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Welcome to Canadian Church of God's recommended Booklets and Literature. These are some reading material for those who want further insight into learning more about our Saviour, Jesus, and our Father in heaven.

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Disclaimer: The Canadian Church of God is not responsible for the content written in these documents. Documents that are placed here are for the encouragement to live for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about any document presented on this site, we encourage you to contact the author and/or publisher of the document. Contact information is written at the end of each document. We also encourage you to READ YOUR BIBLE.

Concerns re Booklets written by James Mc Bride can be forwarded to

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Concerns re Booklets written by Manuel V. Rojas

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Coming to Baptism James McBride "You feel your life needs to change...."
After the Resurrection James McBride "What will you be like in the resurrection...."
Do you just Pay and Pray James McBride "What does Jesus expect...."
God's Grand Design James McBride "Is human life merely evolutionary accident..."
Guidelines for Baptism James McBride " outline ... of being baptized"
Hebrew Calendar James McBride "...confusion about .... the calendar..."
Is Jesus God? James McBride "What is he now?"
Passover - Double Celebration James McBride "... the Passover season..."
Understanding the "Trinity" James McBride "Do you believe in the "Trinity"?
What Do You Expect.... James McBride "How much of his... intervention can we count on..."
What Do You Do.... James McBride What do you do when you are ill?
What Do You Mean.... James McBride "Repentance..."
OUTREACH Newsletter  James McBride "August 2001"
The  New Testament Christian Manuel V. Rojas "What Bible did Christ use in his day..."
The Two Covenants Manuel V. Rojas "With whom did God make the first covenant?
The  Resurrections Manuel V. Rojas "You only live twice..."
The Mustard Seed Articles Church of God, New Mexico
Forgotten Sabbath David Nix     In John 14:15, Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

May God bless us ALL


Coming to Baptism

James McBride

You feel your life needs to change and that you need forgiveness. You are drawn to God’s Word and want to be baptized. Are you ready?

When we reach the point of baptism each of us has faced a variety of life experiences. Some have “record”. Others have been “religious since mother’s knee”. Some were christened, or baptized as an adult. Some have never had any religious training or experience. Some have been associated with other churches. And others have never darkened a church door. You then come to believe that change is needed. What do you do?

The Scriptures teach a twin action: “Repent, and be baptized” (Acts 2:38). The baptism bit is usually easy. But — do we understand what’s meant by “repentance”?

A New Beginning

Note first that baptism is “the bottom of the ladder” of Christian life. It is a new beginning. When you step out of the water and have the laying-on of hands (to receive God’s Spirit) you are a new life — a spiritual embryo, if you like. God’s Spirit has united with your spirit to form a new creature. You are a “babe in Christ”. And you have much to learn! You need to “grow”.

So, what God will seek from you as a mature Christian after years of experience is not what He expects from you at baptism! Thankfully, God doesn’t reveal the specific trials ahead of a new Christian. By the way He wants us to live like Christians — the evidence that we are truly converted — is clearly explained in Scripture!


We can’t be saved by any personal works of righteousness. It is of grace, of God’s mercy, out of His love for us. So why echo the question of Acts 2:37 “What must I do?” The key, as Peter answered, is — repent! Christianity is a way of life, and we are expected to “live by every Word of God” (Matthew 4:4), and that will mean a radical change in our daily walk.

Let’s look at some of these changes.

God has called you to offer you His salvation. In His goodness He leads you to repentance. He uses the circumstances of your life to induce a godly sorrow — a deep contrition for you and your sinful nature. Such sorrow can be triggered by ill-health, by loss of someone close, by reverses, simply by a general dissatisfaction with your life. But whatever it is, you begin to seek and follow, God’s way. To seek and to follow is repentance. Repentance is not a “feeling”. It is action. It is a turning to God’s “narrow way”. It is willing obedience.

And you can’t leave obedience till after your baptism!

When God begins to call you, it is His Spirit that is working with you. You are not alone, for the Holy Spirit is with you, prompting you to obedience. It is for you to turn those prompts into action! You show your submission to God by a changed lifestyle, by starting to produce good fruit. And you start before baptism.

Check List

This article is not meant to be a substitute for counsel with a competent counselor of the Church. You ought to discuss baptism fully, and indeed baptism, for your sake, shouldn't be carried out unless you do! Here, however, is a “check list” to summarize key parts of what the counselor wants you to understand.

Not surprisingly, there are ten areas of your life to make a start on before baptism. Unless you are committed to them God won’t give you His Spirit. They are signposts to the life in Christ. God expects you to take your first steps of obedience before giving you His Spirit. Like any parent, He does not look for maturity from a babe — but you have to take those first steps as evidence of commitment! Let’s look at them briefly.

  • Determine to put God, His Word and His work first in your life. Have you made this commitment?

  • Realize that true religion is of the spirit and not dependent on the physical — e.g., religious symbols, pictures, buildings. Are you looking to God for salvation and not to your deeds or religious trappings?

  • All our service to God ought to reflect His revealed Word. If it’s contrary to Scripture, if it does not carry God’s imprint — discard it. It is “vain worship”, and idolatrous. This applies, for example, to many “Christian” traditions. It applies also to religious “holy days”. Only those revealed in Scripture are acceptable to God — see Leviticus 23. Have you begun to observe God’s Holy Days, and renounced traditional Christian holidays like Christmas, Easter, Saints’ Days?

  • God requires positive worship from us each week on His (7th day) Sabbath — not Sunday —coupled with cessation of our normal business activity. Do you now observe God’s weekly seventh day Sabbath?

  • Our Christian life is marked by recognition of God’s pattern of family life. Be on good terms with your family. Have you taken steps (e.g., forgiveness) to be reconciled to your parents and your children?

  • Be reconciled, also, to all those to whom you have animosity. Failure to forgive means we inwardly harbour murderous thoughts. Have you searched your heart for hatred, begun to control anger and to love even your enemies?

  • Determine to discipline yourself to purity of thought, check that what you read, what you view. Do what is godly, and according to God’s Word. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, transvestitism, lesbianism etc. are sin. God requires His people to be chaste, and faithful within marriage. Have you abandoned all unlawful personal relationships?

  • Be industrious, respectful of the property of others, and generous in all your good deeds. Are you following only legal occupations, honest in your dealings — e.g., with your employer and the taxman — and God?

  • Honesty and compassion should become constant companions. Are you helpful and supportive to your neighbour, willing to overlook his faults and to serve him?

  • Be thankful for what you have, and don’t desire what’s not yours, nor what you can’t afford (eg consumerism, gambling), nor what’s harmful to your body (e.g., drugs, alcohol, smoking). All are forms of idolatry! If necessary get professional help to conquer such habits. If, however, you are actively trying to be rid of them, but have not yet succeeded, it need not stop you from being baptized. Are you actively trying to conquer harmful habits?

  • I repeat — you must be committed to this outline. But God knows our weakness, and does not expect maturity or perfection of a babe!


A False Conversion?

The above is a brief summary of how we should begin to live before baptism. Repentance means we voluntarily submit to this way of life. Unless committed to these ten commandments we are not truly repentant. They are “seeds” that we plant before baptism. As we mature in Christ they bring forth an abundance of godly fruit.

If we are not so committed our baptism is a sham.

It will result in a “false conversion” in which we worship Jesus Christ in vain (see Matthew 7:15-28, especially vv. 21-23). Dangerously, we can be lulled into a false security, assuming we are “saved”. Multiple millions follow this path of lawlessness and led by false shepherds become blinded to the beautiful way of life revealed through God’s Law. Such may indeed have sorrow for their sin. They see in Jesus Christ the forgiveness of that sin. But by false teachings they are then led to resist God’s holy and perfect and righteous Law! That resistance is carnal and spells death.

Obedience to God is not “salvation by works”. It is an expression of our submission to His lordship and sovereignty. Joyful obedience to God’s torah (ie instruction) — as expanded in all of Scripture — is one sign that we are truly being converted. No-one can expect to be converted, can expect God to give His Holy Spirit, can be sure of salvation unless they first “bring forth fruit meet for repentance”.

Can you be in the Kingdom, some ask, without keeping the Sabbath? Or if you are an adulterer? Or worshipping falsely? The wrong questions! Rather we ought to ask, Will God graciously and freely give His Holy Spirit to someone who refuses to obey His revealed Word? Clearly — no!

Remember: God will give His Holy Spirit — without which we are none of His, without which there is no salvation (Romans 8:9) — only to those who have become so truly sorry for their sin that they are changing their lifestyle according to the way of life revealed in His Word. Only then, and wholly by His grace and mercy, do we enter His Family as new-born babes in Christ.

Are you prepared to be baptized?

{ If you would like to counsel about baptism we will be happy to arrange to discuss this vital step with you}

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After The


James McBride

What will you be like in the resurrection?

Is Jesus Christ a pattern for our own resurrection? What the Bible teaches is breath-taking!

Jesus Christ, according to Scripture, was raised from the dead. It’s an attested historical fact. His mauled body was taken from the tree on which he was hanged. Entombed in a dark sepulcher, three days and three nights later he was raised from the dead! He burst the chains of cold death and became a powerhouse of spiritual energy.

During the next six weeks Jesus frequently appeared to the disciples. They saw him. They touched him. They ate with him. They walked and talked with him.

Yet - he was different! Now clearly no longer simply a human being, he appeared - and he vanished. He walked through solid matter into a locked room. He was seen as "a gardener". He "appeared in a different form" to other disciples. He levitated into Heaven, and now shines brilliantly like the sun. Certainly no ordinary mortal!

