Sexta Lição –Lesson Sixth

1. Plural of the Nouns Rules - Regras de Plural dos Substantivos

Substantivos terminados em vogal ou em Ditongo oral formam plural acrescentando a letra “s” no final da palavra:
The Nouns ended in vowel or oral diphthong make plural adding the letter “s” in the end of the singular word.
gato (cat) gatos (plural of cat/cats)
pato (duck) patos (plural of duck/ducks)
peixe(fish) peixes (plural of fish/fishes)
carro (car) carros (plural of car/cars)
casa (house) casas (plural of house/houses)
Substantivos terminados em “r” ou “z” formam o plural acrescentando “es” `a palavra no singular:
The Nouns ended in ‘r” or “z” make plural adding the “es” in the singular word.
colher (spoon) colheres (plural of spoon/spoons)
cruz (cross) cruzes (plural of cross/crosses)
abajur (lampshade) abajures (plural of lampshade/lampshades)
prazer (pleasure) prazeres (plural of pleasure)
bazar (bazaar) bazares (plural of bazaar/bazaars)
Substantivos terminados em “al”, “el”, “ol”, “ul” formam o plural trocando aletra “l” por “is”:
The Nouns ended in “al”, “el”, ”ol”, “ul” make plural taking out the letter “l” from the end of the word and putting the “is”.
papel (paper) papéis (plural of paper/papers)
pombal (dove house) pombais (plural of dove house)
mel (honey) méis (plural of honey)
túnel (tunnel) túneis (plural of tunnel)
chapéu (hat) chapéis (plural of hat/hats)
Substantivos OXÍTONOS terminados em “il” formam o plural trocando o “il” por “is”:
The oxytone noun ended with “il” make plural taking out the “il” and changing it to “is”.
funil ( funnel) funis (plural of funnel/funnels)
fuzil (rifle) fuzis (plural of rifle/rifles)
anil (indigo) anis (plural of indigo)
Substantivos PAROXÍTONOS terminados em “il” formam o plural trocando o “il” por “eis”.
The paroxytone nouns ended with “il” make plural taking out the “il” and changing it to “eis”.
fóssil (fossil) fósseis (plural of fossil/fossils)
réptil (reptile) répteis (plural of reptile/reptiles)
útil (useful) úteis (plural of useful)
Substantivos terminados em “m” fazem plural trocando o “m” por “ns”.
The nouns ended in “m” make plural taking out the letter “m” in the end of the word and putting “ns”.
nuvem (cloud) nuvens (plural of ucloud/clouds)
som (sound) sons (plural of sound/sounds)
refém (hostage) reféns (plural of hostage)
bombom (bonbon) bombons (plural of bonbon/bonbons)
vagem (green bean) vagens (plural of green bean)
Substantivos MONOSSÍLABOS e OXÍTONOS terminados em “s” fazem o plural acrescentando “es” nas palavras:
The Monosyllables and Oxytones ended in “s” make plural adding “es” to the word.
mês (month) meses (plural of green month/months)
país (Country) países (plural of green Country/Countries)
Deus (God) Deuses (plural of green God)
freguês (customer) freguêses (plural of customer/customers)
vagem(green bean) vagens (plural of green bean)
Substantivos PAROXÍTONOS e PROPAROXÍTONOS terminados em “s” sao INVARIÁVEIS:
The Paroxytone Noun and Proparoxytone Noun ended in ‘s” do INVARIABLE .
o pires (the saucer) os pires ( the saucers)
o vírus(the virus) os vírus( the viruses)
o ônibus (the bus) os ônibus (the buses)
o atlas (the atlas) os atlas (the atlases)
a íris(the iris) as íris (the irises)
Substantivos terminados em “x” sao usualmente INVARIÁVEIS:
The nouns ended in “x” usually are invariables.
o tórax (the thorax) os tórax (the thoraxes)
a fênix (the phoenix) as fênix ( the phoenixes)
Substantivos terminados em “ao” podem formar o plural acrescentando “s”, outros mais numerosos mudam o “ao” pelo “oes”, também formam plural trocando o “ao” por “aes”:
mão (hand) mãos (hands)
irmõ (brother) irmãos (brothers)
limão (lemon) limões (lemons)
botão (button) botões (buttons)
melão (melon) melões (melons)
pão (bread) pães (breads)
guardião ( guardian) guradiães (guardians)

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