Welcome to the Media section of the MACON CLONES website.  We hope that you will enjoy the features that we have and allow us to indulge ourselves as we post the little bit of media attention that we have received in the past.  Click on CLONE to take you to the described area.
The Telegraph of Macon, Georgia featured a story about the release of the Star Wars DVDs.  The CLONES were featured in the story for their release party that saw VaderPainter and others present.
CLONES in the news.
DVD Release Party
Vintage TV
We feature a handful of TV commercials for the original Star Wars toys.
TV commercials from the vintage era!
"Are You Ready?" is the title of the Macon Clones first fan film project.  It tooks a few months to make and it was a blast.  
The film is currently down due to technical issues.  In the meantime, check out "Speeder" at AtomFilms.com
The film is currently down due to technical issues.  In the meantime, check out SPEEDER
The Telegraph of Macon, Georgia featured a story about the CLONES filming their fanfilm.  A scan of the paper and the online story can be found here.
"Speeder" the MACON CLONES entry into the 2005 AtomFIlms/Lucasfilm Fan Film Contest was selected as a finalist. 
It was also selected by the Cannes Film Festival to be shown as part of the release of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
2005 AtomFilms Fan Film Contest finalist and Cannes Film Festival Selectee - SPEEDER
The Telegraph of Macon, Georgia had a local news story about the CLONES' film, Speeder being selected to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival.
Local story about SPEEDER being selected by the Cannes Film Festival
The Telegraph of Macon, Georgia featured a story about local Star Wars fans and their obsession with the saga.  The article mentions the MACON CLONES and quotes one of its members.
Local fans talk about their love of Star Wars.
The Telegraph of Macon, Georgia featured a front page article about the CLONES and their "Lineup For Life."
Read about the CLONES in line for Episode III.
FOX 24 News of Macon, Georgia promoted the MACON CLONES "Lineup For Life."  Chace Ambrose wears his armor for the feature.
Chace Ambrose's story about the Episode III Lineup For Life, the MACON CLONES and Star Wars fans
"Blue Milk" the MACON CLONES entry in the 2006 AtomFilms/Lucasfilm Fan Film Contest won the award for BEST COMMERCIAL PARODY.
2005 AtomFilms Fan Film Contest finalist and Cannes Film Festival Selectee - SPEEDER