March is comming and I'm wandering on your thoughts Re: Canberra Capoeira

----- Original Message -----  From: "theme" <> To: "J C" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 1:55 AM

Subject: Re: Problem of BRs in AU = shaming the reputation of BR, culture and people - Capoeira!

Dear Jeronimo

Thank you for keeping me up to date of events in the Capoeira community.

I am heartened to see you are still playing a very effective and sincere  game, to untie the shackles that many capoeiristas still wear to serve their  masters' egos.

You are helping people move from a place of dependency and servitude to  become true, effective citizens of this earth. Who will demand what is  right, not what is proper.

For centuries, people did what they were told to. Environmental disasters,  wars, failures, because they were following orders. NO MORE, no more. In  order, for the human race to grow, we must learn to question each and every  aspect of our life. To demand an end to violence and slavery of minds.

I am with you in spirit, all the way.

Calada = USA

----- Original Message -----From: "J C" To: "Neil Bennun" <>Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000
Subject: Re: Mestre Ousado UK & J C AUS - From the game started in VIOLENCE

Neillie, I will try, try, to respond some of your questions below.

I know  your master Ousado, perhaps better than you do in some ways. Let me firstly remind you about US, Brazilians, and you guys, "so-called gringos"  - the way we behave... - our cultural differences - ?! Ye$$...!!!!!! Can you read or speak Portuguese?

Regarding my protest against violence, and the 'call' (Chamada -?!) I gave to the "so-called mestres" includes anyone that is directly or not involved in any act of aggression and disrespect to the Ritual of Capoeira. By the way, what's Capoeira to you?

Regarding Ousado and < when he comes back to Sao Paulo, where his 'home' school was founded some 27 years ago >, dear Neillie, did you hear about his last trip to S. Paulo, what happened there when people did play a tribute to him, during a public event, a batizado? - I read in a Brazilian Capoeira Magazine ((ABCapoeira, from Sao Paulo)  that one of Ousado's graduate was taken to a emergence (he was knocked out) after a confrontation with another... "so-called" belted... mestre?!

I don't have anything personal against Ousado or any Capoeira mestre, student, etc. I say that  people should be responsibly for such disrespect to the community (Capoeira) during such public events of Capoeira. I am not blaming people about being "black or white" or disrespecting anyone that plays Capoeira with respect. By the way, Ousado is again in AU participating at Edval's Boa Morte Batizado in Melbourne. I will see him if he comes to Sydney.

Anyway, I ike your way to approach me and I would like to say the same to you: <If I have mis-interpreted your intentions, please accept my apologies >.

There's no such a thing like "mestre de Capoeira" - we are all students of Capoeira, LIFE, so far we are alive. I prefer to say that we are professional capoeiristas, and if I use the word master, in English I believe it does say what I mean by professional, but in Portuguese the word "mestre" implies other (cultural, social...) situations to US in BR.

To end our game, why would you prefer to hide your voice from the Rod@ Virtual?

Axe'/LOVE to you. May the REAL Capoeira Ritual be always with you, to help evolve your body and spirit!


-----Original Message----- From: Jeronimo Capoeira Date: Thursday, 13 January 2000
Subject: Capoeira illiteracy can't drive out hate - JC

Diana Espinosa/USA, (Global Roda, Capoeira, 'people'... out there...)

Thanks for writing. Then, also, thanks for your 'short based' E-mail game.

Sorry but, YOU missed the REAL "game" (jogo de Capoeira) that is on display...on TV?! Yet, if people can't read a single book, what else can we do to enjoy our lives playing with Capoeira inside a Roda de Capoeira regardless of race, creed, sex, etc...?! The only relieve left for U$... perhaps, is to go shortly  playing IT and have a "fast one" (Capoeira game?) at oncle Mac's?! What do YOU, out there, think about IT, about such human  attitude?!

Regarding the subject about the "Jewish 'hate' and German" that Diana remarked bellow, I can't also deny the possible "hate" (in focus) that the 'Japanese people' would like to display against the American, regarding their holocaustic Capoeira atomic game and, of course, the native AUS (so-called aborigine people) "hate" to the English invader. Not  to mention other human that are still hating and fighting against each other ever since before the 'capoeirista' called 'Jesus '  played his Capoeira games on Earth. Therefore, if I am to be blamed for any spread of hate (?) there are lots of people everywhere that consent with "hate" by supporting the  Global promotion of Holly-wood and TV holocaustic business movies, just to give YOU a REAL example of IT?! Or this kind of promotion is intended to educate and stop our hate and quarrels in between ma$ters and $laves?!  Yes, Diana/USA, I can understand well what and why the Jewish community "play against" the Germans, yet, I don't see the same "educative promotion" regarding the Japanese, aborigine, Africans, etc., pain (fate?) promoted with the same intensity. Why?! Is there any difference in between the other holocaust human fate?!

Therefore, in my HP, I am exposing the same (human hate) quarrels that the capoeiristas from the Capoeira Angola style play against the modern martial arts capoeirista (Regional style) everywhere in an attempt to stop (control) it and help evolve our lives, Capoeira. Diana/USA, let me ask you a simple question: Do you play and live your life with REAL Capoeira?! Or should we just talk about fancy acrobatic move and worthless martial arts belts (cordao) and be happy forever?! Satisfied by playing 'capoeira' with the me$tre FMI commanding the Global Roda while our world is falling apart divided by such human hate and discrimination in our Rodas?!

In short words, E-mail, as you suggested, what's Capoeira anyway?! Capoeira is just to insist on repeating 100 "armada & martelo" kicks inside the Gym academy every day?! This kind of 'Capoeira' unfortunately is a poor Capoeira/life style to follow, in my professional human opinion!

