Star Trek
Enterprise NCC1701 Crew


James T. Kirk™

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: William Shatner
Final Rank: Captain
Full Name: James Tiberius Kirk
Date of birth: March 22, 2233
Place of birth: Riverside, Iowa, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2250-2254
Marital status: Single
Children: One son, David Marcus (2261-2286)
Date of death: 2293/2371*
Place of death: Enterprise-B in Nexus/Veridian III*
Serial number: SC937-0176 CEC
Quarters: On original Enterprise, Deck 5; on refit/1701-A, Deck 5/Room 0195

Starfleet Career Summary

2250 -- As a first-year Academy student with ensign rank, assigned to NCC-1371 U.S.S. Republic

2254 -- Upon graduation, promoted to lieutenant and posted to U.S.S. Farragut under Capt. Garrovick

2264 -- Promoted to captain, in command of U.S.S. Enterprise for five-year mission

2266 -- Exonerated in wrongful death charge of Ben Finney, first captain ever to stand trial

2269 -- Returned from five-year mission; promoted to admiral in charge of fleet operations at Earth

2271 -- Demanded to relieve Capt. Will Decker, his choice as successor for the refit Enterprise, and dealt with V'Ger crisis before beginning second five-year mission

2277 -- Accepts appointment to Academy faculty, moves into San Francisco apartment

2286 -- Charged, convicted and reduced permanently to captain's rank by the Federation Council for theft of Enterprise a year earlier, after saving Earth from alien onslaught by securing two extinct whales via time-traveling; given command of NCC-1701-A Enterprise

2287 -- Explores center of the galaxy with refit Enterprise hijacked by Sybok

2293* -- Spearheads initiatives leading to Khitomer Accords and exposes anti-peace conspiracy in Starfleet and Klingon Empire; dies while saving the Enterprise 1701-B from an energy anomaly just minutes after its commissioning ceremony

2371 -- Reappears in Nexus Ribbon long enough to help Captain Jean-Luc Picard save planet Veridian III from destruction in the Nexus

As much as any other figure in Starfleet history, the tall tales about James T. Kirk's exploits over a 40-year career are as numerous as the official record - and probably closer to the truth in some instances. Kirk's renown began by becoming the youngest captain in Starfleet to date at 34 and the first captain to bring his starship back relatively intact after a five-year mission, having also gained a reputation as an independent whose success couldn't be argued even though he often bucked the system. He also has the distinction of being involved in 17 different temporal violations, a career record which still stands.

Kirk's ancestors pioneered the American frontier, and his Midwest roots tied him closely to American history, a lifelong interest. He had an older brother, George Samuel Kirk, although "Sam" and his wife Aurelan died at Deneva in 2267; their one son and Kirk's nephew Peter survived them. As a child of 13, Kirk witnessed the massacre of 4,000 people during a famine by the governor of Tarsus IV, nicknamed Kodos the Executioner.

A romantic at heart, Kirk never formed a lasting, romantic relationship due to his devotion to career - especially during his captaincy of the U.S.S. Enterprise. He did father a son with Dr. Carol Marcus, David, but was asked to avoid his upbringing and did not know he had matured into a scientific genius until 2285-86, when the young man was killed by Klingons on the Genesis planet he'd help to create. Kirk long grieved for the boy's death, and that he had only a few months to know his progeny. He also regretted not having married a woman named Antonia whom he dated for about two years, from 2282 to 2284.

A family friend named Mallory helped gain Kirk entry to Starfleet Academy, and he soon had the rare treat of earning starship duty as a first-year cadet with the brevet rank of ensign while aboard the U.S.S. Republic. There Kirk was close friends with Benjamin Finney, for whose murder Kirk was later tried, but was tormented by an upperclassman, Finnegan. As an older cadet he served as an instructor, where Gary Mitchell was one of his students and later his best friend, saving his life on Dimorus. His heroes included Abraham Lincoln and Captain Garth, whose missions were required reading in class, as were the works of Dr. Roger Korby. Kirk had the distinction of being the only cadet ever to beat the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario; he had secretly reprogrammed the simulation computer, making it possible to win and earning himself a commendation for original thinking.

