The Man I Called "Daddy"
Cathy J. Montgomery
Writing this poem had been a catharthis for me--couldn't help but weep as I wrote it!  It encompasses  everything that my father had meant to me.  Such vivid memories!  It felt like he had been right there in the room with me as I wrote it.
I remember my Daddy,
sitting in his easy chair,
with a cup of hot, strong
coffee as he relaxed there;

He'd tell his war stories
so fascinatingly,
his words came alive for me
so captivatingly!
Until I could really see
his long-ago history!

I remember, too,
how he watched the news
so carefully,
expounding his views
most profoundly,
and I thought him,
the smartest man or there...
there couldn't be
anyone, anywhere,
quite as smart
as this man
I called "

Oh, I remember as well,
his voice and his yell,
Marine-trained and all,
bouncing off the wall,
filling every room
"Reveille, rise and shine!"
And all I could do was whine,
knowing he'd gruffly boom,
What?!  You gonna'
sleep your whole life away?'ve already wasted
half your day!

So...certainly, I "
rose and shone!"
(Though I wanted to say,
Just leave me alone!")
But I couldn't stay
in bed too much longer,
for Daddy "
would persevere...
and compared to mine,
his will was so much stronger!!

Yes, I remember, too,
how he would often joke,
even at himself he'd poke
fun--then his laugh
would reverberate,
and I always knew
there really were few
who could relate
anything as great
as he could always do!

Not many could resist...
not many could desist,
from joining in,
laughing with him, too!

I recall, especially,
how he loved to see
Mama get just a
"bit" angry.
Then he acted like it was such a surprise
when fire "
shot" from her flashing eyes!

Oh...but, he knew what he was doing--
for, that was
exactly what he was pursuing!!

His eyes twinkling, his lips wrinkling
in a smile so wide
'til it made me feel so warm inside,
as I could see this man become
the very epitome
of that blessed state known as

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But...I saw his anger, too,
as I began to do anything
that was unkind;
For, of all the things he'd mind
and that he hated to see--
he felt most grieved
if he had perceived
any selfish greed
in his own family!!

For others he'd feel,
With others he'd deal,
but, no way they could be
as beloved as his own family!

And I remember, too,
he'd lay down his life for them,
he didn't care what it cost him;
He'd suffer, even strip himself bare,
just to make sure they were secure--
for he loved them all
so extraordinarily--
this man I called "

Oh...the memories go on
as I can see him now--
his face reddened by the sun,
his eyes, a steely blue,
his hands so large and rough,

Calloused by the hard work he'd do; very trim and tough
in his own strong, stoic way! I remember, I begin to see...
that, somehow, inside of him,
there played a chiming melody...
sweet as it softly played
in purest harmony...

Oh, Daddy, why couldn't I see then,
that deep within your heart
you sang a sacred hymn--
one that God had given you--
a sweet love song which lasted
your whole life through?

It was a melody,
never spoken...
never heard...
communicated without a word;

Oh, precious melody
sung in a thousand ways,
when I remember you, my Daddy,
from those faraway days!
I must proclaim now,
I didn't know how
music sung so silently
could have such harmony!

But, it's music that's real!
It's a song that lives on
when in memory I feel
the love from you now!

Oh, yes, your song weaves its way,
it still dances today;
in my heart it plays on
in the love that sings,
in the love that rings,
from me to my own--
my own beloved family.

It's a melody too dear
for mortal ears to hear,
a song from Eternity--
one I learned from you,
just a man...
the man I called

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