February 15th, 2007
About a guy

ER: I had a dream, u know!?
EI: A dream!?
ER: Yep
EI: Wot kind of dream?
ER: It was... a great one... a wonderful one...
EI: So... tell me what happened...
ER: He left me behind...
EI: In ur "great" dream?? O_O

ER: No... That's the thruth!
EI: But... tell me! What happened in your DREAM?
ER: Oh.. well... I saw him again
- If only i could stop the flown of time -

EI: That was great, wasn't it?
ER: Yep...
EI: Well... I... I... I wanted to see him again... someday... somehow. Don't u? *crying*
ER: Yes, i do! I'd like to tell him everything i didn't tell him before. I'd like to do everything that i didn't have courage to do before.
- What hurts the most was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away -
I miss him so...

ER: Too...
EI: But now... tell me about ur dream...
ER: Oh... sure...
So... well.. In my dream we were still friends, and he asked me to go to his house, to meet his parents and family. A went there... whit my parents. In my dream we didn't see each other for a long time. just like the reality, but then... When we saw each other again... It was... amazing... We huged one another so tight and for a few minutes. That was... wonderful, cuz i really felt the hug.
EI: I know this... Even in our dreams we still loving him. Even in our dreams we still wishing to be with him...
ER: At least in our dreams it comes true...
EI: At least...
ER: And then... it started raining... And my parent thought it was better for us to go home as soon as possible, cuz of the rain...
And then... when I was walking away, he hold my hand... Looked deeply in my eyes... and kissed me...
EI: What a wonderful dream...
ER: Yeah... it was really great... But then, when i woke up, and i realized it was only a dream... I started crying... It's not fair.
EI: But honey, the whole life is unfair... U must prepare urself for that...
ER: i know life is unfair... But... my only wish... is... to see him again. So i'll finally make my dream come true... Sometimes i think it would be better if i was poor. I was poor, but i had him beside me... It would be much better...
EI: But it u were poor, u wouldn't even have met him.
ER: I know this.
EI: Take it easy... i hope we'll find someone much better then him...
ER: But there's no replacemnt for him in my heart
EI: I know that... but we have to do something to erase this pain, don't u thing?
ER: Yep... u'r right... U'r ALWAYS right...


- continua -


Gente... desculpa por ter escrito o post de hoje em inglês. Mas é que esse assunto... eu não me sinto bem falando sobre isso em português, pois em português qualquer um pode ler e entender... Sabe!? ELE entenderia também... mas ele nunca entraria no meu blog... afinal... tenho certeza que já sou parte do passado dele...
Ele tb faz parte do meu passado!
E do meu presente... e de todo o meu futuro... Tenho certeza... que mesmo quando encontrar outra pessoa... Não o esquecerei...
Alias... por que estou falando isso?
Isso não interessa a ninguém...

By Renée @ 12:23 AM

Links / Link-me


Sobre mim? Ixi! Hmm... 17 anos, paulistana da avenida paulista com orgulho, ama acima de tudo seu pc, anime e mangá, europa, japão, viajar. Odeia coisas clichê e gente sem personalidade.

- 01/20 - 08:02PM
- calor(argh)
- nada
- água
- músicas na net
- nada
- For Richer or Poorer
- Sleepless Beauty /Nittle Grasper
- sono
- nada
- pijama

(Apesar de eu saber que não tenho um hostee próprio, e que hospedo o site no geocities... isso foi só para dar um ar de superioridade xD). Foi ao ar pela 1ª vez no dia 28 de Novembro de 2006, mas não foi meu primeiro blog.
Atualmente em sua segunda versão.

(+) Layouts antigos

Forever Yaoi
Anime Plus


Eu participo:

Fanlistings da vez:

Kagen no Tsuki - Last QuarterAntic Cafe (an cafe)

Imagem da vez:

weekly dose of Hyde

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