My (their) message (regarding the remarks made by unknown Mr David Luzius <> about the kind of promotion my professional work with Capoeira, includes my HP, and your comments Diana)  to the world is clear, and I will repeat it with another 'short words' to YOU (Capoeira Angola X Regional) human capoeirista... out there... with 'THE WALL' inside your minds and souls:

*You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
iconoclast 'capoeirista' Mahatma Gandhi

*Darkness cannot drive out darkness;  only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
iconoclast 'capoeirista' Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Indeed, there are many people that are becoming disillusioned with Capoeira, life, as you stated bellow. But it is not just because me or the promotion I do to Stop The Violence and discrimination of the human race! Let's not deny who we are and what we have done and the "capoeira style" we want to follow and promote in the Roda/circle of life to evolve the lives of our Kids TO B... CAPOEIRA!

Thank you

Iconoclast 'capoeirista' JC

-----Original Message-----
From: Diana Espinosa <> Date: Wednesday, 12 January 2000
Subject: Re: HATE?!

i really don't understand what the disagreement is about and i doubt if anybody else who reads these long emails understands it either.  On the subject of Jewish "hate" and German Masters(?), I find it repugnant that you cannot comprehend what some Jewish people feel towards the German people and why. I don't know what tv program you are talking.  Can we talk about Capoeira and how interesting it is and how it can change people's lives regardless of race, creed, sex, etc...After reading these last few emails, I can see why people become disillisioned with capoeira.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeronimo Santos Da Silva  Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000
Subject: Re: HATE?!

Axe' David, (Capoeira, Brazilian community, people from our loved world...) ---- Regarding this message bellow:<

Thanks for the note. Where are you writing (playing) from?  I don't understand well what you mean. Yet, it seems to me as if you are trying to tell me that I am promoting something "bad" to Capoeira, the world?! You may correct me if I got it the wrong way.

Let me give you an idea of my way of playing with Capoeira in 2000:

After graduating myself to an AUS citzenship belt (?) years ago, I am now just folowing the educative way that the government (AUS) uses to progress our nation, eg; advertising that drink drive is a crime. Yet, you would be very surprised with the impact of such promotion on national TV. Some would say it looks very negative, heavy on people, but believe me, it does work! People, humans  unfortunatelly in general can't just listen to [please let's play peace and love]. My HP, my work with Capoeira, is based in the same constructive way, showing sometimes the opposite side of the moon to get U$ to the right side of the sun. Do you understand the (traditional) game of Capoeira I play?! I believe that my work, there are others in the same way, is doing well to help and to educate capoeiristas and people in general. It suits to evolve our lives and to 'play the game' by exposing the REAL mattters of Capoeira. This includes your remarks of our "mestres" of Angola & Regional and their followers students [whom set down quarrels that their mestres have with each other].

By the way, your message made me think about the news that I watched tonight about the "hate" (since you mentioned this word) that the Jew community still promotes to the whole world about their past quarrels with the Germans ma$ters... interesting it! As you know, Australia is now on the focus of this quarrel (HUMAN HATE?) that they have with each other. Could that B just a commercial based "HATE" game?! --- Perhaps?!

Yes, we are humans, and so far Capoeira, like other human matters we have inside our society, can give US a good picture of what humans can handle. Some can evolve, some others not! Some chose to hate, others will respect and also play (Capoeira) their lives with LOVE!

I don't know how far you are involved with the art and the rituals of Capoeira. I hope that you can have a good time and enjoy REAL Capoeira anyway. I will also send you the last message (game) that I played with the USA Capoeira. This message includes the 'news' about a new HP (bellow) from Canada. Check it out!



-----Original Message-----
From: David Luzius <>  Date: Monday, 10 January 2000 17:16
No subject

you page seems to spread quite a bit of hate within capoeira (regional or angolerias whom set down quarrels that their mestres have with each other)

Virtual Roda, Global Capoeira 2000...

Regarding this new  Capoeira HP from Canada - URL ml#Machismo

On December 6, 1999 Paul "Gigante" (USA) <> wrote to Calada (Canada) <>

<<As you can see, Jeronimo forwarded me your message. He also posted a message of mine on his website without asking permission or letting me know in any way that he was going to do so. This is part of his use of the internet as a form of capoeira.I have been connected with Capoeira for twelve years. I trained with Mestre Preguica who was trained by Mestre Bimba. I also took extensive workshops with Joao Grande, and Mestre Camisa, the founder of ABADA who was trained by Bimba, as well as several other notable masters of the art. I was very active in capoeira but now, although I teach a course in it once a year at the college I am on faculty at, I no longer am an active capoeirista.>>

<<I stopped being active because of nagging injuries (not from capoeira but from repetitive motion injuries incurred while teaching aerobic dance and the politics of capoeira!>> I have been teaching various forms of dance for 18 years) The nasty politics of capoeira are unavoidable, this is the main reason I have become inactive. The whole point of their game is to show to the other capoeiristas that they have the most power. Students are just game tokens in this sophisticated roda of life. Jeronimo is no exception. Please note that he calls himself "Master Capoeirista" in his bio even though he constantly is deriding "so-called masters". His "stop the violence" campaign is just his way of trying to become powerful without having the skills to back it up in the roda. Don't be taken in by his lies, he is just using you to make himself more powerful in his macho game of one-upmanship.>>


Indeed, "Capoeira is many things!" Such great words were stated with wisdom by the Mestre Pastinha, in Bahia, BR.

Calada, Virtual Roda, Paul contradicts himself and acts as a confusing capoeirista/dancer. Paul Capoeira skills evolved from his  training inside an academy Gym with his main mentor Prequica in the USA. Yet, I grew up in the Amazon jungle and learnt my first Capoeira steps when I was 13 years old (now I graduated 40...) in the streets, beaches and backyards of Manaus city. I was surprised to learn that he is a professional dance teacher. It seems very contradictory to me that a dancer (teacher) would follow and pray for master Prequica's aggressive Capoeira style as he does...?! By the way, I don't need to prove to Paul, to anybody (in a Roda) that I have two balls just by kicking and physically hurting regarding his remarks about my protests against violence and my updated Capoeira way of life: [to became powerful without having the skills to back it up in the roda] —??!  The ritual of Capoeira means more than to play such fancy commercial martial arts sport style that many people promote -? There are other ways to prove you ARE Capoeira, if you have (can use) your brain/computer and play deadly games! Let's (U$...) also play the "Matrix" Capoeira games...?!