After graduation, Kirk's first assignment was the U.S.S. Farragut as anewly-promoted lieutenant, a tour distinguished by his command of a survey mission to Tyree's planet Neural in 2254 and his guilt-plagued discovery of the creature dubbed a "cloud vampire" which led to the deaths of his captain and 200 shipmates - although he realized that there was nothing he could have done to save them. Kirk once contracted and recovered from Vegan chloriomeningitis, but still carries microorganisms of it in his blood.

Kirk's historically rapid rise to a captaincy and command of a loyal and respectful 430-member crew are reflected in the awards and commendations he had garnered by 2267, including the Palm Leaf of the Axanar Peace Mission, the Grankite Order of Tactics, a Class of Excellence award, the Prantares Ribbon of Commendation, First and Second Class, the Medal of Honor, a Silver Palm with Cluster, the Starfleet Citation forConspicuous Gallantry, the Karagite Order of Heroism and several Awards of Valor.

It was on this Enterprise that he assembled a crew and forged friendships with fellow officers who would themselves become Starfleet legends: First Officer and Science Officer Spock, Dr. Leonard McCoy, engineer Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Uhura. Even after the end of their five-year mission, it almost became a cliche that only Kirk and his crew could save the Federation from a new crisis - or at least Earth. That is exactly what happened in the case of V'Ger in 2271 and the whale-calling aliens in 2286.

Kirk had accepted a promotion to admiral in charge of fleet operations upon his initial return, but accepted a reduction to captain when he regained command of the Enterprise in 2271 to thwart V'Ger, relievingWill Decker after recommending him for the "center seat." Some 14 years later after another five-year command mission and a return to Academy teaching, he used Spock's cadet ship to thwart a grab by his onetime nemesis Khan Noonian Singh for the experimental Genesis device. That mission in turn set off a chain of events that led to Kirk's reunion with Carol Marcus and his son David, David's death, Spock's sacrifice to save the ship and his storage of his katra in McCoy's mind, and the discovery that Spock's body had regenerated on the Genesis Planet.

Bucking the odds once again, Kirk's loyal officers all risked their careers and lives to steal the Enterprise, retrieve Spock's body for refusion with his katra, and face down a Klingon crew in their way bent on taking Genesis - which included the destruction of Kirk's beloved starship. With the stolen Klingon Bird of Prey and Spock on the road to recovery, the officers opted to return to face punishment - but notbefore time-traveling to retrieve extinct whales to space Earth from an alien probe's onslaught while searching for them. Once again, Kirk was rewarded rather than punished, and given command of the all-new 1701-A Enterprise that year.

Heavily involved with the beginning peace negotiations with the Klingons after spoiling an attempt by terrorists to destroy the proceedings, Kirk's actions helped bring about peace in the galaxy just prior to his retirement in 2293. While on the ceremonial christening of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B, Kirk disappeared into the Nexus, a temporal ribbon in which he has a timeless, perfect life, and pronounced dead. However, in 2371, Captain Jean-Luc Picard persuaded him, amid endless Nexus fantasies, to help him to save Veridian III from the possessed El-Aurian, Dr. Tolian Soran. They stopped the madman's plot, but Kirk was killed in the fight and buried in a plain grave on the rocky planet.


First Officer

Full Biography Mode

Played By: Leonard Nimoy
Rank: Captain, retired
Serial number: S179-276SP
Full Name: Spock (lineal Vulcan name unpronounceable)
Year of birth: 2230
Place of birth: Shi'Kahr, Vulcan
Parents: Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda Grayson
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2249-53
Marital status: Once married
Last whereabouts: Romulus

Starfleet Career Summary

2252 -- As cadet, assigned under Capt. Christopher Pike, U.S.S. Enterprise

2253 -- Commissioned as ensign, still aboard Enterprise under Pike

2265 -- As lieutenant commander, named first officer and science officer under Capt. James T. Kirk aboard Enterprise; promoted to commander soon after

2269 -- Retired from Starfleet

2271 -- Reactivated commission during V'Ger crisis under Kirk on refit Enterprise

2277 -- Promoted to captain, assigned to Starfleet Academy faculty and cadet training with Enterprise

2285 -- Relinquish cadet-filled U.S.S. Enterprise to Kirk for rescue of Project Genesis team

2286 -- Though uncharged, stands with Kirk and shipmates for theft of Enterprise charges

2287 -- Accompanies Kirk aboard NCC-1701-A Enterprise for Nimbus III mission

2293 -- Envoy to UFP-Klingon peace accords, spurred by explosion of Klingon moon Praxis

Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, was a human schoolteacher from Earth and his father, Sarek, was a respected diplomat. For most of his life, Spock was torn between his emotional human side and the stern discipline of his Vulcan half until his experience with the V'Ger machine-entity in 2271 and his later death and rebirth in 2286 broadened his perspective. As of 2267 he had earned the Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor, had been twice decorated by Starfleet Command and held an A7 computer expert classification.

