Chapter Two: New Experinces
by Sailor Lily
posted December 2000
    Liba sat down on the floor, to cry desperately because the time to give up Setsuna had arrived. Ectorius walked calmly into the library, shut the door behind himself, and was stunned to find his wife crying on the floor of the room inconsolably. He hurried to her and held her until she was calm.

      “My love, what is wrong? - he asked with great concern to know the reason for his wife being so upset.
      “The time has come,” -she whispered with tears welling up in her eyes.  “for us to give Setsuna to the Queen; she has been sent for.”
      “No! It can’t be true,”- he replied bewildered at the thought that his only child had to be away from him. “It’s too soon, she’s so young!”
      “You forget, my husband, that our baby is sixteen.” -she answered with tears rolling down her cheeks, while remembering the tiny baby she had held inher arms.
      “But still, she is young and needs us.”
      “Ectorious, she must fulfill her destiny. We can’t shelter her forever. She must grow and face life courageously.”
      “But she’s our child. we can’t be ruthless to her. I love her so much.”-he whispered leaning his head against his wife’s head, and feeling old.
      “I know, but we must face this bravely, as she must.”

      Liba and Ectorious sat crying in each other’s company since they knew that the future for Setsuna would be hard. They sat there for hours until there were no more tears left in them.


      “Setsuna, wake up.”- whispered Liba entering her daughter’s room days after receiving the Queen’s letter.
      “Mom, it’s so early.”- she muttered sleepily.
       “Setsuna, you must prepare your things to depart today.”- said Liba slowly while keeping her heart in check.
      “What?”- asked Setsuna opening up her eyes and sitting up on her bed, while staring at her mother for an explanation. “Where am I going?”
      “We are going to the Moon Kingdom. You must prepare the things you will need to stay there.”
      “Why am I going to stay there? For how long? Why?”
      “You are going because you will be trained on many things at the Queen’s court for some time.”
      “Why can’t I be trained here? I want to stay home with you and father.  Please don’t make me go.”- cried Setsuna while the tears rolled down her pretty face.
      “You can’t be trained here because the Queen has a special purpose for you. Besides, you won’t be the only one being trained there, and you may return in the future.”- answered Liba hugging her and grasping for reassurance.
      “I won’t go, I promise to be good.”- she whispered into her mother’s embrace, afraid to face her future.
      “Setsuna, look at me.”- her mother requested. Setsuna looked at the beloved face of her sweet mother. “You must follow your destiny, you can’t fight it.”
      “Destiny is something we build for ourselves.”
      “Yes, but if something is already inscribed in your future, and you fight it, you will be dragged to it unwillingly.”
      “I understand, I’ll go. Will I be able to come back?”-she asked between tears that continued flowing down her face.
      “Of course. The Queen is a kind and loving woman, and all you must do is ask.”
      “Very well, I will go face the future.”
      “Thank you, my love. That’s my brave girl talking.”


      < Here I am again, but this time I’m here to stay > -thought Setsuna while reminiscing about how enormous the crystal entrance to the palace had seemed in her first visit. A maid came to her and helped her with her luggage, while another led them to the same room on the first floor that had been offered to them on their last visit.

      “Setsuna, do you need help preparing yourself for the ceremony where you will meet the Queen?”- asked her mother wondering what Setsuna was thinking while she sat in a modest size couch next to a window with a view to the garden.

       “Don’t worry mother, I want to get ready by myself. You go on ahead and get ready.”- she said while thinking to herself, < I want to be alone, I need time to think. I wish I could see Michiru... or Endymion again, I will really need a friend at this place.>

      Liba went into the bedroom and began to make herself seemly for the ceremony. Setsuna and Ectorious were left out in the large living room decorated with bright art pieces and fragrant flowers in elegant vases.

