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Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring

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Indigenous Peoples Web Ring
Member of the Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
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  • Welcome to the IP Ring!! This web ring is for all people - not just those of native ancestry. Web rings are a fun way to meet new people and explore sites which have content you're interested in. This web ring is my contribution to those interested in native, indigenous and aboriginal issues.

    Signing up is very easy. Here are the rules:

    • Your site must deal with Indigenous Peoples in some positive way
    • Your site must NOT knowingly link to Tribal Voice (unless you're discussing how disgusting that site is, as I do on my No Tribal Voice page)
    • You must include the code as I give it to you (stylistic changes are OK)
    • Your site cannot have any content inappropriate for kids as young as 13
    • Your site cannot have any illegal or pornographic content (duh!!)
    Seeing as how I'm the webring master, I reserve the right to accept or reject any site submitted for inclusion into the web ring, for whatever reason.

    Are you ready to sign up? Great!! Now, I'll take you through the four steps.

    Step One:

    Decide which page at your site you want to place the web ring on. If you have a web rings page, that's fine. If not, then I suggest you place the web ring on your front or index page. Whatever page you decide to place the web ring on, that's the page URL you MUST enter when you fill out the form in step two. You can always update this later.

    Step Two:

    Fill out and submit this application. You'll be transported to the Web Ring addition page and you'll be given a site ID number. Remember this number!! From that page, use the link 'For further instructions, return to the Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring homepage' to come back here.

    Site Title:
    Site URL:
    Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.
    Step Three:

    You have a variety of images to choose from. You need to copy the image to your hard drive and then upload it to your server. You MUST NOT link to the image from my server.

    Web Ring Example

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring

    This Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring site is owned by
    Native American Political Issues
    Previous | Next | Random | List | Join the Ring

    Choose Your Graphic

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-1.gif)

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-2.gif)

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-3.gif)

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-4.gif)

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-5.gif)

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring
    (save as indig-6.gif)

    Alternative Choice

        You can also use one of these little guys anywhere you'd like to show
        your support for the IP Ring. Just link the image back to this page,
        using the code provided below.


        <a href="" target="_top"><IMG SRC="[IMAGE-NAME-HERE].gif" width="52" height="52" ALT="Indigenous Peoples Ring" border="0"></a>

    Step Four:

    Now that you have filled out the form, your site has been placed in the queue (which means it's waiting in line to be added to the ring). In order for your site to be added to the ring, you have to add the web ring code and graphics to your page. (Note: If you're using the small square graphics above, just use the code provided below the squares.)

    You must add the web ring code to your page within 14 days, or else your site will be dropped from the queue. If your site is dropped, then you'll have to start the application process all over again.

    You're Finished!!

    I will contact you very soon to let you know when you've been added to the web ring. Thanks to all of you for your support!! Special thanks to Poison's Native American Icons and WebRing.

    Indigenous Peoples' Web Ring made possible by
    the Webring.

    Updating Your Web Ring Info

    If you need to edit your site information (URL, site name, description, keywords, password), you may do so by entering your Site ID and password below. (Forgot your password? Just leave it blank and you will be given the option to have it e-mailed to you.)

    Ring Name:
    Your Site ID:
    Your Password:

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    NAPI © 1997-98 Laura Brooks
    Last Modified: Friday January 30, 1998
    LinkExchange Member