30th Generation

Huang Zaixing 黄再兴

He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhongding of Shang.

31th Generation

Huang Youzhu 黄若洙

He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Wairen 外壬 of Shang.

32th Generation

Huang Fan 黄藩

33th Generation

Huang Liyan 黄立言

He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Zuyi 祖乙 of Shang.

34th Generation

Huang Mo 黄谟

35th Generation

Huang Chusheng 黄初盛

He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.

36th Generation

Huang Wei 黄伟

He was "Chao San Da Fu" 朝散大夫 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.

37th Generation

Huang Youshi 黄友石

38th Generation

Huang Gu 黄固

39th Generation

Huang Jing 黄敬

He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Wuding 武丁 (1250 BC~1192 BC) of Shang.

40th Generation

Huang Hui 黄惠

41th Generation

Huang Dashi 黄大拭

42nd Generation

Huang Tu 黄屠

He returned to the State of Huang.

43rd Generation

Huang Yin 黄胤

44th Generation

Huang Jiu 黄玖

45th Generation

Huang Gun 黄滚

46th Generation

Huang Duifu 黄敦复

Styled Huang Feihu 黄飞虎. He was a general of the Shang dynasty who was conferred the title "Accomplishing Valiant King" 武成王. The last ruler of Shang dynasty, King Zhou , was a fatuous and debauched monarch, who caused the deaths of Huang Feihu's wife, Lady Jia 贾氏, and his sister (King Zhou's concubine, Huang Duizhen 黄敦贞 alias Huang Feiluan 黄飞鸾). Huang Feihu was furious and rebelled. He surrendered to King Wen of Zhou 周文王 and assisted the latter to overthrow King Zhou of Shang. Huang Feihu was later conferred the title "Upright Valiant King" 武烈王

47th Generation

Huang Tong 黄通

He was also known as Huang Tianxiang 黄天祥. He was "Nong Zheng" 农正 of King Wu of Zhou 武王 (1046 BC - 1043 BC) .

48th Generation

Huang Yan 黄衍

Alias Huang Jizong 黄继宗. He was the "Da Situ" 大司徒 (Prime Minister) of King Cheng of Zhou 周成王 (1042 BC-1021 BC).

49th Generation

Huang Aibu 黄爱铺

Styled Huang Zhongbing 黄仲丙. He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Kang of Zhou 周康王 (1020 BC- 996 BC).

50th Generation

Huang E 黄鄂

He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Zhao of Zhou 周昭王 (995 BC- 977 BC). He later became Prime Minister 丞相.

51st Generation

Huang Zhao 黄昭

During the reign of King Mu of Zhou 周穆王 (976 BC- 922 BC), he was the Governor of Yanzhou (in present-day Shandong province 山东省). He later became the "Dafu" 大夫 of the State of Lu 鲁国.

52th Generation

Huang Lu 黄鲁

He returned to Zhou and became the 司谏 and 畿内闾正. He later moved to live with the Huang Clan at Ding city 定城.

53rd Generation

Huang Xi 黄熙 (b.911 BCE)

Styled Huang Shi 黄石. He was a general of King Xiao of Zhou 周孝王. He scored a merit in campaign against the northern barbarians and King Xiao of Zhou gave his eldest daughter (or sister?), Princess Ji Wen 姬汶, to him in marriage. King Xiao of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Xi 熙侯 and a fiefdom west of the Han river (present-day region of Yicheng, Hubei province) called Huang, which was known as "Xi Huang" (Western Huang 西黄) in Chinese history. He was the Marquis of "Western Huang" State.

54th Generation

Huang Youzhi 黄由植

King Yi of Zhou conferred him the title Marquis Hui and the name Zhuang. He married the daughter of Duke Huan of Qi 齐桓公, Lady Ji 姬氏.

55th Generation

Huang Zhang 黄璋 (b. 865 BCE)

His personal name was Huang Meng 黄孟. King Li of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Wen 文侯 and the name Tai . He built a new capital 12 li (6 km) north-west of present-day Huangchuan 潢川, Henan Province). The ruins of his capital can still be seen  in Huangchuan today.

Above Map of Huang State

(Click the above map for a larger view)

The ruins of Huang State at Huangchuan, Henan province.

In 1983, the double-tomb of Duke Wen Huang Xi (Huang Meng) and his consort Ji Shi 姬氏 was excavated beside the Baoxiang Temple 宝相寺 at Guangshan county 光山县, Henan Province 河南省.

Above Bronze Halberd of Marquis Wen, Huang Meng, of Huang

Collection: Henan Museum, China.
Length 22.8 cm, yuan length 18.8 cm, yuan width 3.9 cm.
Description: The yuan rises upward and the point is keen. It has a ridge and three semi-circular, vertical peg-holes near the lan. It also has a lower lan and a tang with a horizontal peg-hole. Seven characters are inscribed on the hu: ‘Ruler of Huang, Meng’s first dagger-axe’, according to which it is a personal weapon of the ruler.

(Retrieved from: http://www.arscives.com/historysteel/cn.bronzeweapons1.htm)


56th Generation

Huang Xian 黄显

Marquis of Huang

57th Generation

Huang Kuan 黄宽

Marquis of Huang

58th Generation

Huang Liang 黄亮

Marquis of Huang


Summarized and translated by Erik Huang (Ng Poh Sing)

Copyright Erik Huang (Ng Poh Sing) 2003-2006


[Next: 59th-87th Generations]