      “Father?”-asked Setsuna looking at him with concern. “Are you okay?”
      “Yes, why do you ask?”-he answered thoughtfully.
      “Well. you haven’t said anything since we left Pluto. I just would like to know what you are thinking.”
      “Oh, is that what troubles you?”- said her father sensing the concern of his unique girl’s nature. “Well, I’m thinking that it’s an honor for the Queen to take you in, and train you for the future. You know that being a princess is not easy...”
      “I know father,”-she cut in before he could continue. “I promise to be good and try my best.”
      “I know you will be the best at anything you set your mind to. Setsuna, I just want you to be happy, more than anything else in this galaxy, but people have to make sacrifices. You as a princess will have to make more sacrifices than a normal person, and all for the good of other people.”
      “I understand. I will always try to keep it in mind and follow your wishes.”

      Before either of them could say anything else, Liba walked out of the room looking radiant. She looked younger than her years in the black and silver gown she was wearing. “Setsuna, you may go in and get ready now. We will wait for you out here.”

      “Yes, mother.”-muttered Setsuna standing up and walking to enter the bedroom. She stopped before going in, turned around and said, “Have I ever told you both how much I love you?”

      Her parents where so shocked by her question, that they did not know what to say since the tears kept them from talking. Setsuna did not wait for an answer and continued, “I really, really love you... because you have loved me allmy life... and that is all I can remember, pure love.” She smiled at them with tears rolling down her cheeks and went into the room.


      “Setsuna,” -called Liba while knocking on the bedroom door. “are you ready? Everyone is gathering in the ballroom.”

      Setsuna sat in a chair in front of a mirror. She did not want to think, she stared at her face until it made no more sense, and it was just a bunch of shapes.  Setsuna did not answer her mother. She stood up and  walked out of the room looking amazing. She was wearing a simple blue short dress without sleeves, since the moon’s temperature was too terribly hot for her. A knock came to the door, and Ectorious opened it since they were all ready to leave. A knight stood at the door ready to escort them to the ballroom. They walked the corridors to the ballroom in silence.

      The Plutonian royal family entered the room filled with people, and all eyes turned to Setsuna. She was so embarrass to know that people around were observing her. She wasn’t used to all this attention. She could hear whispers around as she made her way to where Queen Serenity would be descending.

      “Welcome everyone.”-said a solemn dark woman to the microphone, thus attracting everyone’s attention. “In name of Queen Serenity I would like to thank each and everyone of you for coming. I would like to present to you our leader, Queen Serenity.”

      Down the steps came the Queen followed by four people that Setsuna had heard were her trusted advisors. The Queen reached the last step and was handed the microphone with a bow from the solemn woman. The male advisor stood to her left, and the three females at her right.

      “Welcome,” -began the Queen with her speech. “and thank you all for attending the presentation of the members of my Princess Serenity’s court.”

      All was quiet in the room, but in Setsuna’s heart it was full of insane uncertainty.< Why the formality? Why did she not just send for us to be brought?  Why show us off infront of the entire Solar Kingdom? > she thought with the characteristic impatience of her young years.

      The Queen continued with her speech, and began to call the name and title of the members that where part of the Court. They where to go forward and stand next to her.

      “Ami, Princess of Mercury.”

      A young girl with shoulder-length blue hair went forward, nervously bowed to the Queen and went to stand to her right.

      “Mina, Princess of Venus.”

      Next was a girl with short blonde hair, with an angelic face. She went forward, bowed to the Queen and went to stand next to Ami.

      “Endymion, Prince of Earth.”

      Setsuna’s heart must have stopped, and leaped to her throat at recognizing that name. “Endymion..” she whispered. <Endymion is Prince...of Earth? He never told me that!> She raised her eyes to see a tall man with dark hair move away from the crowd all dressed in black. After setting eyes on him, she couldn’t keep her thoughts in the ceremony. All she could seem to do was stare.< I’m not being behaving as a princess should, I need to quit staring at him, its rude!> But she didn't realize that she wasn't the only one staring that way at Endymion. Beryl followed him closely with her eyes.

      “Michiru, Princess of Neptune.”

      At hearing that name, Setsuna realized that three girls had already been called and where standing next to the Queen, and now her old friend, Michiru was up. <Michiru is here? She’s a princess too! I’m such an idiot, I didn’t make the connection before.>

      “Haruka, Princess of Uranus.”

