I am the queen of night and moonlight
Queen of the fae folk, people of peace
-Cecilia Eng

Pepper is a very, very talkative sprite. She's great to be around as long as you're ready to do a lot of listening. She's very caring, but also gets excited very easily. She's gone about half the time, exploring the edges of civilization. She doesn't go into villages and towns as of yet, but she does bring everyone back something from her great adventures. She'll then flutter around really quickly, making sure to give everyone their things and tell them about everything that happened to her on her great adventures. She has a habit of getting into a lot of trouble, but somehow she always manages to escape and make it back to the forest.

Cinnamon is a very excitable sprite and spends much of her time around the friends of mine that visit the meadow. She has a great fondness of braiding any male's hair and more than one of my friends has fallen victim to her styles. She and Snow Blossom get along very well, especially after Cinnamon gave Miguel's bandana to her. She's always out to find her fun and is one of the fae folk who survived the fire. She ended up growing quite fond of Jeremy as well after he found her just after the fire had passed through the meadow.

Nutmeg is the one who is set to cheer everyone in the world up. She's very giggly and rarely takes anything seriously...unless you are depressed. Then she will try her very hardest to cheer you up and it usually works out quite well. She has a talent when it comes to spreading her joy out to other people.

Rosemary is the very "ladylike" sprite who is always out to show that she isn't as wild as the other sprites. She hates the idea of getting dirty as well, so she is often taking baths to clean herself off of any muck that might have gotten on her. She does love a good practical joke though, and so she spends a lot of her time with the fae dragons, pulling pranks on anyone who is passing through the meadow.

Basil is always found with someone else. He doesn't like to be alone at all and takes a lot of delight in having as much company as possible. He often goes on trips with the other sprites to find people to play practical jokes on. He spends a lot of time with Caper and Season, gossiping with them and he loves to listen to Pepper's and Fugue's stories.

Clove is the one who can be found gambling with Trump a lot. He just plays until either he or Trump have nothing left though it ends up being him. He doesn't mind, though. He finds it easy enough to find more shiny things which he can bet for another game. He also loves to play jokes on Trump while they're gambling which usually sends him grumbling for awhile. Clove never accepts the winnings from his jokes however, he just wants the laugh.

Chive is a praise-seeker and is often doing things which he might get praised for. He tries to please everyone, even Groump. It doesn't matter what he does. It can either be simply helping one of the dryads get something or pulling a great practical joke on someone which he'll tell the other sprites about later. He goes out of the meadow on errands for the dryads often, but he usually returns in just a few hours from each one.

Tarragon spends much of his time flying through the branches of the tallest trees. Season's tree tends to often be one of the places where he rests up. He only goes down to the lower levels to tell others about what he sees from the great heights he flies too. He also loves to ride on the backs of birds anytime he gets the chance to.

If all of our wishes were gratified,
many of our dreams would be destroyed