As a child, Spock had a pet sehlat, which is a cuddly Vulcan bear-like animal with claws and fangs. His older half-brother, Sybok, who was ostracized from Vulcan because he rejected the way of pure logic, was killed in 2292 after battling an alien entity at the galaxy's center that claimed to be 'God.'

At age seven, Spock was telepathically bonded with a young Vulcan girl named T'Pring. The telepathic touch would draw the two together when the time was right after both came of age: once every 7 years all Vulcan males experiences pon farr, a powerful Vulcan mating drive which demands that they mate or die. In 2267, however, T'Pring chose Stonn, a Vulcan, over Spock, and the Vulcan returned to the U.S.S. Enterprise unwed. He did eventually marry in a ceremony attended by Lt. Jean-Luc Picard.

Because the young Vulcan chose to join Starfleet, he and Sarek opened an 18-year rift over Sarek's hope his son would attend the Vulcan Science Academy. Spock was the first Vulcan to enlist in the Federation Starfleet, serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike as a lieutenant, and later for James T. Kirk.

After the conclusion of the U.S.S. Enterprise's first five-year mission, Spock retired from Starfleet and returned to Vulcan to pursue the emotion-purging of the kohlinar discipline from the Vulcan Masters. Although he completed the training, Spock failed to achieve kohlinar because his emotions were stirred by the V'Ger entity in 2271. He then reentered Starfleet and was eventually promoted to U.S.S. Enterprise captain when that ship was assigned as a training vessel at Starfleet Academy.

Spock sacrificed himself in 2285 to repair plasma conduits that allowed the U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew to escape from the detonation of the Genesis Device by Khan Noonien Singh; his radiation-wracked body was consigned to space but landed on the newly formed Genesis Planet and began regeneration. Prior to his death, Spock had mind-melded with McCoy to transfer his katra, apparently intending for his longtime friend and sparring partner to return it to Vulcan and perhaps be fully regenerated in the fal-tor-pan or refusion process, conducted for the first time in generations.

In later years, Spock's work became more diplomatic than scientific, initially remaining a part of Starfleet. In 2293, he served as Federation special envoy to the Klingon government, paving the way for the Khitomer peace accords with Chancellor Azetbur, and disappointed in that his protTgT, Lt. Valeris.

In the coming decades as a civilian, in 2368, Spock secretly traveled to Romulus on a personal mission to further the cause of Romulan/Vulcan reunification - a mission which shook up the Federation so that Captain Jean-Luc Picard was sent undercover to determine his motives. On the same trip he was saddened to hear of the death of his father, Sarek, but Picard's presence allowed Spock a final last solace thanks to an earlier Picard-Sarek mind meld. Spock remained to work with the Romulan underground and in 2369, helped arrange the defection of Romulan vice-proconsul M'Ret to the Federation to pioneer an escape route for dissidents.

Spock carried a life-long interest in art, music, literature and poetry from many worlds, especially Terran, and played both tri-dimensional chess as well as the Vulcan lute or harp and a keyboard harpsichord.


Leonard H. McCoy™
Chief Medical Officer

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: DeForest Kelley
Final Rank: Admiral, retired
Full Name: Leonard Horatio McCoy, M.D.
Year of birth: 2227
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. David McCoy
Education: University of Mississippi, 2245-49; medical school, 2249-53
Marital status: Divorced
Children: A daughter, Joanna
Quarters: Original Enterprise: 3F 127

Starfleet Career Summary

2366 -- As lieutenant commander, named chief medical officer under Capt. James T. Kirk

2370 -- Retires to private medical practice

2371 -- Returns to duty under Starfleet reactivation clause, promoted to commander as chief medical officer on refit U.S.S. Enterprise for V'Ger mission

2285 -- As Academy medical faculty and training instructor, forced into Genesis mission; detained over leaks regarding secret Genesis Project

2286 -- Charged but cleared with shipmates in theft of U.S.S. Enterprise

2287 -- Returns to active Enterprise service under Kirk

2293 -- Participated in Khitomer peace mission after liberation from Klingon Rura Penthe prison

2364 -- As retired admiral, gave inspection tour of Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise upon departure

Nicknamed 'Bones' by his longtime friend and commander, Captain James T. Kirk, McCoy replaced Mark Piper as chief medical officer in 2266 on the original five-year mission but clearly became the most renowned. By that first year he had already won the commendations of Legion of Honor, awards of valor, and was decorated by Starfleet Surgeons.

