Page Three

Instructions. There two ways to present sound files, as a) bgsound (background sound), within the group description space, or as b) embedded sound files, using an iframe or off-group HTML document stored at a remote website. There are some advantages to both, particularly if you are challenged when it comes to writing HTML code. You will find, however, that we emphasis placing these materials at remote websites regardless of what form of presentation you use. The reason for doing so with graphics is because Yahoo! programming resizes, distorts, strips floating and animation compression. Too, placed in member only accessible spaces, the files are only accessible (seen or heard) by logged in members. If you want all visitors to see or hear them, they must be stored in space that may be publicly accessed.

a) bgsound (background sound). Sound files presented in this way can only be heard by users of the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) browser only. It will not play on any other browser accessing the page. The code is specific IE and is the only code recognized by the Yahoo! Group programming. You may make them accessible to your IE visitor by:

  1. placing the sound file in a web space you control such as your personal or group website and linking to it, and
  2. entering the following code in your group description:
    <bgsound src="URL/SOUNDFILENAME.EXT" autostart="true" loop="-1">

    Replace the URL/ information with the address and any folders used for your storage of the sound file. Replace the SOUNDFILENAME.EXT with the name and format of the file selected.

b) embedded sound files. The embed HTML code tag is accepted by all browsers including IE version 6 and above. Although it is not recognized when entered in the Yahoo! Group description space directly, when entered on an HTML document stored at a remote website, through use of an iframe, it does function for all viewers, all browsers. The code for entering a sound file in a standard HTML document is:

<embed src="URL/SOUNDFILENAME.EXT" autostart="true" loop="-1" width=255 height=55 border=0 volume="25%">

Again, replace the URL/ information with the address and any folders used for your storage of the sound file. Replace the SOUNDFILENAME.EXT with the name and format of the file selected. The last bits of information which appear to differ from the bgsound command are optional. The dimensions of width and height shown in this example will place a console at the point where the sound file is accessed so that viewers may control volume, on/off, etc. The volume percentage designation begins the sound file at percentage of recorded volume. In this example, where you present a console, you may use the option of autostart="off" providing your viewer with the choice of turning the sound on from console. You may also elect to define the loop as 1 or a single playing of the sound file, rather than a continuous play as long as the page is open.

Regardless of which version of the above code you use, please download the sound files presented on this page by right clicking on the file name displayed or on the pop-up icon during preview and choosing the "save file as" menu option. You may then upload to your own space without worry of data transfer difficulties. Do not link to any graphic directly as we already have issues with data transfer restrictions which may cause the graphic to fail if used in this manner.

One final will see in the listing on this page that we have made attempt at offering notes concerning where we obtained the file, who wrote the piece, who recorded it, any copyright. This information is referred to as its attribution. You should always include notes on attribution when displaying sound and graphical material you did not yourself create.

midilink All My Life's a Circle
By Harry Chapin. Sequenced by Darla. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: circle1.mid, Size : 19,966]

midilink Cats in the Cradle
By Cat Stevens. Sequenced by Bob Mace ( [Internet source: Shawna's Virtual Flowers Midi Index (; Filename: catcradl.mid, Size : 10,417]

midilink Daddy, Don't You Walk So Fast
By Wayne Newton. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: daddydwf.mid, Size: 31,440 ]

midilink Daddy's Coming
No sequencing information is available. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: daddyc1.mid, Size: 92,048]

midilink Daddy's Home
By Richard Cliff. Recorded by Shep & The Limemites, Arranged By: Brent Lane, 1997. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: dadyhome.mid, Size: 31,766 ]

midilink Daddy's Little Girl
By Burke/Gerlach, 1997. Sequenced by: ZaxPax. [Internet source: Carolyn's Universe Father's Day (; Filename: dadsgirl.mid, Size: 8,946]

midilink Don't Worry, Be Happy
By Bobby McFerrin. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: behappy.mid, Size: 32,768]

midilink Father
Recorded by Abba. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: ?; Filename: abba_f.mid, Size: 1,809]

midilink Father and Son
By Cat Stevens. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: father2.mid, Size: 19,823]

midilink Father Figure
By George Michael. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: gm-ffig2, Size:41,835]

midilink Father to Son
Written by Brian May, recorded by Queen. Sequenced by Toshiya Suzuki. [Internet source: TomQueen's Homepage (; Filename: father2s.mid, Size: 75,926]

midilink Fortunate Son
Credence Clearwater Revival. Sequenced by: Steve Day ( [Internet source: unknown; Filename: fortson, Size: 24,003]

midilink Oh, Father
By Madonna. No sequencing information is available. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: ohfather.mid, Size:25,764]

midilink Oh, My Papa
Traditional Father's Day Song of Eastern European Origin. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: ohmypapa.mid, Size: 3,676]

midilink Papa
Traditional song of Latin origin, recorded by Paul Anka among others. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: Drugs Files; Filename:papa.mid, Size: 44,365]

midilink Papa
By Prince. Sequenced by: Raul Alonso Lopez. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: prince-p.mid, Size:14,283]

midilink Papa, Don't Preach
By Madonna. No sequencing information available. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: papado.mid, Size: 40,625]

midilink Papa Gene's Blues
Written by Michael Nesmith, recorded by the Monkees. [Internet source: Lyla's Midi Jukebox (; Filename: papagene.mid, Size: 23,268]

midilink Papa Loved Mama
By Garth Brooks. Sequenced by R. Goodyear. [Internet source: Midi Haven (; Filename: gbpapalv.mid, Size: 34,292]

midilink Song for My Father (Version 1)
Composed by Horace Silver ( No sequencing information available. [Internet source: A Tribute to...; Filename: hsfather.mid, Size: 18,431]

midilink Song for My Father (Version 2)
Composed by Horace Silver ( Sequenced by Don Carroll ( [Internet source: Midi Haven; Filename: dc-sg4my.mid, Size: 38,780]
midilink We Are Family
By Sister Sledge. Sequenced by KMIDI Karaoke. [Internet source: unknown; Filename: wearefam.mid, Size: 49,152]

Father's Day Group Images

Father's Day Websets

Club Founders' Club


Many of the images used in greeting displays were developed from these sources:
123Greetings (, Oh, My Goodness (no longer available),
MediaBuilder (, Care2 (,
Celebration and Holiday ClickArt Broderbund Software (,
Corel Mega Gallery (, and other Internet sources.

This page and its graphics were created and/or adapted by
exclusively for Club Founders' Club, Yahoo_Group_Of_Groups, and their members.
It is best viewed on a 800x600 or larger screen set for True Color
with Netscape or Microsoft and
is hosted by Geocities. Get them NOW!