All Images Belong To Emma Tonge. No Reproduction or use of these images is permitted without permission.
Copyright 2000 - 2004. All right reserved.
L a s t   U p d a t e d :   S a t u r d a y   2 n d   N o v e m b e r   2 0 0 2
! ! ! !  B u f f y  F a n s  ! ! ! !
A m b e r   B e n s o n
I have finally started a new gallery, for the UK drama, Tipping the Velvet.
Portrait pictures coming soon!
L i n k s   e t c
curriculum vitae//portfolio
! ! !  X e n a  B o o k  ! ! !
As some of you may know by now, through various mailing lists etc, a new Xena book is about to be released, a book by fans for the fans, I have a copy myself and its an enjoyable read. Some very heartwarming stories.
If you would like to know more about the book, then click on the image to go to the ECW site. I was very fortunate indeed to have one of my own drawings printed in the book, so I am over the moon about that, as you could imagine. To see the picture that was used follow this link.
// janice