His temperament was sometimes argumentative, a cynic's outer crustiness masking deep caring beneath the surface. His "old South" roots led to the old-time physician manner of doctoring, with a Southern accent that was most apparent when under stress. He distrusts transporter technology and travels by shuttlecraft whenever possible.

McCoy was married once and later divorced, a relationship never discussed except for his one daughter, Joanna, who later graduated from nursing school. In the era before ship's counselors, McCoy played his role as psychologist expertly to the hilt - especially for the ship's two senior officers. As such an emotional watchdog he was not afraid to take on his captain, but it was his running battle of wits with Spock which became legendary. Spock showed his true feelings, though, as when inviting McCoy down to Vulcan for his "wedding" and in storing his katra with him before a known suicidal saving of their ship before the Genesis detonation.

McCoy contracted the always-fatal xenopolycythemia and retired from Starfleet in 2369 to spend his remaining days on the asteroid ship, Yonada, and that world's high priestess, Natira - whom he soon married. By exploring Yonada's computers, Spock found a cure for xenopolycythemiaand McCoy left Natira to return to the service. Earlier, McCoy had been infected with the strange 'aging' virus that infected the Gamma Hydra IV landing party.

After the U.S.S. Enterprise's triumphant return from its five-year mission, McCoy retired from Starfleet, grew a beard and went into virtual seclusion with a rural practice, only to be forced back to duty by Kirk and Admiral Nogura when V'Ger threatened Earth in 2371. After that he continued through the years of renewed Enterprise service with Kirk until at least the Khitomer peace talks of 2293, having survived imprisonment with him on trumped-up charges at the Rura Penthe mining prison when he could not revive assassinated Klingon Chancellor Gorkon. Spock's deposit of his katra in 2385 had nearly driven him crazy and landed him in Starfleet detention until the refusion took place, whereupon he delighted in the Vulcan's reeducation process.

As a retired admiral he remained active in his later years, serving at the age of 137 and shuttling aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-D in 2364 in his role of inspecting medical facilities on new starships.

McCoy was an active practitioner well before his Starfleet days, of course. In 2253, some 12 years before he signed aboard with Kirk, he had developed a neural grafting procedure employing the creation of axonal pathways between the graft and a subject basal ganglia that was still the practice over a century later. He had also been stationed on Capella for a few months and knew the intricate customs of the Ten Tribes there.


Montgomery Scott™
Chief Engineer

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: James Doohan
Final Rank: Captain
Serial Number: SE-197-54T
Year of birth: 2222
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2240-44
Marital status: Single

Starfleet Career Summary

2242 -- As ensign still enrolled at Academy, began first starship posting

2264 -- As lieutenant commander, became chief engineer under Capt. James T. Kirk, U.S.S. Enterprise

2269-71 -- Promoted to commander, oversaw refit of Enterprise at Earth2285 -- Promoted to captain, oversaw test of transwarp drive for U.S.S. Excelsior under Capt. Styles

2286 -- Tried but cleared of wrongdoing in theft of U.S.S. Enterprise before UFP Council

2293 -- Scheduled retirement but called into service for Khitomer peace mission; witnessed christening of Enterprise/NCC-1701-B and death of Kirk

2294 -- Presumed lost in U.S.S. Jenolen upon retirement en route to Norpin Colony

2369 -- Rescued from 75-year transporter loop aboard downed Jenolen, left to roam on his own with U.S.S. Enterprise-D shuttlecraft Goddard

Scott, known as "Scotty" as well as "the miracle worker" to his longtimecomrades James T. Kirk and crew, was the chief engineer aboard the original U.S.S. Enterprise and its successor craft who resurfaced 75 years after his presumed loss en route to the Norpin Colony in 2369 - perhaps his biggest miracle of all. Bullish on his Scottish ancestry, he wears ceremonial kilts with his dress uniform, plays the bagpipes and is renowned for both his drinking and his alcoholic beverage collection from all parts of the galaxy.