Paul also missed out the REAL  'subject Capoeira' at school when he says that he (an educator) left the Roda (his Roda) because of the nasty politics of Capoeira. However, he should fight back to improve Capoeira and help U$ to stop the irresponsible mestres (teachers) and their student followers that are egotistic promoting disrespect and distressing our Global family. I don't like the way he commented about me suggesting to others that the only way to fight back oppression is to kick back in a Roda. A very poor Capoeira attitude! Where have our unique Mandinga & Malicia traditional Capoeira skills (wisdom & craftiness) of such "sportive trained" capoeiristas gone?!

Paul also says that I am lying to you/others...? I think that he is misrepresenting my person to others who he got involved with. Particularly  the "mestres" that often lied to him. I am not lying to anybody. Why would I <use you to become more powerful...> ?? Powerful to do what? Perhaps, to play/promote Capoeira in an aggressive way as he says he loves and teaches?! It looks again like Paul's following some kind of Authoritarian & Powerful Capoeira way that he learned from his mentors -?! I promote Capoeira and teach my fellow students to BE  ICONOCLAST warriors and respect their brothers and sisters in a Roda/Life. I also show my kids what a REAL kick (rasteira, meia-lua, tesoura, etc) can do regarding Capoeira as a self defence subject.

Indeed, It takes time to learn about the many artistic and martial aspects of Capoeira, but, again, time is an illusion. In your HP I saw a letter where Paul remarks (this time IT is about you Calada/Canada):

[You say that you have not been involved in capoeira long yet you have some rather strong opinions about it. I do not know your experience but I think your statement "To all the "Mestres" out there that teach conformity and thus spiritual death, I am glad that I am free" does not come from a very full understanding of capoeira. In all endeavours of art and ritual, individual freedom can only truly be attained through focused discipline.]

To me, Paul words seems to be the result of this military Capoeira based training (includes Regional & Angola styles) where the "mestre" (?) subjects (brain wash) his students as an omnipotent god or general. This game fits better with Paul's "a macho game of one-upmanship" description. I think Paul got surprised with Calada's 'understanding of Capoeira' because she just spoke out what she fells without fear of the master/mestre whip -?! It looks to me as the result of one that doesn't have a colourful belt/cordel  around the neck, isn't it?!  Discipline is necessary to learn about Capoeira as Paul sad before, but there's more then that in his words, including the 'Capoeira Global Supermarket' promoted by many masters that he remarked before in previous E-mails.  I believe that in order to learn/teach Capoeira we must at first love it! Primarily to me, Capoeira is not just a martial art sport as Paul and others insist in promote in BR and elsewhere. Now in 2000, Capoeira must evolve and should be promoted as a ritual to educate and evolve our spirits, and we should fight against the oppressive "me$tre sy$tem" to get equal social rights and to achieve an enlightenment that will lead U$ to: Total Freedom!? Capoeira is very simple to BE, of course, in the hands and feet of those $laves that can simple: LOVE!? Capoeira is so simple as to be born, to survive and to die in a kind of dreammed "Amazon Jungle..?" — But this REAL natural "jungle game" should exist inside everybody minds and souls — isn't IT!?

Calada, your Web Page is good to help Capoeira (people) grow 'cause it says what we should say when we are not happy about the way modern Global Capoeira is promoted. The kind of iconoclast HP page of yours can shake the mind and body of people, and will help some of those $laves who are not happy about their "commanded" lives (the military training) and yet are just following the authoritarian will of martial belt graduated "mestres de Capoeira" (?!) without protest. As I responded to the Virtual Roda, to Paul, I professionally work with Capoeira and for this reazon I describe myself as a master capoeirista. "Paul" (??)  doesn't know what he is, yet he works professionally with Capoeira. Confusing?! Since he stated that I am lying,  it would be good to know Who is really lying in this game?! Perhaps, he is the one who is lying to himself?! Perhaps because he would like to be acknowledged (graduated with a belt?!) as a mestre and his "mestre" will not do so...? I don't have much problems in this matters 'cause I don't pray to me$$tres and I also never paid any $$  to get  any fancy martial belt as he did! The problem with the "mestre" (master) word is that nowadays many people believe that they are more than just flesh and blood, after they graduate their Capoeira with belts. Real Capoeira (in 2000) goes beyond the academy Roda. By the way, I don't care if people give me a commercial label of mestre. My rent is paid (?) and I know well who I am and the quality of work I promote to my community.

Paul (like others did) remarks that I should have asked him permission to fwd his letters to the Virtual Roda. Yet, the subject was Capoeira and he responded to my protest against violence with a kind of "Only The Strong" attitude — sending me aggrressive virtual kicks -?! Then I replied his game and exposed IT (U$... Capoeira?!) to the Global Capoeira World.  I believe he (and many "so- called me$tres") got very surprised with my martial Capoeira Internet moves?! Regarding this matter of permission to 'share the game' in the Virtual Roda my suggestion is simple: If you don't want to have your E-mails (the aggressive Capoeira you and your mestre pray for...) globally promoted in the Net, the world, better not send any E-mails. Often the people that complained about my open "virtual REAL games" (protest against violence, etc) are usually associated with those capoeiristas who like to promote discrimination and conflict inside the Capoeira events we have everywhere and are shaming the name of Brazil and the culture of my people. If people don't want to have their names and E-mails  publicised they should hide themselves and not write at all. Yet they are making critics and sending virtual kicks to U$...  Global Capoeira 2000 World — ???!! Confusing?! Yes my friends, we are in a new era of Capoeira. Illiteracy is going to end in our Roda and the $lave Ritual will grow and evolve!