Does the resurrection body of Jesus differ from what the Christian can expect? What will you be like in the resurrection?


A Heavenly Reward?


Most Christians see themselves going to Heaven in the form of a wraith or disembodied soul or spirit or an angel - perhaps having sprouted a set of wings. Increasingly, Christians subscribe to the eastern notion that they will return to life as another creature - a horse, or a mouse, etc. Or, with effort ("karma"), as a better human being.

Must we guess our future state? Must we stay ignorant? Or, does the Bible describe what we will be like in the resurrection? In fact - God leaves us in no doubt. We can know what lies beyond the grave!

In the famous "resurrection chapter" (I Corinthians 15) the apostle Paul says "We [i.e. Christians] shall all be changed" (v. 51) at the return of Jesus Christ. Any of the people of God who are alive at that time will put on what the apostle terms a "spiritual body". Different. No longer subject to decay or death. Untiring. Powerful. Spiritual.

The apostle John’s understanding of this exciting concept is no less dramatic. He writes "Beloved, now are we the sons of God" (I John 3:2), and he continues "Beloved we are now God’s children, but what we are to be has not yet been manifested. We know that when he [Jesus Christ] appears we shall be like him..." (I John 3:2). Could it be clearer? When we slip the bonds of mortality and are resurrected at the return of Jesus Christ we will share his nature, fully reflect his person - be "like him"!

We cannot take our human flesh or our human nature with us into the Kingdom of God. "Flesh and blood" wrote the apostle Paul, "cannot inherit the Kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 15:50). He continues, "...the dead shall be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable nature [our humanity and our human flesh] must clothe itself with the imperishable and this mortality must clothe itself with immortality" (v. 53).

Certainly a good and loving Father has given us a glimpse of what is life’s purpose! Not endless strumming on a harp on cloud nine or gazing blissfully forever at God’s face but imbued with boundless life and power. Like Jesus Christ.


In his thrilling exposition of this concept to the Roman Christians Paul wrote: "Those whom He has foreknown He also predestined to share the likeness of His son, that he might be the eldest in a vast family of brothers" (ch. 8:29). And in the book of Hebrews it is recorded "[Jesus] is not ashamed to call them brothers" (ch 2:11). Earlier in Romans 8 (v. 16-17) Paul tells us "The Spirit itself bears witness with our own spirits that we are the children of God: and if children then heirs, too - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ".

Did you catch that? We - now mere flesh and blood and subject to the sufferings and limitations that are part and parcel of the human condition - we are to be brothers of Jesus Christ, heirs of God! We, if we overcome, are to "inherit all things" (Revelation 21:7 KJV). That means everything. That includes the whole of creation, the entire vastness of the incomprehensible universe! As Christians we - if we overcome to the end - will inherit all there is as joint-heirs with our Saviour.

Humanly, the heir receives the "estate" on the death of the benefactor (parent, etc). But such is the love of God our Father for us that (just like the father of "the prodigal son") He who never dies, who has ever been and will ever be, shares His estate - the whole of creation, all of His powers — with His "sons and daughters" (II Corinthians 6:18).

This explains why Paul ecstatically exclaims "If God be for us, who can be against us? He who did not withhold even His own Son but gave him up for all of us, will he not also with him freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:31-32). That’s the reward God has laid up for His faithful children!

It’s the fulfillment of the divine purpose of creating man "in the image of God" (Genesis 1:26).

Divine Deeds

Would you, with but a word, like to make the blind see? Would you like to heal the deaf ear? Miraculously feed the hungry around the world? Restore to full health the millions of acute and chronically ill? Raise the dead to life? Jesus Christ did. And He said that those who trust him will do the same. He told the disciples "In very truth I tell you that he who trusts in me shall do the deeds I do; and he shall do greater deeds than these because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12).

We see just an inkling of this in the Body of Christ, in the Church, today. But its supreme fulfillment will be in tomorrow’s world. As Paul wrote, "You were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest [deposit, down-payment] of our inheritance" (Ephesians 1:14).

Coming soon is an utopian time when all that now mars human life will be healed. When Jesus Christ returns as King of kings, with him will be today’s saints resurrected to be with him as joint-heirs of the Father’s Kingdom. "Then" prophesied Isaiah "the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing for joy" (ch. 35:5-6).

Miraculous, indeed. But administered at the hands of the resurrected saints as they exercise the powers of God.

Can you imagine a world where God’s healing power surges over the whole earth? Can you imagine personally sharing this power? Can you imagine the mighty Spirit of God flowing through you in doing these mighty works? Jesus said "Whoever is thirsty let him come to me, and let him drink who believes in me. From within him - as the Scripture has said - rivers of living water shall flow" (John 7:38).

That thought almost blows the mind. Out from those who are co-heirs with Christ will flow to others the very divine life. By this, John says, Jesus "referred to the Spirit which those who believe in him were to receive" (v. 39). As an angel informed the apostle John, God’s chosen ones "shall reign over the earth" (Revelation 5:10). That means unlimited power to serve with Jesus Christ. It’s but a glimpse of what you will be like in the resurrection!



Clearly, then, each Christian who is victorious to the end of his or her life is to share the powers exercised by our elder brother Jesus Christ - ‘the eldest in a vast family of brothers’ (Romans 8:29). Upon repentance, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit of God, we enter into a family relationship with our heavenly Father and with Jesus Christ - what Paul describes as "the whole family in heaven and on earth" (Ephesians 3:15).

Does that mean, then, that we actually become God? It seems a blasphemous assumption, indeed!

Yet the apostle Peter exclaimed that we will be "partakers of the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4). Now that’s an awe-inspiring thought!

Does Peter’s concept that you will share God’s nature sound abhorrent? It almost seems blasphemous! And the idea lies uncomfortably with most Christians.

Yet - isn’t that what Peter says?

Note again what he wrote: "His divine power has given us all things that are needful for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and perfection. Thereby He has given us His exceeding great and precious promises, in order that through them you may become sharers in the divine nature" (II Peter 1:3-4).

In each Christian - each person, that is, in whom dwells the Spirit of God - lies the seed of the divine. A seed that will later flower as full membership of the divine Family! The apostle Paul puts it this way: "God has put His Spirit [His divine power and being] in us as a guarantee" (II Corinthians 1:22). If we have Christ’s Spirit in us, our eternal future in the Family of God is guaranteed. If we do not disqualify ourselves.

In fact, Jesus had to straighten out his inquisitors on this matter. Certain Jews who opposed him gathered baskets of stones ready to kill him. Jesus remonstrated with them: "Many good deeds from the Father have I shown you" , he said. "For which of them will you stone me?". The Jews replied: "For no good deed are we going to stone you, but for blasphemy, and because you who are only a man are making yourself out to be God" (John 10:31 ff).

Jesus reply is startling. He answers "Does it not stand written in your Law ‘ I said you are gods’ [Psalm 82:6]? If those [men!] to whom God’s word was addressed are called gods (and the Scripture cannot be annulled), how it is that you say to one of whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming’ because I said ‘I am God’s son’?"

Jesus saw no theological difficulty in the concept of men becoming "gods"!

Is it then blasphemy for me to claim, as a Christian, that I am God’s son? Of course not! Constantly throughout the New Testament, Christians are called "sons" and "daughters" and "children" of God. As we have seen there is a family relationship. The Godhead, indeed, is a Family.

Notice Paul’s words in Romans 8 "All who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons" (v. 14). He adds (v. 23) "...we ourselves, though we possess the Spirit as a foretaste, yet we ourselves inwardly moan as we wait for full sonship [KJV - adoption is a weak translation] in the redemption of our bodies [i.e. at the resurrection]". Now - though sons and daughters of God - we are lumbered with our physical limitations. Then we shall receive full sonship and enter into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (Read Romans 8:14-21).

Notice what the book of Hebrews teaches: "It was fitting that he [Jesus], for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering. For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin" (ch 2:10-11).

Why can’t we simply accept what the Scriptures teach! Whatever Jesus now is, Christians will become so at the resurrection of the just.

"New Age" God

Of course, the idea of a god in man is nothing new! It’s concept planted in man’s mind (by Satan) shortly after man’s creation. "Disobey the Creator God, acquire your own standards of good and evil - and be god-like" was the Devil’s message (see Genesis 3:1-7). It’s a path ever since pursued by mankind!

The idea that all humans nurse within themselves a divine spark is a common one. It is fundamental to Hindu belief, to many eastern religions - and to the not- so- modern New Age movement. And fundamental to Mormon teaching. Basically it is Satan’s lie dressed in modern clothes!

Certainly it isn’t what the Bible teaches!

Man is physical and all of us will die. Man has a sinful nature - and unless that nature is transformed we will die, be buried and never again see the light of day until His time of Judgment. There’s only one way for any human being to live forever (become immortal) and that’s through Jesus Christ. Each of us must "die" to our human nature, be converted and cleansed of all sin through the shed blood of our Saviour.

Only then, upon baptism, can a loving Father place in a human being His Spirit. It is that Spirit in us that is the spark of the divine. We are not born with it. And unless we become converted we will die like the animals!

The apostle Paul wrote to his young disciple Timothy "[God] alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light" (I Timothy 6:16). Are men immortal? Of course not - only God is without beginning! But if you have within you the divine seed of God’s Spirit you will at the resurrection be, fully, a part of - be born into - the divine Family. Truly "born again"!


After The Resurrection


Few will deny that Jesus Christ, while he walked this planet, was unique. But controversy has raged as to his real nature. Was he God dwelling in a shell of human flesh? Was he an ordinary man mightily used by God? Was he an angel? Is he different now from what he was while on earth?

