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"I'll make you a deal, like any other candidate"


Special Church of Areaology Edition Copyright 2006

The Man Who Fell To Earth Drinking Game

To Play TMWFTE: The Drinking Game, you will need:


An “uncut” *snirk* copy of TMWFTE

An ample supply of your favourite beverage. Please note that YOU CAN play this without alcohol, and you'd better be doing it if you're underage!

AA's phone number (optional)

 (drink for either "Angsty/General" OR "Area/BtA" throughout the film NOT both... unless you like Alcohol poisoning) Try and resist the Urge to Drink whenever "Mary Lou" is over the top or irritating for the same reason.



Drink when The Bowie is sliding down that big hill in the beginning making those little panting noises (close your eyes.. yeah.. it's THAT good)

Drink once when The Bowie drinks

Drink once when the Bowie has a jawline that could thinly slice Apples (ie first water slurping shot)

Acts all fey n gentle

Drink Twice if The Bowie actually puts food into his mouth

Looks at Mary Lou like she's from another planet

Performs his signature "Hoover Maneuvre" suction kiss

Does something involving "Alien Slime"

Sucks on his shiny pistol


Drink when The Bowie:

shows Disdain



Begs not to be hurt

Feels misunderstood

Stares into the distance and looks moody

Looks pretty but troubled

Asks to be left alone

Looks like he's gonna cry

Drink twice if The Bowie Has a big ol' "Mantrum" (man tantrum) and throw cookies around or yells at things to leave his mind alone.



Drink when The Area:

Is in tight pants

Gets rubbed by Mary Lou

Appears as it's Alien Self

Looks like a 3rd leg in the ping pong scene


(We recommend setting your DVD player to it's brightest setting... oh yes we do... don't forget slo-mo and Zoom functions)

Drink twice if you spot The Willy peeking out it's "hoodie" in the first love scene, better not blink

Drink once if The Bowie gives himself a fondle in the Bathroom

2nd Sex Scene Drink Twice if The Area

Goes "bouncy boing"


*Pings Mary lous bra*

seems "shy"

*bitchslaps her* (you're VERY drunk if you see that)

BtA (Behind the Area)

Drink twice when Behind the Area:

Is in tight pants

Is naked and shows it's "Dimples"

(hint:"these are hard to stick in" hehe)

Climbs on the bed as its Alien Self

Whips down it's 'jammie bottoms' and gets a jab!

or seems "pert" at any point during the film


The winner is the last conscious person to put down his drink after each event. Ties are possible, of course. Alternate Method: the winner is the person who is sober enough to push the Eject button.


IF YOU'RE NOT USING ALCOHOL: The winner is the person who's been able to avoid using the bathroom the entire time, or the least amount of times.


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Hail Bowie!