So far we have :

A calendar

A Map and a list of named place(west side up)

A Fauna

A Flora

Some gods

Base of society(CSS example)

How Gods created the world?

An ASCII map(North side up)

Naming the characters politic

A galery of photo

You want to see how we imaginated the world...go there

Stories and Legends

Unit of distance

Gods ruling on Beos

According to the Oran


Temp amalgame till there is a drawing

The consort of the hero Yoog and mother as well as daughter of all. Protective of the innocent, unforgiving with the one who mistreats them. Impulsive, her judgement is quick and often her arm has to be stopped by her son Dodd. Protective deity of childbirth, of wisdom, magic, all art and knowledge, including some Martial art not using any weapon wielding and rope walking.

Fierce nature but maternal. personification of the ocean, both good and bad. She was said though to safe the human life when they were in a wreck. Because once she loves a man and she has always the hope one of them may lead her to him. She is not accepting at all what the other tell her about her lover dismiss by death. She is sure he is leaving somewhere she simply cant see him and that he will come back. It is in the interest of the other God that she gives birth fairly often since the milk she produce then , once drunken by them rejuvenate them.


It is a half-gods that is both venerate as a hero for human and has the father figure for all the Oran. The Goddess Narrah felt in love with him and captures him after a brutal battle that he offers. He was sure he would have been slain, but instead, he been asked to partake the bed. He insist to court her before, but in his mind it was to show her all the default he was having so she change of advice as to keep him has a husband. He haven takes the waterlily of her garden to serves it in a meal which renders her very sick. But the love for him only grew stronger has he felt guilty of her illness and stays days and night at her side to cure her. He finally accept to be with her as long as he can be let free to go where he want.


God of truth, fair justice and time. He is said to be blind and only having half of a human body. Merciful in numerous occasion, He is the incorruptible arbiter and the clerk who endlessly record all that happen verbally. Person afflicted by a series of bad luck takes his advice upon knowing what to do to resolve the current situation by knowing what cause it in the past.


That is the more materialistic of the Oran/Jabbalt basic Trilogy. The more easy to stir up too. He is impulsive like his sister, mother Narrah and often said to encourage the young in adventure, progress and intempestive behavior. He is the trainer of the defensive one. The always awake, the patron of all that is not on, under or in the water.

The good android

(depend of the point of view)

Ain, Ceesha, Laen and Nux

The baddy

(depend of the point of view)


He is worshipped by the Vilem and the Xeon as a god travellers and ambulant marchand. They often request the help of this martial god to protect them while travalling against foul beast and thief. That was the leader when the first Oran massacre happened.


Mad God

Ilu, Bool, Ebi, Eide, , Gibi, Uato, Asev