D I S o R d E r

This page is slowly filling up with stuff I've written for the linux operating system. I've tried to split things up into three sections:

  1. Linux/unix stuff that I am responsible for,
  2. Other miscellaneous stuff I've put up here,
  3. Links to pages on other sites.

Linux & Unix Stuff

LDE - The linux disk editor

* An editor and undelete program for the various linux file systems: ext2, minix, xiafs, and msdos.

Gyahtzee - Yahtzee for GNOME

* This is a version of the "classic" dice game Yahtzee for the GNOME desktop. Screen shot and source available.

jsr - The linux joystick reboot daemon

* Use the joystick to reboot your computer, kill an X session, or execute any shell command. Most useful when the console/keyboard locks and you have no safe way to shutdown.

Enlightenment - a slick looking window manager for X11

* Needs lots of CPU power and memory, but well worth it. This page contains some patches and links to the main enlightenment website.

Miscellaneous pages put together by me

Some poetry

* Stuff by real poets, not the whiny snivel most people write and "publish" on their web pages.

Links to pages located on other machines

Some engineering related stuff

* biomechanics
* robotics
* math

The Gimp - The GNU Image Manipulation Program

* If I had any talent I would be making incredible images with this program.

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