The full answer to these questions is beyond the scope of this article. [Write for the article Is Jesus God?]

Clearly, during his life-time Jesus the Messiah was subject to human limitation - though he exercised perfect faith. He was subject to human emotion, he tired and had to rest and sleep, he became hungry and thirsty and had to eat and drink, he on occasion got angry. When wounded he bled and suffered pain. He was at times anguished. He was tempted in every respect just as we are. He constantly struggled against sin.

But when, because he overcame (he never sinned), death could no longer contain him. Jesus had new powers. He could at will assume a solid body of flesh and bone (Luke 24:34) - yet he could walk through solid walls (John 20:19,26). He walked with his friends - but could instantly disappear (Luke 24:31,36). He appeared in different forms (John 21:4-6). He ate (Luke 24:42). He could ascend to the throne of God and return at the speed of light. He could appear shining as the sun in full strength, his eyes like flames of fire (Revelation 1:12-16).

Now he is alive for evermore. And he has the authority in heaven and earth given into his hands.

And remember - we will be like him!

God All In All

Of course, Jesus has pre-eminence. He has a name above every name. Jesus Christ is "high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this age or the age to come" (Ephesians 1:21-22). But in essence the reward of the Christian is that we inherit that same quality of spiritual life and power. We are to share these divine powers and attributes as Kings and Priests in his Kingdom.

It is in this sense that mortal man may become immortal God!

How can this be? It’s because within the Christian resides that same Holy Spirit which was the power on which Jesus himself totally depended. As we read in Hebrews: "He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin". At conversion we are given the same Holy Spirit - the same Spirit that empowered and motivated Jesus Christ. At our resurrection (on the return of Jesus - Colossians 3:4) all that will remain of us is that the same Holy Spirit who now dwells in us!

Ahead of us lies the most exciting thousand years of all time. History has progressed according to God’s own inexorable time-table. By best estimates we are now (1996) entered the two thousandth year since the birth of Jesus the Messiah, the sixth thousandth year since creation. God’s purpose has been "to bring many sons to glory" and the task has from the beginning been entrusted to the one we know as Jesus of Nazareth. [Request the title God’s Grand Design].

The apostle Paul neatly summarizes it for us in the famed "resurrection chapter". He writes: "Just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive again. But each in his own order - Christ first, and afterwards Christ’s people at His return. After that comes the end when he is to surrender the kingship to God the Father, when he has abolished all other government and all other authority and power. For He must be King until he has put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that is to be abolished is death; for God has put all things under his feet....But when all things have been put under him then the Son himself will also come under Him who has put all things under him, in order that God may be all in all" (I Corinthians 15:22-28).

Did that statement somehow pass you unnoticed? Paul says that the purpose and summation of history is " order that God may be all in all"!

When that time comes all that then exists that was human will be God.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Clearly, the physical "mould" that was Adam and his descendants is a mere shell of that image. But its fullness comes when each and every human life will become divine. Not an impersonal faceless mass, but a Family of all-powerful divine Beings. Each of us will express our individual character - a character forged in partnership with God’s indwelling Spirit during a lifetime of training. Yet we will perfectly reflect the Father, carrying out His sovereign will through all eternity.

Divine Sharing


The Family of God so loves you that they are prepared to share totally with you their glory, their universe and their incredible power. If this is what you want - and it is indeed the fulfillment of life’s purpose - you must here and now fully submit your will to God!

For God gives the precious Holy Spirit only to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32)! How can you receive God’s Spirit is clearly stated in the Scriptures. The essential fundamental first steps towards fulfilling life’s purpose are, in the words of the apostle Peter: "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).

Do you want to share in the climax of God’s magnificent plan? Then here and now submit your will to His will as revealed in Jesus. Do you want to know what you will be like in the resurrection? Then look to Jesus Christ and to his resurrection body.

For we will be like him!

Published by;

The Churches of God, UK

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Do You


"Pay and Pray"?

James McBride

What does Jesus Christ expect from you as a Christian? Do you have a role of any significance within the Church? Is there more to your life in Christ than "pay and pray"?

Many brethren - perhaps scattered around the country, and rarely meeting other brethren - are frustrated by limits they place on their responsibility as an "ordinary member" of the Church. Many focus on a negative sense of being called only to pray for the work of the Church and to support it financially. They feel they ought to be doing more. But what?

There is, of course, no such person as an "ordinary member"! Each of us is unique. Each of us was endowed, at the laying on of hands at our baptism, with one or more spiritual gifts. And we are all expected to identify, develop and use those gifts for the benefit of the Church. Unless all the brethren are active in this way the Church can only hobble along!

What your specific gifts are isn’t the point of this article - that’s for another time. What I want to focus on is a matter that is often viewed in the Churches of God with some suspicion. It is an activity that ought, in one form or another, to be very much a part of our Christian walk. It’s as much a part of our spiritual life as breathing is to our physical life! And in doing this we bear strong witness for Jesus Christ.

It is, simply, "good works"! For many who profess to be Christian this is a natural action - the Salvation Army is a praiseworthy example. And many others. However the Scriptures don’t urge such helpful actions to our fellowman as some kind of "corporate action". We don’t need, in the modern world, to project ourselves in high-profile church-wide social action. Our righteous actions ("alms") are not to be publicly flaunted (Matthew 6: 1).

Sadly, this text in Matthew 6 has often been used to screen out any "good works"! But you will recall that the apostle Paul urged Christians in Galatia "as often as you have the opportunity do good to all men...." (ch 6: 10). Too often we focus only on the sequel "...especially those of the household of the faith"!

Of course, good works however we define them are not the way to salvation. Paul makes that abundantly clear in Ephesians 2. But he also emphasizes that one of the purposes of our new creation in Christ is to do good works (vv 8- 10). Indeed Paul says God planned beforehand that this was what we are to do as Christians (v. 10). In doing so we act as a pin-point of light in a dark world. Said Jesus: "Let your light shine before all men that they may see your good deeds and may give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5: 16).

A useful study for each of us is to search the Scriptures on this vital aspect of Christian living. To the church in general, to the rich, to individuals and to widows the Word of God urges us to "be careful to maintain good works" (Titus 3: 8). We are urged to "provoke one another to love and to good works" (Heb. 10: 24), and to be "zealous of good works" (Titus 2: 14). It is the expression of Christ in us.

Jesus "went about doing good" (Acts 10: 38), and the Gospels are abundant testimony to his untiring service to humanity. He expressed tenderness towards little children. He ministered to the diseased. He fed the hungry. He mourned with the bereaved. All men and women of every class, from the lowest to the greatest, benefited from the boundless compassion that he expressed. His life projected the whole measure of John 3: 16 "God so loved the world that He gave..."!

Are you, then, at least partially unfulfilled as a Christian? Do you want to do more than "pay and pray"? Do you wish to become more directly involved "in the work of God"? Then do good works!

What that will mean for any one of you I don’t know. It will depend on your circumstances. It need not involve spending money. It will however, involve sacrifice. Sacrifice of your precious time, mostly. Sacrifice, perhaps of home comforts on a cold night as you minister with "a soup kitchen". Sacrifice of a favourite TV soap. But isn’t that expressing the life of Christ? He was always ready to serve his fellow man. We’re told that he "took the nature of a slave" (Phil. 2: 7). And he served to the point of laying down his life.

Whether you are able to minister from your home or are in a position to serve with other organizations "in the field" of human suffering is a matter for each to carefully consider, keeping all legitimate factors (e.g. necessary commitments, safety etc.) in mind.

Whatever way you serve, however you use your natural spiritual gifts in serving the world you will be reflecting Jesus Christ. Projecting him to others. Laying up treasure in heaven. And bringing solace to mankind for whom Christ died. Remember that during his life Jesus never once ministered to a converted person!

We don’t serve to convert - but from compassion. We don’t serve to massage our ego - but we serve from compassion. We don’t serve to draw the praise of men - but we do our good works with the same motivation as Jesus Christ, from compassion for suffering mankind.

Certainly nothing should be allowed to hinder our supplications that God will open doors and will otherwise support our work for Him of proclaiming the imminent Kingdom of God. Any "good works" we help with on the Sabbath should allow adequate time for rest, for worship, for study and reflection. But our good works are just as much an expression of faith as are these other vital activities! As the Church of God we surely have God’s "form" of godliness - in our worship and in our teachings. But don’t let us become so obsessed with the "form" that we omit the weightier matters of God’s instruction to His people!

If we fail to have a proper balance our prayers for this work for God may go unanswered. Notice what Isaiah relayed to ancient Judah: "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to Me, I am weary of bearing them. When you spread forth your hands [in prayer] I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers I will not listen". He goes on to urge the people to "learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow" (Isaiah 1: 14- 17). A similar message is conveyed in chapter 58 in regard to the Day of Atonement.

So let’s each express the power of Christ to those around us, and to those we can reach out to, through our acts of mercy. Let’s all, brethren, in a way our circumstances will permit, be careful and zealous to maintain good works. And, as we have opportunity, let’s do good to all men! 


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God’s Grand Design

James McBride

Is human life merely a fortunate evolutionary accident? Is our future in the hands of blind chance? Or, is there a purpose to human life? Here’s the remarkable evidence of a spectacular planned destiny for mankind.

"Everybody must wonder from time to time if there is any real purpose in life", so eminent astronomer Fred Hoyle begins his book, The Intelligent Universe. The notion that human destiny is governed by a purpose is, however, in our high-tech world considered impossible, naive.