Finally, I would like to say that Paul is just a name/subject I choose to play this game. There are many "Pauls" everywhere in the circle/roda of our Global Capoeira 2000 World playing Capoeira against U$...>>>. For this and other reasons, it's good to remind you folks that if you ever get involved with the Brazilian culture and want to educate, evolve, your life playing "games" with Capoeira there's an old saying that spells: Be always aware in the roda/ring of life, mate!

I like to see my Virtual Roda original idea (protesting against irresponsible capoeiristas, protesting against the growing of social violence, etc... ) growing and helping people to find their own... Starway to...??!!

Dear sister Calada, congratulations for your HP. I give (U$...) my full support in the promotion of any kind of 'Capoeira' that suits to educate and evolve people lives.

Axe'/prosperity to Global Capoeira in 2000!

iconoclast JERÔNIMO CAPOEIRA - Sydney 2000, AUS

From: theme <>
Date: Sunday, 5 December 1999
Dear Mr. Santos da Silva
I have played Capoeira for only a while. Yet it has deeply and profoundly affected me. I love it, yet now, I play it no more. I began to understand that the only way to counteract the aggression and the male-posturing was to focus on social and community issues, and the use of Capoeira for those purposes. I can only say that when I chanced upon your website, I was happy that there were people strong enough to speak against the authoritarian structure that is so strong in both Capoeira Angola and Regional.
To all the "Mestres" out there that teach conformity and thus spiritual death, I am glad that I am free.



*You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
*Darkness cannot drive out darkness;  only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeronimo Capoeira  To: Virtual Roda Date: Wednesday, 29 December 1999 14:26
Subject: End of Days...??? - Jeronimo's virtual roda

Global capoeiristas... regarding Mr Scott/USA remarks (bellow):

Scott/USA, why are you now complaining about your comments (game) against violence in Capoeira, life that you stated before? Did you change your mind about it?

My "game" is simple: I aim to promote EDUCATION playing Capoeira to evolve our lives! Scott/US, Global Capoeira 2000 World, I am not buying any game of disrespect promoted by any irresponsible capoeirista that aims to shame the name of BR and distress the global Capoeira  family. By the way, I believe it's time for US all to decide who really wants to play Capoeira with US and delet from our Rodas, events, etc., those delinquent who insist playing against U$... --- before The End Of Days?! Yess, Scott as you demanded, I am deleting your name from the Virtual Roda. Also, if you are playing Capoeira but do not want to share it (?) <Please remove my comments from your website and do not distribute them> ??? ... end of days...?!... ... if y'are afraid to die... Mate... you better stop writing E-mails and stay away from REAL Capoeira...! Scott, regarding your remarks: < I never have been graduated by Master Preguica and have never said so....>; I apologise for this BIG mistake!

Axe' - J C Sydney 2000 - AUS

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Rozman <>Date: Tuesday, 28 December 1999 4:34
Subject: Jeronimo's virtual roda

First of all, I never have been graduated by Master Preguica and have never said so.... Second, Jeronimo apparently feels the right to post and email segments of a message that I sent to him years ago in response to one of his emails...I sent it as an email to him and never expressed by approval to have it posted on the web. Third, I want to "buy out of this roda"... Please remove my comments from your website and do not distribute them.
>thank you,

**[words pronounced by Mr Scott <> from Madison, WI - Scott was graduated by Master Preguiça (BR) and his  "Omulu Capoeira Group" in the USA ]. Posted at VIOLENCE

 ----Original Message-----
From: Jeronimo Capoeira  Date: Monday, 27 December 1999 9:15
Subject: Shame on BR?! - From NJ, USA

I would like to express my professional and personal view regarding this note I received (bellow):

Unfortunately, this persistent kind of delinquent conduct performed by irresponsible capoeiristas is bringing Brazil a (international) dishonourable image. People promoting Capoeira with this "Only the Strong" EGO X Capoeira attitude (and those who accept their presence and support such vicious behaviour in their houses/rodas without protest) are fully responsible for shaming the name of our Brazilian race and the name and reputation of Capoeira. Such irresponsible people are trying to destroy the productive work promoted by our professional (mestre) capoeiristas and students, artists and social and cultural based institutions that aim to perform Capoeira to educate and help evolve the lives of our brothers and sisters everywhere.

SOLUTION: Let's ban those delinquent  from our Rodas and Capoeira events and unite Capoeira to serve our communities. This attitude will help  US (BR) to progress our lives and enjoy Capoeira in 2000!

Axe'/long live  to Capoeira in 2000!

Iconoclast JERÔNIMO CAPOEIRA ---------- BACK TO NEW GAME ------------- BACK TO TOP

On Wed, 6 October 1999, Douglas <> from Japan, wrote: <...I excuse myself master Jeronimo but I do not agree with this judgment accusing all the Abada capoeiristas to be corrupted and play against the other Capoeira groups with aggression... >

