
Food, Drink & Lodgings
Purchasing Slaves
Money Chart

Updated: 08-31-01
"He would have had a man killed rather than risk the loss of a tenth of a tarn disk, so well he knew the codes of his caste."

Book 1, Tarnsman of Gor, page 132 ~才

"A gold tarn disk is more than many common laborers earn in a year."

Book 1, Tribesman of Gor, page 158

"A golden tarn disk was a small fortune."

Book 1, Tribesman of Gor, page 191

"I tossed the tarn keeper a golden tarn disk. He had done his job well. He stammered, holding it out to me, for me to take it back. A golden tarn disk was a small fortune. It would buy one of the great birds themselves, or as many as five slave girls."

Book 1, Tarnsman of Gor, page 211 ~才

"I took a coin from the leather sack and threw it to the proprietor. He snatched it expertly from the air like a skeptical cormorant. He examined the coin. It was a silver tarn disk. He bit against the metal, the muscles on his jaw bulging in the lamplight. A trace of avaricious pleasure appeared in his eyes. I knew he would not care to return it.
'What caste is it?' I demanded.
The proprietor smiled. 'Money has no caste,' he said."

Book 2, Outlaw of Gor, pages 84 - 85 ~才

"The tarsk is a silver coin, worth forty copper tarn disks."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 160 ~才

" 'The price of a good sleen pelt is now a silver tarsk,' said Arn."

Book 8, Hunters of Gor, page 23 ~才

"The music of the musicians was quite good. I reached to my pouch, to take from it a golden tarn and throw it to them."

Book 8, Hunters of Gor, page 46 ~才

" 'We have here,' said I, 'a scent that might be worthy of a Ubara of Ar.'
'It is only eight stone of gold,' said I, obsequiously, 'for the vial.' "

Book 9, Marauders of Gor, page 138 ~才

"I collcted nine tarn disks an two pieces of broken plate, plundered two years ago from a house on the easxtern edge of Skjern."

Book 9, Marauders of Gor, page 161 ~才

"I threw a tarsk bit to the desk. 'Your door will need repairing,' I said."

Book 12, Beasts of Gor, page 136 ~才

"My financial resources, the ten silver tarsks,...such a sum would last a man months on Gor."

Book 15, Rogue of Gor, page 59

"The merchant turned to me. He handed me a silver tarsk from the purse.
'You need give me nothing,' I said. 'It was not important.'
'Take, if you will,' said he, 'as a token of my gratitude, this silver tarsk.'
I took it. 'Thank you,' I said. Several of the men about, striking their shoulders in the Gorean fashion, applauded the merchant. He had been very generous. A silver tarsk is, to most Goreans, a coin of considerable value. In most exchanges it is valued at a hundred copper tarsks, each of which valued, commonly, at some ten to twenty tarsk bits. Ten silver tarsks, usually, is regarded as the equivalent of one gold piece, of one of the high cities. To be sure, there is little standardization in these matters, for much depends on the actual weights of the coins and the quantities of precious metals, certified by the municipal stamps, contained in the coins. Sometimes, too, coins are split and shaved. Further, the debasing of coinage is not unknown. Scales, and rumors, it seems, are often used by coin merchants. One of the central coins on Gor is the golden tarn disk of Ar, against which many cities standardize their own gold piece. Other generally respected coins on Gor tend to be the silver tarsk of Tharna, the golden tarn disk of Ko-ro-ba, the golden tarn of Port Kar, the latter particularly on the western Vosk, in the Tamber Gulf region, and a few hundred pasangs to the north and south of the Vosk's delta."

Book 15, Rogue of Gor, page 155

--Foot notes--
"Although it is not my policy to include Cabot's marginal notes, jottings, etc., which are often informal, and apparently written at different times, in the text of his accounts, I think it would not be amiss to hypothesize certain approximate equivalencies here. To be sure, much seems to depend on the city and the partiular weighs involved. For example, a 'double tarn' is twice the weight of a 'tarn.' It seems there are usually eight tarsk bits in a copper tarsk, and that these are the result of cutting a circular coin in half, and then the halves in half, and then each of these halves in half. An analogy would be the practice of cutting the round, flat Gorean loaves of sa-tarna bread into eight pieces. There are apparently something like one hundred copper tarks in a silver tarsk in many cities. Similarly, something like ten silver tarks would apparently be equivalent, depending on weights, etc., to one gold piece, say, a single 'tarn.' Accordingly, on certain cities, would be eight tarsk bits to a copper tarks; one hundred copper tarks to a silver tarsk; and ten silver tarks to a gold piece, a single tarn. On this approach there would be, literally, 8,000 tark bits in a single gold piece."

Book 25, Magicians of Gor, page 468

"Five pieces of gold, in it's way, incidentally, also a fortune on Gor. One could live, for example, in many cities, though not in contemporary Ar, with it's press on housing and shortages of food, for years on such resources."

Book 25, Magicians of Gor, pages 468 - 469

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