Canadian Portrait Academy


The CPA 8th Annual Exhibiton Nov.14 - Dec. 3, 2005.  Interested artists please contact our office as soon as possible as demand for exhibiting is high!  Coming soon "A Life Well Lived - Sylvia D'aoust 1902-2004"

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The Canadian Portrait Academy's Annual Exhibition features new works by CPA members along with selected works from the CPA Permanent Collection.

In the summer of 1998 the CPA held it's first annual exhibition in Vancouver, British Columbia.  This was a first in our nation's history, for never before had a professional group of portrait artists come together as one to promote the art of portraiture.  The exhibition included works by such well-known portrait artists as Dr. Elizabeth Bradford Holbrook, CM, RCA, CPA and Christian Cardell Corbet, PPCPA, FRSA.  Special recognition was paid to this event by the Honourable Romeo LeBlanc, CC, former Governor General of Canada and Canadian art critic Joan Murray.

In the spring of 1999 the CPA held it's second Annual Exhibition at the historic Hycroft Mansion in Vancouver, British Columbia. This occasion was to present itself with a number of invitational exhibitors from around the world to include celebrities such as the talented Martha Sturdy among others. In the new millennium the CPA held it's third annual exhibition at The Galleries in Ontario. This exhibition was to mark a milestone in the CPA's continuing development to promote as many forms of portraiture as possible with a show that consisted of over 90% sculpture. This important millennium exhibition was to lead the CPA into what was to be the most important annual exhibition in our history.

The prominent event of the Canadian Portrait Academy's Fourth Annual Exhibition held at the historic Grand Panoramic Poster Lounge heralded an audience of over 24,000 people during it's 3 week exhibition. The show consisted of many new CPA members to include several artists of established prominence. Artists exhibiting at this important event ranged from 19 years of age to 99 years of age! Paintings, sculptures, mixed media works, collages and other portraits were displayed to an over eager public who both appreciated the event and lauded the CPA for it's professional and historical importance in the fine arts community in Canada.

In 2004 the CPA will celebrate the CPA Sixth Anniversary Exhibition of exhibitions as being a leader of the innovative field of portraiture and promotion of this fine art in Canada. Details on this anniversary celebration will be announced soon!

Mission Statement: To promote the practice, appreciation and education of the fine art of portraiture in all media across Canada and abroad. 

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