Sydney, October 13, 1999

Democratically speaking, I believe that news regarding global culture must be promoted (in English and Portuguese) to educate our communities. This theme that I am bringing to your attention is not only of exclusive interest to people that are directly involved with Capoeira, the art of the Brazilian $lave (?) but I believe it may concern all those who are involved in any way with Brazil and its culture.
Firstly, what's Capoeira?! Mate, it depends on what direction the wind will blow the $lave ship (?) or the airport where the airplane will land... (do you mean, what kind of "$laves" are being "exported" from Brazil in 2000?!). Yes, today the word Capoeira can also be associated to art and culture and also to the immoral and non professional behavior of people involved with it.
Originally the Capoeira Ritual evolved in colonial Brazil and was used by the slaves to fight against the oppression imposed by the ruthless $lave master. Capoeira is a revolutionary cultural weapon. Capoeira (with a capital C) is my profession! Thus, I believe that we must be aware of the repercussion that can come through the work that we are doing since we can add glory and credit or shame to the name of the Brazilian race and its culture. Historically speaking about 'Capoeira' after nearly 500 years of the invasion of South America by the Europeans the Ritual of the enslaved Brazilian has evolved and is now classified as a sport (?) by some. Since the modern $lave masters are often 'graduated' with a political belt and use the status to manipulate the confused mind of the voters in the ring (Roda) of live Capoeira it should also be acknowledged as a unique and complete form of modern "therapy" art style—?! Promoted as an educational therapy (and martial style) Capoeira can educate and 'clean' the mind and body of the distre$$ed people that need urgent help to survive the discrimination promoted by the master si$tem. Capoeira can help people to "fix" the emotional traumas that comes from such distreS$ing ways of life that we adopted in our capitalist and socialist urban jungles. Therefore, if people everywhere are in need of 'therapy' to help them endure the oppression (stres$) that comes (disguised) in many forms doesn't matter how people are clas$ifying Capoeira. This phenomenon happens everywhere and affects the lives of people from many different cultural backgrounds.
For those who haven't heard, in 1996 a protest against the Abada Capoeira group was written in the USA by a Brazilian capoeirista nicknamed "zumbi de bezouro." This virtual protest was then promoted in the Net by master capoeirista Marcelo caveirinha (originally from the group Cordão de Ouro, SP, master Suassuna) and posted at his Capoeira Mandinga group HP in CA. Many master capoeiristas and Capoeira groups, federations based in Brazil and around the world are still supporting this global boycott against the Abada community. Surfing the Net I found the protest and responded giving my opinion on the matter. I never agree with the accusations that all the members of the Abada community have the same nasty attitude and are playing Capoeira against the other capoeiristas. Yet, I replied saying that there are many other masters and groups in Brazil and overseas employing the same or even worst negative (sportive) behavior that is described in the Protest. I suggested that we should protest against the violence and the Ego trip that generates physical aggression in our Rodas and Capoeira events. I am not supporting people that have no respect for their fellow man. I am not supporting the work of capoeiristas that are not following the command of the sole "master" we have in a Roda: a BERIMBAU! I condemn any Capoeira style performed to promote social discrimination and to disgrace the name of my race and culture!
By globally publicising in English and Portuguese (black&white?!) such dishonorable issues such as the segregation that many capoeiristas (dressed in black X white?!) are promoting everywhere I aim to raise more awareness about this shameful situation in our circle and find a solution to stop such unethical manners. Such pathetic non professional behaviour employed by some master capoeiristas and their followers puts a mark of shame on Capoeira. My goal is to help organise and unify our Capoeira communities to fight against the real enemy we have in life such as greed and social discrimination. Camaradas, let's mature and progress with Capoeira to enjoy and evolve our lives?! By the way, by promoting Capoeira with a positive atitude we can also encourage the 'poor' Brazilian to fight against the "Real corruption" and misery they face everyday. Brazilian capoeiristas should organise themselves and fight with Capoeira to 'graduate' in Real life style such as miserable wages that they so easily accept from the dirt and ruthless hands of their Real elected ma$ters.
Unfortunately (and I am not proud at all to report this fact) the majority of our capoeiristas are shamefully fighting Capoeira against themselves. Such disgusting atitude puts a mark of dishonor on the great social ideals (the fight against discrimination) the iconoclast warrior of the hidden jungle community know as 'Quilombo dos Palmares' the King Zumbi worked for. Nowadays the name of Zumbi is claimed by many capoeiristas as being our archetype of a REAL Capoeira master. What does it mean?! I guess that they want to follow in Zumbi's traditions and play (fight) with Capoeira to unite, educate and respect our brothers and sisters. Yet, I regret to say but this is not our reality! Perhaps this great Capoeira ideal will become a fact one day for the redemption of Zumbi's soul...?!
Talking about respect and traditions (?) we know well that before we start improvising physical Capoeira games (know as jogo) we need to inspire and tune our souls by singing a Ladainha song. The Ladainha song can be employed in a Roda to narrate and exalt the fight of the $laves (people paying tax and rent to the ma$ter authorities—?!) and their victory against the ma$ster oppressor. Capoeiristas should improvise with the ginga dance step in 2000 and fight Capoeira against the ma$ters' oppression. Just to give an example about the impacts of the Capoeira phenomenon throughout the world, I would like to report about a CD recorded by the 'Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho' from Salvador Bahia. This art work was recorded in 1996 and has been sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Organization of American States, OAS. The CD was dedicated to the memory of Zumbi, the king of rebellious Palmares community. Singing a Ladainha song to introduce the CD mestre Morais (Bahia) gives us a call of alert and states: Iêê... a história nos engana..?! He says, let's be aware... 'cause of the history (of Brazil discovery?!) they're telling us it's a lie! In fact, in 1500 the Europeans invaded and slaved the land inhabited by the native South American. Yet they claimed that they've discovered a new continent!? Later the barbarian invaders slaved the African to fulfill their 'fine' colonial necessities. During the Republican time in Brazil the invaders' offspring burned documents (and people) to hide the atrocities that they committed against the slaves. The history (the roda?) continues and now in 2000 the Brazilian ma$ter system continue to 'discover' different ways to abuse the power they have and to discriminate against their slaves. Now, the ma$ters have updated their barbarian techniques and are brain washing the will of the people (capoeiristas) to manipulate their lives playing the jogo (game) with the use of the controlled and corrupted media and TV.
My conclusion: it doesn't matter the label that people use to promote (and sell) Capoeira in the Global Roda. What really matters for the people is that we capoeiristas can work seriously with the art to help educate and heal our communities everywhere. The rest of this "apartheid capoeira" that many capoeiristas are promoting must B urgently recycled! This attitude is a shame to the human nature. This poor and non professional Capoeira attitude humiliates the memory and work of Zumbi dos Palmares, Bimba, Pastinha and all the Brazilian (men and women) heroes that fought with Capoeira to achieve freedom and win the right to be respected as a human being.
What can be done in 2000 to evolve our lives with Capoeira? We must ginga (play) Capoeira as a Total Art form to fight against corruption and globally protest against the human misery. Brazilians should also employ Capoeira to organize their nation and commemorate the November 20 (National Day Of Negro Consciousness) to stimulate the favelados (oppressed people) to fight for their "Real" social rights and freedom! But the vote to practise this constructive game in our Rodas, in our lives, has to be born by the free will of men and women living in this planet.
By the way, democratically speaking (?) even God did not force Adam & Eve to play their 'ginga' towards the direction the wind blows to heavens, isn't it true?! Capoeira is above all the right to be free!
Thank you for participating in our Virtual Roda.