Many professional historians, for example, fail to see any significance in history. D.M. Sturley, in his work, The Study of History, writes: "....many eminent historians have been obliged to admit, after a lifetime of study, that they have been unable to distinguish any coherent pattern of events [in history]" (pg. 25). Even religious people are skeptical. Writes P.I.H. Naylor, "[Astrology] postulates some order in the universe, some divine planning - an idea that seems obnoxious nowadays to most [religious leaders] as well as to the layman" (Astrology, p. 168).

Yet throughout history, other great minds have stepped back for an over-view of human life and have concluded that there is a plan for human existence; that man is not just flotsam tossed on the face of some surging universal ocean.

Before the US Congress in 1941, Sir Winston Churchill reflected, "If you will allow me to use other language, I will say that he must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being worked out here below, of which we have the honour to be faithful servants." One-time Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin once commented, "The history of mankind is not a purposeless history. It is a manifestation of the divine purpose." And King George VI spoke of "fulfilling His high purpose."

A divine calling and purpose! A supernatural reason that makes sense of this weary life! Isn’t that something we all seek? Yet it seems so unrealistic and utopian in our fast-moving technological world of the late twentieth century. Isn’t man more than a sophisticated accident? More than evolutionary caprice or some meaningless cosmic whim? We humans surely need some such assurance, some evidence, that all is not chaos. That somehow there is an understandable pattern being worked on the board canvas of human experience.

Amazingly, there is such evidence! Man’s history does make sense.

There is a grand design that may be discerned from man’s observations and from nature itself. Let's look at some of the fascinating strands of that evidence.

The Mythical "Golden Age"

In all the great civilizations since the dawn of human history - Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome - there existed a peculiar recurring dream. The thinkers and philosophers of these ancient nations looked to a coming "Golden Age", a utopian paradise of peace and prosperity, an era of truth and justice, a release from life’s unending problems. History is full of references to it!

The Latin poet Virgil, for example, extolled the universal longing for the return of the so-called "Day of Saturn" (Ecologue, IV). Mankind would return to a time of innocence and harmony. This was a "golden" time when Saturn ruled on the earth. But since then, according to the mythical picture, things have gone from bad to worse. An inferior "silver" age overtook mankind, followed by a "bronze" age and then an age of "iron". However, continues the poet, Saturn’s Golden Age would come again. He would personally return to the earth to institute a benign rule. Peace and justice would be universal, and suffering would cease.

But that "Golden Age" has never materialized. The formula was never discovered. Not anciently - after Eden - and certainly not today. Human society has not yet implemented a plan leading to genuine, lasting success in government, in religion, in education, or in commerce!

Yet, within this fanciful-sounding concept of a "Golden Age" lies a vital kernel of dimly recognized truth. It filters down to us garbled by mythology and superstition, but it represents clear evidence of a universal awareness in ancient times of a plan for mankind. All nations of antiquity recognized at least something of this finitely-timed and divinely-executed plan.

It is solidly embedded in traditions, customs and writings worldwide!

7000 Years of History

Some ancient thinkers even understood the time scale. They expected that the Golden Age would come only after man had completed six thousand years on earth, and that the Golden Age was in itself one thousand years in length.

William Hales, in his monumental Analysis of Chronology, says, "Hesiod might have been acquainted with that early tradition of six millenary [1000-year] ages of the world which prevailed throughout the East...." (Vol. 1, p.44). Suidas records the same tradition among the ancient Etrurians. The Zoroastrians also looked for the end of man’s rule after 6000 years (Ruhi Afnan: Zoroaster’s Influence on Greek Thought, p.43).

But the concept is perhaps most completely summed up by the Greek philosopher Plato, in his famous Utopian treatise, The Republic. Godfrey Higgins writes, "Plato maintained that the world would be destroyed at the end of six thousand years; that then the day of judgment would come...." (Anacalepsis, Vol. 1, p.202).

Indeed, contemporary scholars recognize that civilization has existed, to date, no more than about six thousand years. Writes Jacques Boudet in the preface to The Great Works of Mankind, "...the first rudimentary traces of man acting on his surroundings are barely seven thousand [years old]". And the eminent historian Arnold Toynbee writes of "....the five or six thousand years that have elapsed since the first emergence of representatives of the species of human society that we label "civilization" (Civilization on Trial, p.19). As the famed John Glubb, Mid-eastern historian, writes, "Real history only goes back to 6000 years BC."

A Strange Modern Custom

But where did the concept of a divine plan originate? Was it just the eternal "dreamer’s solution" to mankind’s universal problems? Indeed, no!

Surprisingly, it is expressed in an ancient custom that we still observe in the twentieth century. In your own life you perpetuate the very foundation pattern of this plan - the seven-day WEEK!

Just about every nation on earth observes a week of seven days. Recourse to this "septenary cycle" for timekeeping is common practice all over the globe.

But did you ever stop to ask why?

It is one of those life patterns we take for granted. Yet there is absolutely no scientific or astronomical reason for its observance! The earth revolves around its axis once, and we have a day. The moon circles the earth, creating the true month. And in one year the earth compasses the sun.

But there is nothing to account for the week!

The seven-day cycle cuts across every argument of logic. It has no rhyme or reason in scientific terms. It overlaps months, spans years. It’s an intruder in the orderly, scientific arrangement of the calendar. Or, as the Britannica notes, "....having no reference to the celestial motions" (11th edition, Art: Calendar).

Yet the weekly seven-day cycle is hallowed by antiquity. Very early calendars are known to have been divided into seven-day sections. It was standard practice in Babylon, Assyria, China, India, and even among the Druids and the Goths. It is a remarkably strong tradition, worldwide.

The custom has not, however, been unchallenged. Even in ancient times local variations were introduced. As recently as 1931 a "World Calendar" was presented to a League of Nations conference. Its main aim was to break the traditional cycle. One of the primary arguments is the apparent "chaos" of the seven-day system! But despite tremendous pressure brought to bear by prestigious organizations and even governments, the septenary cycle - the seven day week - still hold sway.

But why should such a custom have taken hold universally? Did all nations just stumble upon it by accident? Or is there real significance to its observance?

The ancients knew the answer. The week was clearly symbolic of the Creator’s master plan for all time - a scale in miniature encompassing the entirety of human existence. It was a microcosm of the divine seven thousand-year plan.

Ancient literature portrays each day of the week as representing an "age". The length of each age varied in national tradition but the general trend was that each represents one thousand years in the panorama of human history. Franz Cumont says each day was ruled over by a particular planet, each of which had dominion over a period of one thousand years (Astrology and Religion, p.91). George Stanley Faber adds, "....among the ancients, millenaries and days appear to have been used convertibly, perhaps from an idea, sanctified even by revelation [i.e.: the Bible], that a thousand years constituted a great day of the Creator" (Pagan Idolatry, Vol. 1, p.233).

The Universal Rest Day

Besides this, many sources inform us of a special veneration for the seventh day of the week.

Mythologically it was the day ruled over by Saturn. In English we call it Saturday or "Saturn’s Day." T. W. Doane has this to say about the seventh day, "....all the principle nations of antiquity kept the seventh day of the week as a holy day....[It] was sacred to Saturn from time immemorial. Homer and Hesiod call it the Holy Day" (Bible Myths, p.392f).

The author then cites numerous examples of peoples who observed the seventh day rest. Even today the implication of a special "rest" day is inherent in the name given in various languages to the seventh day. In Hebrew the basic word is Shabbat (rest). In Russian it is Subota, in Polish it is Sobota, Spanish and Portuguese, Sabado, in Romanian, Sambata. Etc.

The ancient Accadians kept holy the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days of the month as Salum (rest), on which certain works were forbidden. Doane also records how the assyrians, in their religious calendar, marked out the seventh day or Sabbath as a time when no work should be undertaken. Confucius, commenting on earlier Chinese texts, remarks of the Emperor Ouen-ouang of the 12th century BC., "The seventh day was observed by him as a day of reflection and self-correction" (1. Greswell: Fasti Temporis Catholicus, Vol. 1, p.405).

But why refrain from work on the day of Saturn? Why a rest day?

Again, the answer is plain. The time depicted by the day of Saturn was none other than the Golden Age of happiness, purity, simplicity and abundance! It represented that future time when man could rest from his labor of suffering, war, poverty and disease. After six thousand years of human effort to attain Utopia, there would follow one more 1000-year "day" of peace and prosperity. It is Virgil’s "day of Saturn" and the "Golden Age." Or, as Godfery Higgins says, it was "none other than the Jewish and Christian Millennium". It was the culminating one thousand years of the overall 7000-year plan of God.

Jewish Tradition

The writings of the Jewish prophets in the centuries just prior to the time of Jesus Christ are full of the concept of a grand design for mankind. Talmudic traditions filtering down from the time of Enoch through the prophet Elijah were rich in references to a 7000-year plan of God. The Jewish Encyclopedia summarizes, "The six thousand years of the world will be concluded by the seventh thousand of the Messianic Kingdom...The Sabbath corresponds to the seventh thousand" (Vol. 8, Art. Millennium). Representative of Jewish sources is the Book of the Secrets of Enoch (early 1st Cent. AD) which states "And I blessed the seventh day which is the Sabbath...God shows Enoch the age of this world, its existence of seven thousand years".

Also of significance are the national traditions of the ancient Israelitish peoples - particularly their religious worship in the annual festivals.