      < I remember her, I thought she was a boy the first time I saw her.> Setsuna smiled at seeing Haruka dressed in a white pant suit, instead of a dress like the other girls. Setsuna turned to take her parents since her turn had arrived. “I love you and I won’t let you down, I won’t shame you.” Ironically it was at that moment when she remembered the first time she had told them that.

      “Setsuna, Princess of Pluto.”

      She opened her hands to let her life with her parents go. Everything around her seemed very still as she moved away from the
crowd to embrace her new life. Everything in front of her eyes was blurred when she bowed to the Queen and moved to her side.

      “Now I present to all of you the future Queen, Princess Serenity.”

      Everyone shifted to be able to see the princess come down the endless number of stepped that led down. <She’s still young, but at least she has grown enough to look as the princess I imagined when I was little.> Setsuna couldn’t help remembering the frightened toddler hiding behind her mother’s skirt, but now she was a beautiful girl with blonde hair. <She looks like a heavenly spirit.>

      Every person in the room broke out in applause as soon as the princess was next to her mother. Every single clap was a hammer hitting her brain, she closed her eyes tightly to control the tears and pain. A gentle hand toughed her right arm. It was a smiling Michiru, standing between Haruka and her. Setsuna looked at both of them, and with tears still escaping her eyes. She was terribly relieved to know they where here, and tried to give them the first genuine smile she had given to a living soul all day.

      “Please continue enjoying the celebration in honor of these brave youngsters who hold our future in their minds, and hearts.”

      Queen Serenity gave the microphone back to the woman who had given it to her in the beginning. The Queen and her daughter led the way up the stairs, the advisors followed behind them. As for the members of the Princess’ court, they followed in pairs by the order they were called. Setsuna was left to walk behind all of them alone. All alone.


      Everyone gathered in a spacious white room with many chairs around a circular table. There where an endless number of windows around the room.

      “Welcome, I am Queen Serenity as all of you know. The reason why all of you have been sent here is because you will learn things that will become very useful to you in the future.”- the Queen motioned for her advisors to move forward.  “These people you see here are my council members and they will be your guardians.” The Queen motioned a woman with black hair to come next to her. She continued the explanations without hesitation, “This is Luna and she will be the guardian of Ami, Rei and Serenity.”

      Next a tall man with white hair and clothing moved next to Luna. The Queen continued, “Next to Luna is Artemis, who will be in charge of Darien, Nina and Lita.” Last a smiling woman with purple hair moved next to Artemis. “And last is Nebula, who will be guardian to Hotaru, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna.”

      A loud knock came to the door, and a woman with blazing red hair walked into the room. The Queen asked her to come forward and said, “next to Nebula is Beryl, our youngest council member. She came to us ten years ago and therefore cannot be a guardian. Now, Luna will let you know what is expected.”

      Luna bowed to the Queen, took a solemn step forward, and began, “All of you will attend classes daily. At breakfast, lunch and dinner everyone must attend, unless you are tired. The four eldest will have individual rooms, while the others will share bedrooms. All of you must be in bed by ten. Other than that you may do as you desire since this is your home now, and we are very happy to have all of you here.”

      The Queen smiled at all of them and said, “Now we will leave you here for a brief moment to allow some interaction between all of you. Your guardians will come and take you to your rooms.”

      Queen Serenity and her council left the room slowly. Once they were out of the room, Setsuna turned to Michiru. They looked at one another to see the changes that time had made, and embraced with the familiarity they had felt since the first time they met.

      “I’m glad to see you her. How come you didn’t tell me you are Princess of Neptune?"asked Setsuna. Michiru smiled at her friend and said, “You never asked. Besides, you never told me you’re Princess Pluto.” Haruka laughed and the two girls looked at her. “We really know so little about each other from that first meeting in the garden.”

      “Yes, you’re absolutely right.”-answered Michiru, and Setsuna smiled while she thought about that day nine years ago. Setsuna smiled at Michiru and commented, “You’re wearing the earrings I gave you. They look gorgeous on you; I can’t believe you still have them.”