Once calling himself "an old Aberdeen pub-crawler," Scott began active service in Starfleet in 2242, midway through the Academy, and served on a total of 11 ships - including a stint as engineering advisor on the asteroid freight run from planet Deneva. Kirk's original U.S.S. Enterprise was his first posting as chief engineer beginning in 2364, and his engineering feats more than once saved that starship. He returned to oversee the major refits of the ship in 2269-71, itssuccessor 1701-A in 2286, and the short-lived transwarp engines tested on the prototype U.S.S. Excelsior a year earlier.

Scotty had bought a boat in anticipation of his retirement three months after the Khitomer peace conference in 2293, but Kirk persuaded him instead to come back to active duty. On hand for the ceremonial christening of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B, he helped save the newly launched starship from destruction by the Nexus temporal ribbon and save El-Aurian refugees, witnessing Kirk's apparent death in the process.

He finally did retire the next year at the age of 72, after 52 years in Starfleet, but for years was presumed lost with his courier ship U.S.S. Jenolen en route to the Norpin Colony, his new home. Not until 2369 was it discovered he was the only survivor of the ship's crash on the exterior of a Dyson Sphere, kept alive only as a transporter beamingloop until, ironically, he was rescued by an away team from the U.S.S. Enterprise-D - so disoriented that he thought Kirk had come to rescue him. After trading barbs and quips with Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge and helping to save that Enterprise, he received a permanently "loaned" shuttlecraft, the Goddard, from Captain Jean-Luc Picard and set off to roam the galaxy.

Although Scotty was never married, he became involved with fellow crew member Mira Romaine in 2269 until she was transferred to Memory Alpha soon afterward. In later years Uhura expressed an interest in romance, but they never got together seriously.

Communications Officer

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: Nichelle Nichols
Rank: Commander
Date of birth: 2239
Place of birth: United States of Africa, Earth
Parents: Mother, M'Umbha
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2257-61

Starfleet Career Summary

2266 -- Communications officer, U.S.S. Enterprise, under Capt. James T. Kirk

2271 -- Promoted to lieutenant commander, refit U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. Will Decker

2277 -- Assigned to Starfleet Academy cadet training and Starfleet Command communications

2285 -- By now a commander, aboard U.S.S. Enterprise for rescue of Genesis development team

2286 -- Inquiry dismisses charges related to theft of U.S.S. Enterprise

2287 -- Oversees communications on new NCC-1701-A Enterprise


Hikaru Sulu™

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: George Takei
Rank: Captain
Date of birth: 2237
Place of birth: San Francisco, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2255-59
Marital status: Married
Children: A daughter, Demora, born 2270

Starfleet Career Summary

2265 -- As lieutenant, assigned as staff physicist under Capt. James T. Kirk, U.S.S. Enterprise

2266 -- Transferred to helm officer, U.S.S. Enterprise

2370 -- Promoted the lieutenant commander, assigned to refit U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. Will Decker

2277 -- Assigned to Starfleet Academy cadet training and Starfleet Command helm operations

2285 -- By now a commander, aboard U.S.S. Enterprise during rescue of Project Genesis team

2286 -- Inquiry dismisses charges related to theft of U.S.S. Enterprise

2287 -- Oversees helm on new NCC-1701-A Enterprise

2290 -- Promoted to captain, given command of post-prototype U.S.S. Excelsior

2293 -- First to detect explosion of Klingon moon Praxis, assists at Khitomer peace conference

2350 -- As captain, still active on patrol of Cardassian border


Pavel Andreievich Chekov™

Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: Walter Koenig
Final Rank: Commander
Full Name: Pavel Andreievich Chekov
Serial number: 656-5827B
Year of birth: 2245
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2263-67
Marital status: Single

Starfleet Career Summary

2263 -- As ensign, took first posting on U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. James T. Kirk as navigator

2269 -- Promoted to lieutenant, named security chief to Capt. Will Decker on refit of Enterprise

2277 -- Assigned to U.S.S. Reliant under Capt. Clark Terrell

2285 -- As commander and Reliant First Officer, witnessed Genesis incident and captain's death

2286 -- Charged and cleared of theft of Enterprise a year earlier with fellow officers



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