Here are some more pictures of me!!
This is my first picture.  I weigh 5 lbs 15 oz.  I am on a ventilator and feeding tube.  I am on my way to the NICU at Children's Medical Center.  (5 hours old)
I still have the feeding tube and ventilator, but I'm gaining some weight now.  I weigh 6 lbs 2 oz.  (3 days old)
This was the first time my mom got to hold me.  I still have my feeding tube, but no more ventilator! 
(6 days old)
No more tubes!!!  I still have a few wires.  But, I can finally go home now.  (15 days old)
My thumb tastes much better than all of those tubes.  (1 month old)
I love my swing!!  (2 months old)
Look how chubby I am now!!  (5 months old)
Me and Mama.  (8 months old)
I got this car for my 1st birthday!  (12 months old)
Can we go trick-or-treating every day?
(15 months old)
Happy Birthday to me...
(3 years old)
Misha likes to snuggle with me!!  (2 years old)
I'm not afraid of anything!
(4 years old)
This is my new puppy, Misty.  (3 years old)
I was a ninja for Halloween. 
(5 years old)
This is me in my T-ball uniform
(6 years old)
This is me on Papa's boat.  (7 years old)