At the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, ancient Israel was also commanded to observe seven annual holy days or festivals. The details are recorded in the 23rd chapter of the book of Leviticus. To this day they largely constitute the yearly Jewish - and, indeed, the true Christian tradition - festival routine. Of special interest is the symbolic evidence they contain for a divine plan for mankind.

The spring Passover festival in symbol depicts the divine protection of national Israel by God’s "passing over" (or, literally "hovering over" in protection) them in the plagues of ancient Egypt. It emphasizes that the Creator actively intervenes in human history as He pleases - a notion rejected by most historians!

A cluster of holy days at the time of the main harvest in autumn are celebrated with feasting and rejoicing - an obvious representation of the happy Golden Age of mythology. For full explanation of the significance of these festivals you are invited to write for our study of Christian Holy Days.

The Millennium

The first Christians, too, were well aware of this plan stretching over seven millennia. In fact, it is referred to by almost every Christian author of the first two or three centuries. The author of Bible Myths clearly summarizes the early church teaching: "As the works of creation had been fixed in six days, their duration in the present state was fixed to six thousand years. By the same analogy it was inferred that this long period of labour and contention, which had now almost elapsed, would be succeeded by a joyful Sabbath of a thousand years" (p.240).Clement of Rome, Barnabas, Papias, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius are among the "Church Fathers" who wrote of this almost universal belief. Irenaeus, in the latter half of second century, wrote, "For in as many days as this world was made, [i.e. seven - a reference to Genesis Ch. 1 and 2] in so many thousand years shall it be concluded" (Against Heresies, Book 5, Ch. 28). And the so-called Epistle of Barnabas - written about 130 AD.- refers to "the future Sabbath that God will establish in the seventh millennium" (15:4-5).

Even as late as 1552 Bishop Latimer wrote, "The world was ordained to endure, as all learned men affirm, six thousand years." And Thomas Burnat at the end of the 17th century notes, "Nothing yet appears either in nature or scripture or human affairs repugnant to this supposition of six thousand years [of man’s rule], which has antiquity and the authority of the fathers on its side" (Tatford: Will there be a Millennium? p.20f).

God’s Plan

So the record of history is clear. From earliest times, the basic pattern of God’s seven thousand year plan was understood. Man’s "rule" on earth will be limited to six thousand years. And it will be followed by a divine one-thousand year rule of peace. Only in our "enlightened" day of valueness materialism and doubt has understanding of the plan been almost totally lost.

The Encyclopedia Britannica comments, "these expectations were gradually thrust into the background...Neo-Platonic mysticism triumphed over the early Christian hope of the future" (11th ed., art Millennium).

The Scriptures - both Old Testament and New - cumulate evidence for this divine plan. For it was God, the Almighty Creator of the Universe, and not man, who set the plan in motion. It was God who decreed that man should observe a six day work week followed by a day of rest: "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it [set it apart for observance]: because in it God has rested from all His work which God created and made" (Genesis 2:2).

The author of the letter to the Hebrews emphasizes that the seventh day of the week was symbolic of the coming wonderful 1000-year, millennial rest (Hebrews 4:4-11).

And John specifically prophesied that after the second coming of Jesus Christ there would follow a glorious kingdom on earth lasting about "a thousand years" (Revelation 20:4). This in fact, is the core message of the original Gospel (or "Message") taught by Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Peter similarly says that a "day" is as a thousand years, and "a thousand years [of human civilization] is as one day" (2 Peter 3:8).

Here, then, is the "Golden Age" of mythology. Here, in the Scriptures is the background and the substance of the utopian concept which was dimly seen by the ancient pagan philosophers. The divine plan of the ages has been distorted by human interpretation, buried in myth - and rejected by twentieth-century skeptics.

But God’s plan is still on schedule despite human ignorance, doubt, and skepticism!

Lessons of History

But why seven thousand years? Why did the Creator allot this finite time to complete this phase of His "vast eternal plan"? Could His purpose not be achieved without the last six thousand years of pain, suffering, oppression, famine, plague, and what have you? Is God some kind of a monster?

The answer is clear. It didn’t have to be this way!

At his creation, man had the opportunity to enter "the promised land" of peace and abundance that his heart desired. Indeed, Adam and his family briefly enjoyed the fabulous fruits of utopia. For a short time - seven years, according to Jewish tradition - they experienced the "Golden Age". Every good thing they wished for was to hand: a perfect ecologically balanced environment, dominion over nature, harmonious relations with every other human, flawless genetic inheritance and perfect health, boundless resources. Above all, an open, unsullied personal relationship with the Creator with whom they spoke face to face.

This spiritual dimension was the key to the awesome purpose for which he was created! Because the Creator, in intimate face-to-face conversation, instructed the first man as to how such utopia could continue. God explained the "set-up" - the laws [torah] which would perpetuate the perfection in which man found himself. Like the instruction for some sophisticated instrument, this guidance from the Creator showed our first parents how to achieve optimum performance.

Our first parents, however, were smarter than God - they knew a "better way"!

Or so they thought. And God allowed them the privilege of free choice, of going their own not-so-sweet way. For nearly six thousand years He has permitted mankind to taste the bitter fruit of our chosen life-style. Where that choice is leading is vividly clear, as we toy with global suicide. "Today", muses Rolf Edberg in his seminal book On The Shred of a Cloud, "a man would almost have to be insane, or perhaps simply stupid or ignorant, not to wonder at times about the ability of genus homo to last out the century".

Human Prediction

In his book Utopia or Else, noted French agronomist Rene Dumont gloomily paints the contemporary scene after six thousand years of "civilization". He cites resources incapable of supporting a world population which is still out of control, depletion of renewable resources, accumulation of nuclear waste, the collapse of the "green revolution" leaving millions dying or malnourished, misuse of vital agricultural land, acute fresh-water shortage, abuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, air and water pollution, potential nuclear fall-out [it hasn’t gone away - remember Chernobyl?], dangers of third world name a few!

And all this at a time when scientific and technological knowledge is doubling every ten years or less!

Our technological "golden age", however, is drifting out to sea on the polluted tide of our late twentieth century lifestyle. A growing number of experts predict, as does an editorial in a national daily, "For the human race, the end of the world has begun. It is not a religious prediction; it is a scientist’s calculation that within fifty years we will have squeezed and poisoned ourselves off the face of the earth".

We live today, not in utopia, but in a fool’s paradise where we blindly assume "it will be all right on the night".

In our checkered six thousand years lived almost free from the "restraints" of the Creator we have tried every imaginable path of utopia. Except God’s way! Like faint stars in the night sky all man’s efforts have reached their zenith and disappeared beneath a murky horizon. Babylonian splendor, Greek philosophy, Roman might, medieval religious intolerance and twentieth century technological brilliance have failed to usher in our longed-for paradise.

The lesson of history is that man will never learn from history!

New Hope

Only direct intervention from God will avert the predicted "total collapse of our civilization during the twenty-first century" - a warning from the "Club of Rome" report Limits to Growth. That intervention by an all-loving and all-powerful God spells man’s only hope for survival. As the hands of the "atomic clock" move to the midnight of mankind’s annihilation, Almighty God will send Jesus Christ to halt our madness.

Yet man has a future that far transcends even the peace and prosperity of the predicted "Golden Age". You can have a part. For God’s plan is that you live forever. But, as with our first parents, it is your choice.

Write for the articles What Do You Mean - "Repent"? and Coming to baptism to find out how you may become involved in God’s grand design.

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For Your


James McBride

Here’s an outline of the practical aspect of being baptized.

This is not to "prepare you for baptism", but to give guidelines for the ceremony itself. It is assumed that you have already counseled with the ministry. However, you may have niggling worries about what happens at your baptism! In fact, as we practice it, it’s a simple ceremony.

Above all this is a joyous occasion - a bit like family feelings for the birth of a baby! For many it is an emotional experience as they realize they are embarking on a new life - life in Christ. When you come out of the water you are spiritually clean, all your sins washed away through the resurrection of our Saviour. Surely something to rejoice over, as do God’s angels!

Let’s look at some of the practical aspect of baptism.

First, if you have a dread of water, or are in some way disabled or have a serious health problem, please don’t hesitate to voice this in advance of your baptism. It’s usually possible to work out any difficulties.


We will try to have your baptism in as pleasant surroundings as possible - though some have been baptized in rushing mountain streams or crammed into a bath-tub! You can help by locating a suitable location in your locality.

What should you wear? Use neat everyday clothing - old, but freshly washed and pressed. For men, a shirt and trousers is adequate. And for ladies a swimsuit under a simple dress which is most modest even when soaked through; you might consider a swim-cap. Footwear is usually unnecessary. You will need a towel and possibly a warm sweater or coat for after the baptism.

Total Immersion

The practical aim of baptism is that you be totally immersed in water - symbolic of the death and burial of "the old you". This is achieved by the method most comfortable for you in the circumstances. It means you will — very briefly — be completely under water. The person baptizing will consult as to the best way for you. Usually this is a form of seated position in the water, with you holding your nose with one hand, and anchoring your elbow with the other. Total immersion is achieved by gently but quickly drawing you - once - backwards and under, and out again speedily.

At some time immediately before your immersion - usually while in the "pool" - you will be asked a few simple questions regarding your commitment and intentions. The minister will then say: "[NAME] I now baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins". He - usually with an assistant - will then immerse you.

That, in brief, is the baptism ceremony.

Laying on of Hands

However, it is not entirely complete, for the Bible clearly shows that baptism must be followed by the laying on of hands as the means of your receiving the awesome miracle of being begotten as a child of God. By it you are "legally" and literally accepted into His Family. In some religious circles it is known as confirmation.

