
Full name: Touya Kinomoto

Nicknames: To-ya (by Yukito)

Birthday: February 29 (the same day as Omi-kun!! ^^ Two bishounens on the same day! and their the same age too... coincidence?)

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Blood Type: O (like me!!)

Favorite Subject: Chemistry (ugh. ugh. ugh. ugh. Why do Yuki and To-ya like the worst subjects. -_-*)

Hates to study: Nothing (That's cause he always studies with Yuki! Heheheheh...)

School club: Choir

Favorite Color: Blue (Sorry Touya-kun, your peeji turned orange... ^^)

Favorite Flower: Peach Blossom

Favorite Food: Steak (nummy... *Drool*)

Worst food: Deep-fried bean curd with various veggies

Best recipe: Omelet with fried rice, fried noodles (Touya-kun can cook! ^_*)

Wants: A new pair of sneakers

Family: Parents Fujutaka and Nadesico (desceased), his imouto Sakura-chan

Seiyuu: Tomokazu Seki

Touya-kun is one of the coolest CCS characters. Why? He's good at sports and can fight, which he showed when he challenged Li-kun. Another reason is that he's such a cute sweet protective brother. Another reason is that he's got psychic powers. He used to see his mother and dead people alot then would tell Sakura-chan about it. This lead to her ghost phobia thingy. He and Yuki are always together. Yuki seems to be part of the family already (I hope he soon will be). Touya-kun also has the cutest grumpy face (I loved the episode where he played Cinderella). Touya-kun is always ready to help his friends and is also very understanding. Now, if only I could find a guy like that in REAL life. *Sigh*


Touya-kun Suki da.

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