"Intellectual property rights: Protecting ideas is generally believed to be in the general interest of society, since without that protection innovation and invention might not be forthcoming"

To enable effective evaluation of our products the trial versions are identical to the full versions except for an inventory limit of 20 or 40 items.
Please note that the trial versions do not have the memory allocation routines or index routines for beyond that quantity.

Bibase Software sells its products direct. The cost is kept low with a significant proportion of funds used for further development. The products are not available through any other channels.

The few hacks that we have seen of our programs for sale or download on illegal sites were actually of the shareware editions which do not have the primary memory allocation routines for beyond 40 items. Consequently, after a certain number of inventory entries, the system memory of the computer is overwritten causing, at best, instability.

A common practice of hackers is to add 'trojan' type viruses or Active X registrations (that a virus checker will not pick up) to the install. The next time a connection is made to the net access is available to your computer.

Copyright ©1996-2008 Bibase Software   All rights reserved.