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Club Development
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Clubs Development Plan
Club History
Town History
Lough Derg
The Village

Pettigo is an ancient market town containing many historic buildings set in a countryside of beautiful lakes and hills.
The surrounding locality is full of ancient monuments from stone circles, a cairn and a crannog to watermills and a castle.

In Celtic times it was the "Place of the Blacksmith" and for medieval Europe it was the gateway to St. Patrick's Purgatory, Lough Derg.

The 17th and 18th centuries saw Pettigo become a famous market-place and in more recent times its frontier location made it a "smugglers paradise".

Among the historic personalities of the area are John Kells Ingram, who wrote the famous poem 'Who fears of 98', The notorious 16th Century Bishop MilerMcGrath, Black Frank McHugh -the highwayman hanged in Enniskillen in 1788- and more recently Moya Doherty who was born in Pettigo was the creator of Ireland's most famous musical export -Riverdance.

Castle McGrath

Stone Circle

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Club Merchandise
Pettigo Tracksuit tops
Polo tops
Club Jerseys available
Along with our Book on the Clubs history and much more...
Visit Pettigo
Visit a traditional Irish village set in the heart of an ancient landscape.
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The publication of any information from this website will only be allowed by permission of the Executive Committee of the Pettigo GAC.
All requests must be made in writing to Club Secretary.
Designed by
Patrick Duggan.