Following your baptism those appointed by the Church will lay hands upon your head asking God to dwell in you through His Holy Spirit, and to endow you with spiritual gifts for the benefit of His Church.

If you have truly repented, God will honor His promise and instantly beget you with His Spirit - "which he has given to those who obey him" (Acts 5: 32). God will no longer merely be teaching you "from the outside" but will in-dwell your mind as your Leader and Comforter and Helper, and witness to your human spirit that you are His child.

Gifts of the Spirit

In no way do we limit Jesus Christ as to the gifts He places in His brethren in the Church. However, some almost demand to be given the "gift of tongues", and are expectant of a variety of physical manifestations - falling over, repetition of the name of Jesus, tongue-speaking, shaking, warm glows, even barking! Sadly, they are indeed "rewarded" (but not from God) by counterfeit gifts of tongues and other "signs" that are far from being "holy gifts". This is mentioned here to warn against expectancy of similar physical or falsely spiritual signs following your baptism. In our experience God does indeed impart spiritual gifts, but none of the above!


Finally, feel free to invite other church members or friends or relatives to your baptism to share your joy on this momentous occasion, and as witness to your faith in Jesus Christ.

If you have further questions or any points briefly mentioned here, please discuss them ahead of time to the person who is counseling with you about your baptism.

  • REMEMBER: Correct date and location

  • Towels

  • Suitable clothing

  • Warm sweater or coat

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The Hebrew Calendar

James McBride

There is much confusion among Christians about the ins and outs of the Calendar we use to determine the Festivals.

The vast majority of the Churches of God follow the "Hebrew Calendar". It is used almost universally by sabbatarian Christians for determining the date of the Lord’s Supper (Nissan 14) and for the dates of the other Holy Days of Scripture. It is available as Spier’s Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar.

However, some have had concerns about the basis of this calendar and there are several alternatives in use by a tiny minority of Christians. Some insist only on "observation". Others don’t accept the traditional "postponements" included in the Hebrew calendar. These variations have, sadly, proved divisive and have led to God’s people observing His Festivals at different times.

Back in the late 70s the Church of God ministry investigated the matter thoroughly and concluded that Spier’s calendar was perfectly adequate for our determination of the Festival dates. Rabbi Julian Jacobs of London assured me (when I was preparing this article): "There is no doubt that [Spier’s] calendar is remarkably accurate and cannot be bettered. It is certain that it will not be amended at any time in the future, nor is there any need for amendment". He also indicated that observation (i.e. going out and looking at the state of the crops around Jerusalem) is not used by Jews today, but that the "burgeoning of nature" doesn’t differ greatly from the calculated calendar.

The Jews, of course, may have it wrong. But do they?

No Revealed Calendar

Perhaps surprisingly, there is no revealed calendar in the entire Bible. Ancient Israel used an existing calendar which was one of many in use by different nations. The chief Bible pointer is Exodus 12:2 "This month [of Abib = green ears] shall be for you the beginning of months. We can derive from the Bible that this was the green ears of barley in Spring. "Months" are chodesh = new moon. But when to determine the "new moon"? (It could occur at an unobservable time - behind clouds, when too sunny to view, etc. ) What about geographical displacement for sightings of the moon? (The new moon arises in Jerusalem earlier than, for example, in London.) And which month is "green ears"? (They could be green in two consecutive months, or green until the last day of the month. The Bible doesn’t say!)

Ancient Calendars

There is little detail given. Was this detail revealed, but not recorded in the canonical Scripture? Or, did Israel - like other ancient nations - build on a common knowledge of the calendar? Recall that Noah used a form of calendar. Josephus records the tradition that Abraham taught the sciences to the Egyptians, including astronomy.

In Romans the apostle Paul tells us that "the Jews were entrusted with the oracles [Gk = logia = sayings] of God" (ch. 3: 2). That is, they preserved traditional knowledge not directly recorded in the Holy Scriptures (but not contrary to Scripture). We know from history, for example, that the Sanhendrin were the custodians of the calendar. They were the successors of "the seventy" of Numbers 11: 16- 24. Isn’t it likely that these Spirit-filled men - in Moses’ time and their successors throughout Israel’s history - were responsible for this task of calendar maintenance?

A calendar is used to predict. That used by Noah had a regular thirty-day month. So, too, did the Egyptian calendar. But if Moses - or we - used it, our predictions would soon be askew! Cosmic activity has since conspired to alter the year’s length.

Yet there’s no Bible instruction to tell us that there are an average 29d 12h 44m in a month!It had to be figured, calculated. The Chinese compensated by adding an extra month every thirty years. The Greeks added days every 3rd, 5th and 8th year. So how did they know to "intercalate" extra months to compensate? And when to do so? Clearly by the appliance of science - and common sense! They certainly didn’t get it direct from the written Word of God, the Holy Scriptures.


Some Christians also worry about the "postponements" incorporated in the calendar by the Jews for religious purposes - for example that Yom Kippur must not fall adjacent to a weekly Sabbath. The Law imposed specific religious duties on the priests for the weekly Sabbath and the Holy Days, including the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. So it’s not unreasonable to expect that these duties would be taken into account when working out the calendar. But there is no Biblical reason to hinder the calendar rules being written in this way.

Even in the time of Jesus the calendar was calculated and widely distributed to the Jews scattered around the world in advance of the New Year. This was to facilitate their attendance at the great Pilgrim Festival in Jerusalem. They did indeed still observe the New Moons - both for calendar calculation and symbolic purposes.

In other words, the Bible is not a sufficient instrument to be an exact guide to the calendar - whether observed or calculated. Nor was it ever intended to be. "Tradition" preserved the calendar. And we hold that the Jews, as God’s people, still have the authority to provide an authentic calendar - even though they may stray on other matters. (As, for example, on which days on that calendar to hold the Festivals.)

It’s a pity that all Bible Christians cannot agree to unite on the use of the calendar. It’s a major force designed to bring us together, but is all too often used to make distinctions between brethren resulting is shameful division. A major change was made anciently by King Jeroboam which confirmed the northern Israel tribes in idolatry (I Kings 12: 32).

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Is Jesus God?

James McBride


The Christian Church has since its

inception been rocked by controversy

about the nature of Jesus Christ.

Was Jesus God? Was He human?

What is He now?

Jesus Christ has been described as the most notable of mankind, the greatest teacher ever, a moral giant. Most Christians, however, get hot under the collar if He is described as anything less than "forever God"! History has seen mutual excommunications - even executions - wielded by all sides in the dispute. The first four centuries of the Church seethed with numerous dissenting views on the nature of Jesus Christ.

Jesus - God or Man?

Few will deny that Jesus Christ was unique. But controversy has raged as to His real nature. Was He God dwelling in a shell of human flesh? Was He an ordinary man mightily used by God? Was He an angel? A "phantasm"? Was He created - or eternal? Is He different now from what He was while on earth? All have been proposed, fought over, died for!

Let’s look at what the Bible teaches!

The mystery of God’s nature is not one for contention or argument! We seek here to present what we perceive is the Bible evidence concerning Christ’s nature while He sojourned among us on earth.

It’s not within the scope of this article to demonstrate that Jesus had a life before His human conception, or in what manner He existed. Our position is that He did indeed pre-exist as a part of the Godhead, and future articles will give the detailed evidence.

Was Jesus during His time on earth, then, God? Or man? Or a combination of God and man? Or a spirit with an apparent body, as some claim?


The Word Became Flesh

When we seek the origins of Jesus Christ in Scripture we are drawn at once to John’s account of His conception. He tells us "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God....And the Word became flesh and [nine months later] dwelt among us" (John 1: 1, 14). In context the apostle is referring to Jesus of Nazareth. Whatever His prior role, He left it and "became flesh".

Let’s examine more closely what that means. Most Christians gloss over what actually happened!

"The Word became flesh". When? Clearly, at His conception, when one of Mary’s ova was miraculously fertilized by a single physical sperm, as in every human conception.

"The Word became flesh". How could this happen? Matthew gives us further background. He writes "Before [Joseph and Mary] came together [i.e. in a sexual relationship] she was found with child of the Holy Spirit" (ch 1: 18). In other words, the Word - who existed in the realm of Spirit before creation (John 1:3) - was transformed by divine fiat into human sperm, twenty-three chromosomes of a single one of which united with those of an ovum in Mary’s womb to form the embryo which became Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem.

Matthew emphasizes this transformation: "Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, ‘Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us’" (Matthew 1:22-23).

What love the Godhead had for mankind! "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son" (John 3:16). At that precise moment of conception the everlasting God begat a Son!

Paul tells us that "from the beginning [i.e. in His eternal pre-existence] he had the nature of God. Yet he did not regard equality with God as something at which he should grasp. No, he stripped himself of his glory ["emptied himself" - KJV] and took on him the nature of a bondservant by becoming a man like other men [cp Hebrews 2:17]. And being recognized as truly human, he humbled himself and even stooped to die" (Philippians 2:5-8).

Did you grasp that? In the counsels of heaven, and knowing all the risks of failure, the uncreated Word who "had the nature of God" determined to take on the nature of created (I Peter 1:20)! And He divested himself of divine power - He gave up his status as a part of the Godhead - to become human flesh.


Titanic Struggle

Thus miraculously conceived, Jesus was born in an insignificant village in Palestine. He grew in stature and strength like any other lad. The evangelist Luke summed up His youth: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). As a youngster He knew nothing of His prior existence as the Word. He knew nothing of the heavenly counsels and discussion that had led to His voluntary assumption of human flesh. Only through the unfolding enlightenment of the Holy Spirit as He searched the Scriptures did Jesus come to understand His true origin and mission.