Axé to all! (It means, peace, love and prosperity).

Iconoclast Professional Master Capoeirista. Bondi Beach, Sydney/AUS.

Sydney, January 23, 1999

To Capoeira masters, capoeiristas, Media, general community...

Firstly I would like to thank you for your time in reading this letter. After receiving a letter from Mr Paul Zmolek, US, I am now forwarding this new one from a french woman called "Lúcia Palmares." Lúcia says that she is a graduated teacher from Master Nô Capoeira school, based in Salvador, Bahia and is currently teaching Capoeira in France, Paris. I value the importance of these two letters since these people of non Brazilian origins have been in contact with our culture and are now working and promoting Capoeira to their local communities. They also have developed an individual concept about the Brazilians.
Therefore I believe this subject is of our concern to debate and try to find a solution for this kind of problem. Thank you for the participation on this cultural based Capoeira debate.
Let's follow the virtual game with Lúcia's message and the aftermath of my response to the game.

Jerônimo Capoeira 

From: Pol BRIAND <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 January 1999
Dear Mr Jerónimo Santos da Silva, it has been a while since I am receiving your E-mails, your cries against violence inside the Capoeira world. I've heard about a rasteira kick that put your friend down, the shameful martelo kick given by master Amem in your eye, etc. Shortly speaking, I do believe that Capoeira exists to confront violence without loosing control. I also don't think that you should not been globally promoting these violent facts. A good capoeirista should be aware of such elementary Capoeira rules and if he is not well prepared both physically and emotionally to face his opponent it's more appropriate to stay away from the rodas. Also, If you are not able to avoid a rasteira kick you are just an incompetent capoeirista! A capoeirista that only comes to play in a roda thinking we'll just have fun with his friends is not a real Capoeirista. Doesn't know Capoeira at all. Did you Mr Jeronimo never learn it this way? When I was a young girl living in Salvador, Bahia, I was the first woman to face more then 30 male capoeiristas training under master Nô's leadership. I was afraid and to learn Capoeira I had to be beaten like anyone else. Yet, I accepted it as part of Capoeira. I cried many times, but finally I graduated as a teacher and now I teach to my students that the ritual of Capoeira is a beautiful at form as well as something very dangerous. Capoeira is an art of deception and one must be always aware (particularly if you are a woman). I also instruct my students that we are all different from each other. To end this conversation, I would like to say that we are aware of the existence of violent people inside our middle. There are even assassins in between us. But I don't think this is the kind of violence that you speak about. I assume that the kind of violence you mean is that vital force inside Capoeira. Why are we spending so much energy to learn how to use the esquiva step and avoid this kind of violent confrontation? Why it takes so long to learn about the deceptive ways of the ginga dance step? Capoeira is dangerous, this element is inside of it's primary essence. How to face this kind of danger without the use of violence? Finally, since you Mr like to read and refer to the big renowned persons of Capoeira, I would like to quote a little paragraph that master Pastinha decided to include in his little book called CAPOEIRA ANGOLA. he says: "yet the game of Capoeira Angola is above all a fight, and a violent form of fight" (p.25.).
P.S. Where did you learn Capoeira?

Lúcia Palmares.

From: Jeronimo
To: Pol BRIAND <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 January 1999
Axé Lúcia Palmares!
Thank you for your letter and participation at the Internet game. Thank you also for writing me in Portuguese. Regarding your challenge: where did I learn? What really you want to know? Is it about me and my Capoeira way of living? Did you really read my reply to Mr Paul Zmolek in our previous debate? Since you decided to buy the game, let's tour the world mate and play a "le tour du monde" Capoeira Internet game, mate?!
I can only imagine how difficult it was for you, as a woman in Bahia, to face such bunch of grumpy like Capoeira macho men and boldly face the "danger", the violence that they used to kick out... — the European invader? Maybe they were simply frustrated with their REAL economic situation and the lack of proper education the authorities are denying to the poor. If they have proper scholar education skills to add to their academic martially trained Capoeira they probably would get fit enough to hit back the violent assaults offered by their master governor?! — Lúcia, did you know that in this present REAL Capoeira game the authorities just used another economic rasteira kick to throw the Brazilians back and down again to the misery they impose on them? The price of the Real currency after being equally played as 1R$ X 1U$ fell quickly in less then a month up to 1US$ X 1.60 R$... what a great REAL rasteira kick, mate! — (Do you think this kind of Capoeira I play means something to you? Does it suits as a good example to graduate the European capoeiristas that you are guiding to deal with this new Euro Capoeira Game? Is Capoeira just a natural segment of our social life to you? As a Brazilian this is the kind of REAL game that interests me to play. The rest of "capoeira" including those monkey circus based back flips that we can perform in a roda are too boring and easy to offer me a real challenge of how to play and fight with Capoeira!
Talking about my lamentations and global protests against violence, as you imply with animosity, frankly speaking, are you an adept of violence? Are you against the Capoeira Internet promotion against violence and discrimination inside Capoeira? Perhaps then you are trying to suggest to me to shut up and swallow all this junk, including these nuclear experimentations that Americans and "others" like the French are gifting us all and the earth? Are you suggesting I should play and act like some kind of stupid minded Brazilian $lave in 2000. It has been nearly 500 years since Brazilians are selling all they have including their unique culture, selling the REAL Capoeira game to master FMI!
Lúcia Palmares, I am not sure if you understand my Portuguese or the English I play my gamers? I know that Capoeira is life and includes violence but this is not the problem we have in hands to deal nowadays. Our real problem is caused by the arrogant atitude, Ego and discrimination that many people are bringing to our rodas.
Lúcia Palmares, I would like to repeat this simple question: are you against or adept to violence and discrimination? Since I can choose my vote, I prefer to be playing my life, my Capoeira with educated and responsible people. After we agree to play and fight for the same ideals I hope that we can evolve our Capoeira including the use of our modern global ways of communications such as the Internet.
Lúcia, do you love Capoeira? If so, I suggest we could unite our talents and develop a further friendship without the interference of racial discriminations, racism or any kind of fanatic social beliefs.
Until the next tour... Axé!

