Deft: The Interview

Interview Sections:

-secrets- -favorites- -modesty-

Deft, how did you first hear about Go?

Deft: a long time ago actually, from a friend who was very interested in japanese culture.

you speak a little japanese, no ?

Deft: Sure, but I don't know that much about Japanese history and so on...

when did you learn playing go and who was your teacher?

Deft: I learned Go in november 1997. I guess the first 'teacher' I had was Martin Smith, now 1 dan, leader of the North London Go Club.

Being Norwegian, it seems strange that you learnt with an Englishman

Deft: I was living in London from 1996-1998.

Please tell us about your detective work.

Deft: You mean like when I found [KGS user] KoReNJe's home address? ;-) I used to be a bit of a hacker.. so I know how to find things out on the internet..

What was your first tournament ? What is your next one ?

Deft: My first tournament was the London Open in 1998, two months after learning Go :-) The next one will be the Nordic Championship in easter [2003]. Then I will participate in the World Amateur Go Championship in June [2003].

Where will you have to travel to? Japan?

Deft: yes, Kurashiki city, Okayama prefecture, Japan.

I hope you will take photographs and also you will write something about that experience

Deft: I can do that for my fans ^_^

Secrets of Mastering Go

What kind of drugs help me play go better ? :)

Deft: none (and I know this from experience)

Deft: yes, I didn't have a TV so I had to do something to keep me entertained ^_^

Deft, How does one become 4 dan ?

Deft: play 4000 games :-)

When we improve, this is because we start to think differently - what was your last change ?

Deft: [KGS user] toxxicu shows me a lot of my attacks have no real threat behind them. He can easily outread me, so he sees he can tenuki and suddenly my 'attack' looks like a bad move. So now I try not to attack unless I know my opponent absolutely has to respond.

Does playing Go help when you persue your profession, creating computer games?

Deft: I don't think so -- I spend too much time on KGS in my workday :-)

Deft's Favorites

Whose style do you admire the most?

Deft: O Meien

O meien has a real nice solid style ?

Deft: I wouldn't call O Meien's style solid... More like idealistic instead of pragmatic...

Do you like Kato [Masao] the Killer?

Deft: Kato, not so much... I like fighters like Rui Naiwei and Yi Se Dol more

Deft: also Yamashita Keigo

Which part of the game is your favourite and why ?

Deft: I love the middle game, because it is very tense

Deft: hmm, how can I explain -- all the moves are very urgent. In the fuseki the moves are big, but doesn't have the urgency of middle game fighting.

Rumor has it you like fighting a lot is that true deft?

Deft: I used to like fighting above all, but now I try to stay calm. Although if someone tries to rip me off by overplay, they are in for a rough time ;-)

When you play a game, is your legendary counting skill the same as when you watch ?

Deft: Sure, I must be the only player who counts in blitz games ^_^

Since you have called yourself a hacker, we will have to ask you at least one of those questions that can provoke flame wars among computer enthusisasts. What is your preferred browser?

Deft: I use Safari a lot...

Deft: An Example of Modesty

Good luck in your upcoming tournaments, as your fanclub we all hope you win it all.

Deft: Haha -- I have no chance :-)

Come on Deft, you can do it!

Deft: No, I am crap, pro are good ;-)

deft defT deFT dEFT DEFT!

Deft: that's enough ^_^

Deft, we thank you for this interview.

Deft: I'm leaving, see you all around!