Having "emptied himself", as a human being Jesus did not know whether He would successfully fulfill His mission. He had no idea that He would be able to resist every temptation, conquer every sin. During His life on earth this knowledge simply was not revealed to Jesus. Throughout His life he had - just like you and me - to contest Satan and battle His human nature in the power of the Holy Spirit. But always He was triumphantly successful! Throughout His life He had - just like you and me - to struggle to overcome "the world, the flesh and the devil".

Speaking of the risen Christ, Paul proclaims, "We have not a High Priest who is unable to feel for us in our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in every respect just as we are tempted, and yet did not sin" (Hebrew 4:15). He was "made inferior to the angels for a little while" (ch 2:9) - for the thirty-odd years of his human existence.

Yet - until His resurrection Jesus was fully human!

A Unique Person

But in the context of His humanity He was, of course, unique. He was unique in the physical protection afforded to Him as the channel of God’s mercy for all humankind. Angels ensured His physical preservation from life-threatening accident and illness (see Psalm 91) to ensure His real - spiritual - work could be completed. Though spiritual, that work required His suffering and death. It was such excruciating suffering and such a horrific death that it far eclipses any illness or suffering we might encounter in our three score years and ten!

And Jesus was unique in His close and perfect association with the Father. So close, indeed, that He could claim "I and my Father are one" (John 10:31).

Even as a youngster Jesus had an unparalleled understanding of the Father, and His own mission! Luke records (ch 2:40ff): "And the child grew and became strong and full of wisdom, and the grace of God rested upon him". He then tells us that at age twelve Jesus went to a Festival in Jerusalem where He was found "in the Temple sitting among rabbis, both listening to them and asking them questions [Jesus had things to learn!], while all who heard him were astonished at his intelligence and at the answers he gave". His response to the worried reaction of His parents was "Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s House?" (v. 49).

Through His divinely endowed intelligence, His perfect genetic inheritance from God (perhaps, as the "last Adam", a replica of Adam’s genetic make-up), the instruction from righteous Mary and Joseph and His extended family, the understanding that He had of the Holy Scriptures, His unceasing communion with His heavenly Father and direct revelations and "words of knowledge" from His Father, Jesus soon came to understand that He was the long awaited Messiah - and the very first begotten Son of God.

In sum, Jesus had a unique origin, a unique genetic inheritance, unique divine protection, unique intellect, unique and comprehensive spiritual gifts, a unique relationship with the Father. But until His resurrection He was what Paul describes as "the man Jesus" (I Timothy 2:5), fully man and subject to every human temptation.

After The Resurrection

During His life-time, then, Jesus the Messiah was subject to human limitation - though He exercised perfect faith. He was subject to controlled human emotion (He became angry, for example). He tired and He had to rest and sleep. He became hungry and thirsty and had to eat and drink. When wounded He bled and suffered pain. He was, in fact, tempted in every respect just as we are.

But when, because He never sinned, death could not contain Him, Jesus had new powers. After the resurrection He could at will assume a body of flesh and bone - yet He could walk through solid walls. He walked with His friends - but could instantly disappear. He appeared in different forms. He could ascend to the throne of God and return faster than the speed of light. He could appear shinning as the sun in full strength, His eyes like flames of fire. Jesus Christ is alive for evermore (Rev. 1:18). And He has all authority in heaven and earth given into His hands (Matt. 28:18).

A Renewed Relationship

In short, after His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ fully resumed His partnership with the Father as a part of the divine Family.

Now Jesus is pre-eminent. He has a name above every name. Jesus Christ is "high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this age or the age to come" (Ephesians 1: 21-22). To John He said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 22: 13).

Let no-one doubt that He who saved us through His suffering and death on the stake is now at the right hand of God. It is recorded in Hebrews: "....we see Jesus, who was made inferior to the angels for a little while, crowned with glory and honour" (ch. 2:9).

Jesus Christ now has renewed His relationship with the Father: "And now, O Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory I had with you before the world was" (John 17:5). What a concept! That bright effulgence of glory which surrounds the Godhead, which once enveloped Jesus in His prior existence as the Word, which was too glorious for human eye to behold, once again adorns the resurrected Saviour of mankind! As the apostle Paul wrote: "In him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (Colossians 2:9).


The Family Of God

For a short thirty-four years the Word who was with God from the beginning took upon Himself to become wholly human. As a young lad he battled with peer pressures and undoubtedly ridiculed for His rejection of the worldly ways of His young friends. He constantly battled His human nature - and won each battle over sin. At thirty He set out on His public mission - a mission that led to His agonizing death on a Roman stake.

Now resurrected to unending life, as the heir of God He sits on the right hand of the Majesty on high and controls and upholds the vastness of the Universe, exercising all the power of the Godhead. As our High Priest He pleads constantly for His brothers and sisters who are themselves heirs of the same reward (Romans 8:17).

Jesus Christ has claimed His rightful inheritance as elder brother in the divine Family.

God is Father. Jesus Christ is God’s Son. Christians are His brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. And by analogy we will be the Bride of Christ, and are "members of the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19). The Family of God indeed, as these terms indicate! [The Christian’s relationship to God’s Family is explained in the article After the Resurrection. Write for a copy if you haven’t read it.]

Let’s not allow our thinking to be limited by the outmoded pre-Christian notion that God is in some way limited. Many Christians bind themselves in an unbiblical Trinitarian strait-jacket. They are blind to the magnificent vision revealed in Scripture that God’s plan is to enlarge His Family! The concept of "God" which He has revealed in His Word far eclipses the puny probings of the human mind.

God in a very real way and like any family is "reproducing" Himself after His own kind - the "God kind"! He graciously is making man "in His own image". Now we are but "clay" - a muddied reflection of the glorious divine image. But as Paul wrote: "we....are being transformed into the same image, from glory to glory" (II Corinthians 3:18).

Soon, Jesus Christ will return to this earth with all the power of the Godhead. This time He comes as King of all earthly kings to subdue all rebellion to the Eternal God and His Laws. With Him, to reign with Him as kings, will be all the people of God who throughout the millennia remained faithful to Him in face of trials, persecutions, even death.

God All In All

What then? Wrote the apostle Paul "Then comes the end, when He will turn the Kingdom over to His Father, when He will have put an end to all other government, authority and power; for He must continue to be King until He puts all enemies under His feet.....And when everything has been put in subjection to Him, then the Son Himself will also become subject to Him [the Father] who has put everything in subjection to Him [Jesus Christ] so that God may be everything in everyone" (I Corinthians 15:24-28).

At that time, then, after the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. After His millennial reign. After the great judgment. After the earth is finally cleansed of all unrighteousness. After the full working out of this majestic divine plan - then the people of God, the sons and daughters of God, together with our elder Brother Jesus Christ, will all be part of the one divine Family. And - as wrote the apostle Peter - partakers of the divine nature (II Peter 1:4).

All of those who overcome will be united in the Godhead. God will indeed be everything in everyone!

The Word of God willingly abandoned His place in the Godhead to become fully human as Jesus the Messiah so that sinful mankind could share in His glorious inheritance as the divine heir of God!

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Are you really

A New Testament


by Manuel V. Rojas


How can we know if the practices of today’s churches are the same practices that were taught by the Apostles during their ministry in the years following their incredible encounter with the Lord?

Is it possible that we have drifted away from the original teachings of the first century church? Upon which source of truth did the early New Testament Christians rely?

How can we know if the great celebrations that are taking place within the churches today are based upon any Biblical examples? Is there any way to know how God feels about these holidays?

These and many other questions will be answered as we take a brief journey back into the era of the first century and look at some events that were going on during that period of human history, and then we will take another brief journey into the future to see what the sure word of prophecy has to say.

Copyright 1995

All rights reserved

Second Revision 1995

What Bible did Christ use in his day?

This passage of Scripture relates the appearing of the resurrected Jesus the Christ to a couple of the disciples who were walking toward a village called Emmaus which was about ten miles from Jerusalem. They did not know with whom they were speaking because Christ appeared differently to them. The disciples thought he was a stranger and did not recognize Jesus until He revealed Himself to them. Verses 25-27 say the resurrected Messiah explained from the Holy Scriptures that the sufferings of Christ were prophesied. Christ used Moses and all the prophets to prove a Biblical point. It must be pointed out clearly that the Bible used by Christ was the only one that existed at the time of Christ: the Old Testament!

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples when they were gathered together. In verses 44 -49, the resurrected Jesus the Christ quoted from the law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms to prove that all things written about him had to be fulfilled. Christ always used the Old Testament to prove his Biblical points. One has to wonder if the Old Testament was good enough for Christ, why it is not good enough for most Christian churches who affirm that Christ eliminated the words recorded in the Old Testament that came out of the mouth of God.

After forty days of fasting, Christ was tempted by Satan the Devil. By quoting scriptures from the Old Testament, the only Bible text that existed in his time, Christ was able to fend off Satan’s attack. Christ quoted to Satan the Old Testament scripture that says man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of the Lord ( Deut. 8:3 ).There was no New Testament at the time of Christ. It was compiled and accepted several centuries later. In order for the people of Christ’s day to find the words that came out of the mouth of God, they had to read the Old Testament. Theologians that teach modern Christians do not need the Old Testament are dropping many words that came out of the mouth of God! They are contradicting our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, who said we must live by every word that comes out of the mouth of the Lord.

