Click here to read "The Cost of Valor,"
the first collaboration by TibbieB and Brit!

Check out our photos of all the fun and insanity
from Cabrillo Con 2009!


"The Bond, Volume IV: LEGACY" by The Cabrillo State Press!

1st Place 2008 Torino Award Winner for Outstanding Fanzine

Thank you for voting "The Bond, Volume III: To Protect and To Serve"
by The Cabrillo State Press your favorite fanfic zine of 2008!

Remembering Bernie Hamilton

A tribute page by the Cabrillo State Press with photos, stories, and more.

Stories, poems, photos, and whatnot...


Here's a little theme music
to get you in the mood!

The Zebra3BLT website, as well as all stories and poems by
The Cabrillo State Press,are amateur and nonprofit. This site is produced solely
for entertainment purposes and sharing with fellow fans of Starsky and Hutch.
No infringement on the rights of anyone holding ownership of the Starsky and Hutch
characters, names, or stories is intended.