      Michiru was glad to see that Setsuna recognized the earrings. “Of course I still have them. Every time I put them on I would wonder if I would ever see you again.” She looked at Setsuna’s hair and teasingly said, “I like your hairpin, who gave it to you?”
“A childhood friend from the planet Neptune.” Setsuna had been so distracted talking to Haruka and Michiru, that she was startled when some one placed a firm hand on her naked shoulder. She spun around, and felt the two girls’ eyes trying to see who it was. Setsuna found herself at eye level with something black, so she looked up to see what it was. She was absolutely speechless to find the most stunning man she had ever seen. She knew who it was, but she still searched the smiling face to find a trace of the young boy.

      “Don’t tell me you don’t remember me. You promised never to forget me.”-he said with kind eyes. Setsuna couldn’t help looking at him straight in the eyes, and it was there that she found the trace of the boy. He still had the same wonderful blue eyes of his childhood. She finally found her voice,” I remember you Prince Endymion. I was simply trying to find something of the little Endymion I met long ago.”

      “Well, have you found it?”
      “Yes. You both share eyes that change color with the environment and mood. Eyes that are kind, quiet, sincere, and a mischievous smile that I’ll never forget.”
       “Please, quit embarrassing me, I haven’t changed all that much. But more beautiful that the first time I laid eyes on you. You still have the same sincere, transparent look of the little girl I said I’ll marry.”

      Setsuna became heavily conscious that the others were quiet, and the youngest girls were admiring Endymion. She also realized that his warm hand was still on her shoulder. The door opened and their guardians walked in. Setsuna turned to look at the door, and it was then that she felt his hand gone from her shoulder.

      “I would like Princess Ami, Princess Rei and Princess Serenity to come with me. I will show you the room you will be sharing.” The three girls met Luna at the door and disappeared with her.

      “Now, I would like Princess Lita, Princess Nina, and Princess Hotaru to follow me, since you will be sharing a room.” The other three girls met Artemis at the door, and left just as the others had done.

      Nebula was the only one left of the guardians, and said, “Prince Endymion, Princesses Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna. You are the four eldest, and will each have an individual room. I would like to let you know that I realize you will be homesick, so I am always here if there is anything any of you need.”

      <She is so kind to care for us and our feelings.> Setsuna smiled inwardly at the knowledge that Nebula was willing to comfort them as a mother away from home. Nebula motioned them to follow her. They went to the palace’s second floor and to the right wing, where the youngsters sleeping quarters were found. Nebula led them, while Haruka and Michiru talked behind her in silent whispers. She and Endymion walked behind them. Endymion took her hand and they walked this way until they all stopped.
       “Your rooms are across from the rooms were the other girls will be staying. Your things have already been brought up, and are already in your rooms.”-informed Nebula once they reached the first room in the hall. “This first room is for Princess Uranus. The one following is for Princess Neptune. The third room is for Princess Pluto, and the last one is for Prince Endymion. You may call a maid if there is anything you need.” Nebula smiled warmly at them, and left them outside the rooms.

      “I will see all of you later,”-said Setsuna to the other three people with her. “I have plenty of unpacking to keep me busy for a little while.” She walked away from them, Endymion waved to Michiru and Haruka. He went after her and caught her hand before she reached her bedroom door. She turned to him, and he raised her soft hand to his lips. As he kissed her hand delicately, she was able to see the younger girls across the hallway peering at them with a mix of jealousy and pure fascination.

      < This is what they all hope to find some day, a man to treat them very special. I guess, that is what we all are looking for.> -thought Setsuna as the kiss placed on her hand, sent immense warmth all the way to her heart. His eyes watched her every expression, so she smiled fondly at him and went into  her room.

