GM-Tournaments in 2000 | Rapid Chess in Hungary

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GM-Tournaments in 2000

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GM-tournaments plan for the 2000 year in Hungary

  1. 5th - 17th of Febr. FIRST SATURDAY /FS/ GM-closed, Budapest, Org: NL /e-mail:
  2. 1st - 13th of April FS GM,Budapest Org: NL,
  3. 18th-28th of May, ELEKES memorial, GM closed, Org.: IM Zsinka, Laszlo Tel: (361)-404-6272
  4. 3rd-15th of June FS GM,Budapest org: NL,
  5. 21st June - 1st of July, HOTEL IROTTKO GM, Org: FM Tomcsanyi, Peter e-mail:
  6. 19th-29th of July Budapest Summer GM, cat. X-XI., Org: IM Rigo,Janos,
  7. 5th-17th of August FS GM Budapest, Org:NL
  8. Second half of September, GM PAKS /100 km South from Budapest/, organizer: IM Videki, Sandor,
  9. 7th-19th of October, FS GM Budapest, Org. NL.
  10. 2nd-14th of December, FS GM Budapest, org: NL.


Nagy, Laszlo, chess organizer
Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59
Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914
ICQ # 44805877


Rapid Chess in Hungary

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"FRIDAY AT 3 - RAPID" chess tournament series in the Hungarian Chess Federation 7 rounds Swiss Open

  1. Dates in 2000:

    4th of February, 3rd of March, 31st of March, 5th of May, 2nd of June, 30th of June. 4th of August, 1st of September, 6th of October, 3th of November, 1st of December.

    Always at the previous Friday before the FIRST SATURDAY/

  2. Thinking times: 20-20 perc.
  3. Schedule:
  4. Friday 15-22 hours -- 1th-7th rounds
  5. Prizes netto 15-10-5 ezer Ft, special prizes: below 18 year, above 55 year, woman and nonrated 3-3 thousand. /min.5 participants in a category/.
    The prizes are not devided.
  6. Entry fee 2000 Ft with previous registration by telecommunication until 14:00, after that time 2500,-Ft, For GM-s no entry fee, for IM-s half.
    Registration deadline: at 14:45 in the tournament hall.
  7. Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Budapest, V.ker. Falk Miksa Str.10, 2nd floor /Close to the Kossuth Square red metro station/.
  8. Organizer: Nagy László, tel-fax: (36-1)-263-28-59 from 9 am. CET /GMT + 1/ until 9 p.m., mobile: (36)-30-230-1914

Nagy, Laszlo, chess organizer

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