Today most churches totally ignore the Old Testament. Their main objection to obeying the Old Testament is the fact that Christians in the twentieth century cannot practice all the words that came out of the mouth of the Lord as recorded in the Old Testament, and they say we could not do it even if we wanted. First of all, it must be clearly understood that when the Lord took the twelve-tribal nation of Israel out of Egypt, he wanted to establish a theocracy in which God Himself would be their King. All of God’s laws were given to govern the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Israel was supposed to be a model nation

God wanted Israel to be a "Model Nation" to show the world all the blessings God pours upon people who obey Him. He gave them The Ten Commandments as a Covenant, but Israel rejected God’s laws and went after pagan gods and religions. As a result of Israel’s disobedience, God could not establish His Kingdom at that time.


Living in man’s society and obeying God

We are living in man’s society. There are many things God said to do that we cannot do now; for example, we cannot practice any temple and sacrificial laws because there are no Levites serving and there is no Temple.God does not expect us to do what we cannot do. On the other hand and in spite of the fact this is not God’s society, we still must try to do all we can to please God. For example, the laws of clean and unclean meats can be very easily kept in any society at any time. A Christian who really wants to obey God will have no trouble eating only clean meats. Many laws given by God in the Old Testament were designed to show people the right way to worship God and picture his plan of salvation; an example is the weekly Sabbath (the seventh day of the week, Saturday ) was given by God to picture the complete rest people will enjoy in his kingdom. Anyone can keep the seventh day holy if he or she wants to obey the Lord.

The annual Holy Days given by God in the Old Testament were intended by God to show his people how to picture and celebrate God’s plan of salvation. Anyone can keep the annual Holy Days commanded by God if he or she wants to obey the Lord.

The Old testament is full of laws showing people how to love their neighbors and treat them with honor and kindness. God required Israel to love Him first and to love people second. Christians are expected to follow these laws not only in letter, but also in spirit. Jesus taught that sin is to be stopped while it is yet just a thought in mind. This is very clearly explained by Christ in the sermon on the mount.

Christ is coming back to establish his kingdom

Christ is coming back with myriad of Holy Angels and in all power to take over the kingdoms of this earth and establish the Kingdom of God on this earth on behalf of God the Father. There are many prophecies in the Old Testament that describe the time when Christ will reigning on this earth for a thousand years as King of kings and Lord of lords.

A return to God’s religion

Many prophets describe a return to the religion that God gave Israel. The Bible says that God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God has not changed his religion. We can know now how Christ will be worshipped in the Kingdom of God for over one thousand years. The weekly Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday ) will be kept in the Kingdom of God just as it was in the Old Testament times. Jesus said he will keep the Passover again in the Kingdom of God. The Feast of Tabernacles will be required of all nations.

They will either keep the Feast of Tabernacles or suffer dire consequences for disobedience. The Days of Unleavened Bread will be kept in the Kingdom of God. The reason most Christians have not heard of God’s annual sacred festivals (His Holy Days) is that today’s churches have dropped many words that came out of the mouth of the Lord and they do not study the Old Testament.

What is the importance of the New Testament?

The Apostle Peter emphasized the fact that the prophecies of the Old Testament were written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. This is very important because if one drops anything written in the Old Testament, he or she is dropping the teaching of the Holy Spirit, and that is a big sin! No theologian has the right to destroy God’s revelation through the Holy Spirit. The New Testament is not intended to be a book of religious laws. It is not intended to take place of the Old Testament. Because it took four centuries to compile, the New Testament could not have taken the place of the Old Testament. The writings of the Apostles were not recognized as part of the Holy Scriptures until the end of the fourth century; consequently, the only Biblical authority that Christians had during those four centuries was the Old Testament. Moses was studied every Sabbath (seventh day, Saturday) by both Jews and converted Gentiles in the synagogues.

A record of what Jesus taught:

The New Testament is the account of what Jesus taught and did. It is also the account of what the Apostles did in teaching that Messiah had already come and the Kingdom of God was about to begin. The Apostles did not teach a change of religion; they simply taught that the Messiah the Jews were expecting had already come in the person of Jesus the Christ. When the Apostle Peter preached the first sermon of the Christian church on the Day of Pentecost, his object was to convince the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah. It is recorded that 3000 Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah and became Christians and were still zealous for the Law.

A Jewish sect:

At the time of the Apostles, Christianity was considered a Jewish sect! Both Christians and Jews were worshipping together every Sabbath (the seventh day) in the synagogues. They could worship together because they believed the same things; they all studied the Old Testament together. They kept the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) and the annual Holy Days together.

Centuries of change:

It took centuries for other beliefs to be gradually introduced into the Christian church as a result of the strong influence from pagan people who joined the Christian church and brought in their beliefs. The church slowly accepted a lot of paganism because of political reasons. This "baptized paganism" is pawned off as Christ’s religion nowadays and is deceiving millions of people.

Baptized paganism:

Perfect examples of this "baptized paganism" are Sunday as a day of worship, Easter, and Christmas. Sunday as a day of worship was officially established in the fourth century by a former pagan Roman emperor named Constantine. Easter was a pagan festival celebrating the resurrection of the pagan god Nimrod, and Christmas was adopted by the church in the fifth century from a pagan Roman festival called Saturnalia celebrated in December to honor the sun. All this historical information is very easy to verify in encyclopedias in the public libraries. God does not want us to worship him with pagan customs; Christ said that true worshippers must worship God in spirit and in truth. During many centuries, the Old Testament was the only recognized canon of God’s truth. The Holy Spirit has added the revelation contained in the New Testament. The Old Testament and the New Testament together constitute all of God’s truth revealed to mankind up to this time. Christ will teach us more truth when he comes back to become King of kings.

No authority to change

God’s words:

The Apostles had no authority from God to change the words of God written in the Old Testament and neither has anyone else been granted that authority. The Old Testament was the only Bible they had until the New Testament was compiled centuries later. Many theologians use the letters of the Apostle Paul to drop and change the revealed Word of God contained in the Old Testament, but the Apostle Paul confessed that he believed in everything written in the Law and the Prophets. The Apostle Paul kept the Law. The Apostle Peter says that some of Paul’s writings are very difficult to understand, that people who are untaught and unstable twist Paul’s writings for their own destruction. In the first century of the Christian era, many thousands of Jews believed that Christ was the Messiah and became Christians, but they continued being zealous of the Law in the Old Testament.

What does Paul mean by

the "Holy Scriptures"?

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote to a pastor in the church instructing him on how to run a church and stated that Timothy learned the Holy Scriptures when he was a little child. The only "Holy Scriptures" available that Timothy studied as a child had to be the Old Testament as the New Testament was not yet written. In 2 Timothy chapter three and verse fifteen, Paul says that the Holy Scriptures (Old Testament) are able to make you wise for salvation. Continuing in verses sixteen and seventeen, we are told the Old Testament was inspired by God to instruct us in righteousness and to make us a perfect man of God equipped for every good work.

When was the New Testament compiled?

The Christian church that Jesus founded in the first century of our era did not have the New Testament as we know it today. The Apostles wrote their letters and gospels in the middle of the first century. The Gospel of John and 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John with the Book of Revelation were written near the end of the first century (86-90 AD). These writings of the Apostles were circulating around in the first century, but they were not part of the Holy Scriptures until the fourth century. The original Apostles never quoted from each other in their writings; they only quoted from the Scriptures they had which was the Old Testament. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were brought together by the year 150 AD. The fourteen letters of the Apostle Paul were compiled in the year 100 AD. While it is true that the writings of the original Apostles were read by many Christians, such writings were not part of the Holy Bible; they were written to individual churches mostly to correct problems and explain points of doctrine, to explain Christ as the purpose of the Old Testament, not to contradict or annul it. Although the writings of the Apostles received high esteem and great respect among Christians, they were not considered on the same level as the canonized Old Testament Scriptures. There are 275 quotations in the New Testament that are from the Old Testament showing clearly the New Testament derives its authority from the Old Testament.

Greek New Testament

Three centuries after the days of the Apostles, we received the New Testament as we know it today from the Greek-speaking church. The first Greek New Testament called the Byzantine text dates from the year 312 AD. In the West, it took the universal church until the year 397 AD to agree on which books should be canonized and become part of the Holy Bible. During the second and third centuries of the Christian era, several attempts were made by the church in the West to compile an official New Testament, but the theologians could not agree on which books should be included and which books should be excluded. Finally in the year 397 AD in the Council of Carthage, the universal church approved a New Testament for the West.

The earliest complete New Testament manuscript called Codex Sinaiticus dates from the fourth century.

Note: The foregoing information can be verified by reading articles regarding the New Testament canon in any religious encyclopedia. Eerdmans’ The History of Christianity is a good source of knowledge on the canon of the New Testament. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary consisting of three volumes contains much material on the subject.

The four volumes of The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible , are full of factual data on the history of the canonization of the New Testament. These are only a few of the sources available for the Bible student who desires to check on the historical references in this booklet.

This booklet is not intended to be an exhaustive historical work on the canonization of the New Testament. Virtually all professing Christendom has been steered to focus on the New Testament as God’s true religion, and this focus has obscured the religion delivered by God himself. Satan is the one behind this carefully engineered plan to divert everyone from the truth. We expect the reader to do his or her own research. We are sure any Bible student should come to the same conclusions explained in this publication. Please read carefully all the Bible references in this study. Due to the size of this treatise, not all the scriptures pertaining to the topic were included; many more verses corroborate the truthfulness of this publication.

After reading all the Biblical references and after your own personal library research, how would you now answer the question:

Are you really a New Testament Christian?

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