      Setsuna closed the door behind herself, and leaned back heavily since her brain was doing flips from the emotion. She finally went to her bed and began the process of unpacking. She arranged all of her clothing in the spacious closet, and found framed pictures amongst the clothes. < I’m glad I have these pictures with me, they’re all I have of home. My mother, what are you doing right now?... Father, do you miss me like I miss you?... Briga, I miss you talking to me and caressing my head while I cry. ... Markus, I miss seeing your solemn face around the palace and treating me like a grown-up princess. I miss you Pluto!>

      She took the pictures and arranged them on a wood table at the corner of the room. She realized that tears had escaped her eyes when knock came to her door. “Who is it?”-she asked wiping the tears and getting more things off the bed.
      “Setsuna, its Michiru. May we come in?”
      “Come in, its open.”-answer Setsuna while taking the last items into her closet. In came Michiru, followed by Haruka admiring the spacious room. Setsuna came out of the closet and found them looking out one of the windows. “We have an remarkable view of the gardens from this side of the palace.”-commented Haruka with her eyes fixed outside. Michiru turned around to look at the pictures on the table, and picked up one with a black frame.

      “Who’s the cute baby in the picture?”-asked Michiru. Haruka turned to look over her shoulder at the picture. “I didn’t know you had a little brother.”
      “No, I’m an only child. That’s my maid Briga’s baby, she married my father’s bodyguard. Isn’t it a gorgeous child?”
      “Yes, he’s wonderful. I hope to have at least one baby someday to take care of, even if it isn’t mine.”
      “Who’s this woman you’re with in the picture?”-asked Haruka looking at the picture in a silver frame.
      “That’s my grandmother. I look nothing like her, so it’s hard for people to know we’re related.”
      “No, you do look alike. She just has very light complexion and the blonde hair makes her lighter. Maybe if she had dark hair and skin, you two would look exactly alike.”
      “Yes, you’re probably right. But if I didn’t know she was my grandmother, I would swear she was related to Queen Serenity, or the Venusian royal family. My mother's eyes are the exact shade of green as her mother's.”

      A low knock came to her door unexpectedly. “Who is it?” she asked walking towards the door.
      “It’s Nebula, may I come in?”

      Setsuna opened the door, and invited her in. <According to what Briga told me, Nebula and my mother are close friends since their youth. Such close friends, almost like sisters. But how is it that I never had met her until this day? Why did my mother never talk about her?>

      “Its time for dinner, and I wanted to know if everything was well with all of you. Did you find your rooms to your liking?” asked Nebula looking at the three girls. Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna were now standing together smiling and nodding shyly. “Very well then, come with me, everyone is awaiting for us.”


      After dinner, they were all excused from the table by the Queen. They all had the desire to use the freedom they had before bedtime. All ten of them walked the hallways and down to the garden. The younger girls hanged around Endymion like puppies expecting a kind gesture from their master. The younger ones decided to go to the pond, while the older ones staid walking around the gardens. They walked everywhere until they were at the place they first met.

      “It’s ironic to be here again.”-said Haruka breaking the silence around them. “I remember that when we met, I had a feeling we would all be together some how. Now you see, we are to live here.”

      Setsuna walked to the bench where she had sat with Endymion long ago.  She searched for the rose that had cut her hand, but he couldn’t find it since the white rose had turned red with her blood. She sat on the bench and looked down at her hand to the scars that remained. The other three simply watched her, and Michiru asked out loud to no one in particular. “Why is she looking at her hand?  Did something happen to it?”

      “Yes, she cut her hand with a rose’s thorns after you left.”-answered Endymion remembering the blood on her pale hand. He walked to where she was and kneeled taking her hand. The other two girls sensing that this was a private thing between them, left them alone. He took a handkerchief out of the inside of his jacket. Setsuna’s eyes widened as she became aware of what it was.

      “You kept the handkerchief that was stained with blood?”-she asked looking into his blue eyes, struck with owe.
      “Yes. Some of the stains didn’t come out completely, but I didn’t want to get rid of it.”-he answered feeling foolish at having kept such a thing for so long.

      She smiled, and hugged him unexpectedly.  Endymion was very surprised at feeling her warm body envelope him in an embrace. She said close to his ear, “I never thanked you for being so kind to me. That is why I will always remember you, for being so kind.” She was so weary from traveling and all the excitement from the day. She released him from the embrace, and she stood up. “Endymion, I have to go now. I’m very tired, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      He took her hand, kissed it and said, “Go to rest, I’ll think of you while you rest.” She smiled at him and walked away. On her way out she noticed a small, dark girl sitting by herself. <She looks awfully sad and lonely. She reminds me of myself in Pluto. Why isn’t she with the other girls?> Setsuna felt so much fondness for the girl, that she sat to talk with her.