Jerônimo Capoeira.

 From: Paul Zmolek <>
 Date: Tuesday, 19 January 1999
OK, it is fair for you to point out that I do not know you and to judge what happened in a roda in Australia without having seen it but, rather, to base my reaction on hearsay and gossip, is unfair. However, your website is the place where I gathered the gossip. It seems that gossip is one of the favorite pastimes of Brazilian capoeiristas.  One of the ugly parts of capoeira that tests my love for the art... Yes I have tried through classes and training in Brazil to fala portuguese but, alas, my language acquisition skills are poor so I prefer to communicate ideas in English so I can be sure that I am writing clearly. You, without knowing anything of me, have also jumped to conclusions. I do not enjoy being injured but understand that it is part of the risks one must take to push themselves to a more complete understanding of the art. Though I teach my students to play aggressively in the roda(how could it be otherwise as Preguica is the one who taught me?), there has never been an injury in my group in the five years it has existed. The fight is not the aspect of capoeira that appeals to me but I accept it; though I may not enjoy the disruptive fighter's game, I still feel he has a place in the roda and he can teach me something about capoeira.  Capoeira is the point of the knife and the spoon as well. Though I have disassociated myself from Mestré Preguica (as a child grows he must leave the father) and disagree with some of the things that he believes, I still very much appreciate his philosophy that there is only one capoeira and his insistence that a good capoeirista must be able to play any kind of game. His training methodology focused upon learning the quick reactions of regional and then to advance onto the richer (and much more complex) game of angola.  Though  trained in regional, I was required to be able to play a good game with angoleiros. No, I do not really understand angola, nor do I really understand regional; it would be arrogant for me to think that I could ever really know what capoeira, an art based in deception, is all about. Unfortunately, in the States, there are few real angoleiros teaching, some pretend to teach angola without any real understanding. My career does not allow me to live in New York and train with Joao Grande. I do feel that it is naive to assume that angola is not ever violent (Didn't Mestre Pastinha attach a sickle sharpened on both sides to his berimbau?).  The history that is available to us shows us that traditional capoeiras were very violent, many of our songs celebrate the violent acts of these men.

I feel it is unfortunate that young, naive American capoeiristas, many with two years of experience or even less, felt compelled to write to you regarding your incident with Amem. Even if they had seen the roda, they are far too new to capoeira to really see or understand. It would be good for you to take their letters off of your website as they have written out of ignorance. I almost fell to the floor laughing when I read Capixaba's student claim that he is full of love and not violent (when I saw him 7 years ago he was the most aggressive, scary, violent  capoeirista I have ever seen). I did hear that he was attacked by everyone at once during a roda in Brazil and almost died so maybe he matured through experiencing the consequences of his actions. I have no complaint against Abada which is just a natural outgrowth of Senzala which is a natural progression from Bimba's innovations. Camisa has figured out how to become wealthy through capoeira and every Brazilian capoeirista I have ever met is always trying to hustle a few dollars through the "capoeira supermarket". I do feel that his younger students are overly enthusiastic about the martial aspect of the art and, the last time I was in Brazil, was a little disturbed to see that several of these young studs clearly have no understanding of angola.  Abada is vastly improving the technique of regional which is good in one aspect but there clearly is a cost to such a one-sided focus.

Regarding your discussion on what makes a master:  I know that I will never be a master because I have other interests in my life. I believe that, in order to be a master, one must completely dedicate one's life to capoeira (As Preguica has said, "I am a slave to my art"). I do believe that the standards of who can be given this title of respect has slipped and, in fact, this led to many disagreements and seccessions from Senzala by several of the original members. At first I found your capoeira via the internet a bit absurd but, on second thought, realizing that capoeira is life and capoeiristas are always playing capoeira I applaud your attempts. This media has already been colonized and claimed by the capitalists who base human value on monetary standards. Any effort to subvert this process is appreciated.

Paul "Gigante" Zmolek.

From: Paul Zmolek <>
Date: Thursday, 14 January 1999

** after finishing this game to read more about me and Paul/USA go to  MASTER GAME

At the batizados I have participated in, the times I saw what you term "violence" was when one capoeirista had a grudge with another or sensed that a Brazilian capoeirista was being arrogant and needed to be taught a lesson. Based upon your website and rantings, I imagine that the second is the case. As you yourself wrote in your website "Capoeira is deadly".  I was taught by Mestre Preguica (who was trained and graduated by Bimba) and had it reinforced by other mestres that everything stays in the roda.  If you have a problem you deal with it in the next roda. Those who don't obviously are not complete capoeiristas who understand the spirit of capoeira. I have suffered several injuries in both angola and regional games and I have accepted it as part of capoeira. You got tagged, get over it. Your campaign against Amem and other  (as you term it) "so called masters" over the internet is doing nothing positive and only serves to lower your reputation.  To think that there is no "violence" in the roda is completely naive.  Because there are so few English language books on capoeira I was thinking about using it in the classes I teach.  Now I am sure I won't.
---------------- Dear camarado Paul Zmolek,

Thanks for the e-mail. I appreciate your participation on the Internet Game and response on the topic about "VIOLENCE!!"