      “Hello, I’m Setsuna. What’s your name?”
      “I’m... Hotaru, its good you.”
      “How come you’re all alone here? Don’t you want to be with the others?”
      “I don’t think they like me, I feel that I don’t belong with them.”
      “Don’t think that. Tell me, how old are you? Where are you from?”
      “I was sent here from Saturn, and I’m eleven,...almost twelve.”
      “Hotaru, you’re the youngest one here, that maybe why you feel you don’t belong. Besides, we’re really far away from our
planets , and will be homesick for a good while.”
      “Yes, that might be it, but what if nobody likes me here?”
      <Poor child, she’s truly scared to be rejected thought.> Setsuna and said smiling truthfully, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I like you, you’re very nice and pretty.” Hotaru smiled, blushing embarrassed and Setsuna smiled thinking, <She will be fine, all she needs is people to care for her.>
      “Setsuna, may I ask you for a favor?”
      “Of course, anything you like.”
      “If I get scared...and can’t sleep,...may I go to your room?”
      “Yes, I’ll stay up with you until you get tired, and fall asleep.”

      Hotaru’s face lit up at finding so much comprehension from the older girl.  It was so incredible for her to have made a friend, that she had to ask out loud. “Really? You don’t you? Even if its really late?” Setsuna smiled openly at her and answered, “You may come at any time you want, I’m only across the hall from your room. I really don’t mind.” Hotaru was so happy that she hugged her, practically throwing herself on Setsuna, while she laughed very surprised. “Thank you, so much! Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll let you go now since you must have been on your way inside.” Setsuna was released from the embrace, but the bond between the two was established forever.

      Once she was in her room she laid there for hours thinking about her parents, her life, and her planet. She fell into a fitful sleep. Sleep full of things, events that made no sense, but woke her apprehensive and breathing hard. After that she stayed awake for what seemed as an endless amount of hours, thinking about her life at Charon castle, and kept coming back to the same point. < I was lonely, always lonely. Here I will have friends... friends that will be sisters, many sisters. And... a brother. No,... not a brother, I don’t see or feel Endymion as a brother. But why? Why can’t I see his as a brother? ...Is it because he told me when we were children that he wanted to marry me? But that was long ago, long ago...when we were only children.>

      She was finally drifting into sleep, when a soft knock came to her door. She got noiselessly out of bed and went to open the door.

      “I’m sorry to bother you,”-said Endymion smiling sleepily, with Hotaru next to him. “but it seems that she needed to find your room.” Setsuna smiled, extended her hand to the frail child, and told her to come in. Once she was in, Setsuna turned to Endymion.      “I’m really sorry she woke you up. I only told her I was across the hall, but not which room I was in. You look tired, go back to bed.”
      “I will. You know, what you’re doing for her is very kind.”-declared Endymion putting the palm of his hand on her smooth cheek. “That’s why I like you. Good night.” He kissed her cheek, leaving her absolutely perplexed.

      Setsuna closed the door, but before she was able to make it to her bed, another knock came to her door. She ran to open the door thinking it was probably Endymion. This time it was Michiru smiling back at her with embarrassment. “I know I’m too old to be such a baby, but can I stay in your room tonight. I can’t sleep no matter how hard I try.”
      “No, you’re not too old to ask for help from a friend,”-said Setsuna pulling her into the room. “besides, you’re not the only one who can’t sleep”
      “You can’t sleep either?”
      “No, and neither can Hotaru.”-she answered while both turned to see a shy smile on Hotaru, who was sitting on the immense bed.
      “Hey, that’s great! Now I don’t feel so bad about bothering you so late.”

       The three girls settled into bed, talked about their lives in their planet and how much they missed some things from there. They promised to turn to each other if they had a problem, and always be together to take care of each other. No more talking was heard for some time, because they finally accomplished overcoming the great obstacle of their first night away from home; getting some sleep.
Chapter ThreeLibraryMain |