<Your campaign against Amem and other (as you term it) "so called masters" over the Internet is doing nothing positive and only serves to lower your reputation.>

**Your mistake! My protest is helping people to change their attitude towards the game in a positive way and Capoeira to evolve everywhere. By the way, it is not my reputation which is getting lowered but the reputation of those who are still promoting and supporting violence and aggression. Also I am not doing any particular campaign against anyone in particular. I am protesting against the abusive use of aggression and personal frustration that people, including our "so called" modern masters and students of Capoeira bring to our Rodas. I don't approve of this kind of non professional attitude and disrespect towards Capoeira from those "aggressive players" who are the only ones responsible for lowering the reputation of our ritual/art form and shaming the name of the Brazilian Nation and its people everywhere!

<I was taught by Mestre Preguica (who was trained and graduated by Bimba) and had it reinforced by other mestres that everything stays in the roda. >

**Talking about masters' saying in Capoeira, Mestre Pastinha stated: "O Jogo da Capoeira (a vida) não tem método, seu fim é inconcebível ao mais sábio dos mestres...!!" — Have you heard or read about it?! I agree with Pastinha: the Jogo de Capoeira, as life itself, doesn't have any particular formal method to B followed because its END (seu fim) is yet unknown even for the most wise of masters...! The Roda for me seems to be something different then it is from what people taught you in the USA. The Roda for me, as it was to those $laves who invented Capoeira, is life itself! I am living my Capoeira games in 2000, mate!

<To think that there is no "violence" in the roda is completely naive.>

** Indeed, Life contains violence... but people are aggressive and selfish! Unfortunately nowadays many students and ma$ters of Capoeira (professionals?) are only focussing on promoting aggressive games and bringing negative competitive attitude in between the Capoeira groups in our modern Rodas!

<If you have a problem you deal with it in the next roda. Those who don't obviously are not complete capoeiristas who understand the spirit of capoeira.>

** How naive and academically trained you seems to B! The next Roda is here, mate! I am playing Capoeira in 2000! My Capoeira has evolved and I updated my games also including the techniques from the most current "programs" we can buy from "big chief" master Bill Gates! What a game!? Yet I am note sure about what did you learn in the US regarding the "spirit of Capoeira" to teach and guide your students to "fight" with Capoeira in REAL life!

<I have suffered several injuries in both angola and regional games and I have accepted it as part of capoeira.>

**I presume that you like to get injured? I don't! I prefer to enjoy my life and be creative (vadiar!) playing with Capoeira. I was born in Brazil in the Amazon jungle and started learning with Capoeira in the 70's and understand what you mean by getting injured playing Capoeira but now, fortunately, I evolved my lifestyle and my spirit with Capoeira. I don't like to play or promote Capoeira as a "military sportive art form" (the so-called, "Esporte Nacional" or Brazilian National Martial Art Sport — ??) to compete against my fellows... — $laves?! Also I am very surprised to hear that from you, particularly regarding the Capoeira Angola way of living and the promotion of this art form/style overseas. Can you play and understand traditional Capoeira Angola? Or is it else you mean by "angola" games?

<At the batizados I have participated in, the times I saw what you term "violence" was when one capoeirista had a grudge with another or sensed that a Brazilian capoeirista was being arrogant and needed to be taught a lesson.>

**I too believe that many people who're playing Capoeira nowadays need to B taught a "good lesson" in the Roda, the wheel of life! But what kind of lesson? Did you hear from people "around you" that I am an arrogant man? Do you know, many people are talking lots and doing nothing of positive to evolve in their lives, poor spiritual things! As a father and professional capoeirista I know well what and how to tell (give a lesson?!) to my daughter and my students about respect for life and my next inside and outside the Roda. Is your own opinion that Capoeira should follow a different way of education and promotion? Also I learned that the Batizado, according to Bimba's Regional tradition, was a very special moment for the life of a capoeirista. It was a celebration to award and demonstrate the students abilities playing WITH and not against Capoeira! By the way, Bimba used to call "ESQUENTA BANHO" (full contact) the time session to hit and play the macho man ("Only the Strong??") ritual inside his academy. Where are our mandingueiros playing this game nowadays? By the way, the physical aggression in my eye (the master's lesson?!) that I suffered, as I denounced in my Protest, happened in an outdoors Capoeira demonstration for the local public in Bondi beach, Sydney. Is your opinion that we should clap our hands and support this kind of delinquent attitude?! There are any knowledge (fundamento) of the traditional Capoeira (Angola) or modern sporty (Regional) style to B learned in "such" lesson? Think about it, mate!

<Based upon your website and rantings, I imagine that the second is the case. As you yourself wrote in your website "Capoeira is deadly">

**Capoeira in my life goes beyond playing such Hollywood "Strong" moves and tricks played with the help of the cameras or imitating "monkeys" playing with acrobatics moves in a Roda. Real Capoeira is culture, education and a art form of survival, camarado! Where have your mandinga and social malícia skills gone?! I suggest that you should keep reading and learning more about the present and past historic ways of the... $lave Ritual?! So B aware of your "next Roda" and who you are going to play Capoeira within... Zum, Zum, Zum...?! Axé Capoeira Internet!

<You got tagged, get over it.>

**Thank you for your opinion and your interest in my work with Capoeira. I've already stated in my Webpage that I am an iconoclast capoeirista. But I don't expect to change the whole world! Jesus, Martin Luther King, and many others iconoclast mandingueiros protested against violence and discrimination and tried to educate people to grow their lives (Capoeira) in the Roda. Yet, after all they did, we have "masters" Sadam and Clinton (just to mention a few of "such" kind) playing aggressive, violent and immoral Capoeira games, and for more insane that it may B, they have being fully supported by many of their voters and followers citizens capoeiristas. — Compreende camarado?!

<Because there are so few English language books on capoeira I was thinking about using it in the classes I teach.>

** Since you are teaching Capoeira I also would like to suggest that you should learn more about the Brazilian Portuguese language and experience the REAL (spiritual?!) game of Capoeira in Brazil. I sense you love Capoeira and perhaps wants to evolve more within Capoeira? Is this so?

<Now I am sure I won't.>

**Take care and if you ever decide to "buy" the game... ($lave Ritual) just call us back!



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