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Governor George W. Bush
In Rev. Moon's Pocket?


Imagine This Scenario...

~Following through on one of his campaign promises, President George W. Bush announced today a major increase in funding for a sweeping program of abstenance based sex-ed curriculum to be instituted throughout America's public school system. The program, teaching sexual abstenance as a means to deter teenage pregnancy, was developed through "Pure Love Alliance" a front group funded by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, more popularly known as Moonies. Responding to criticisms that embedded in the program are buzz-words and terminology exclusive to the Unification Church, designed to encourage future membership among high-school age youth, the newly elected President responded that the program would meet all requirements of the Public School system's official guidelines for new curriculum.

The above scenario was fictional, but....

Can A George W. Bush Presidency
Lead To Moonie School Curriculum?

Governor George W. Bush and Rev. Moon's Moonies?The above scenario, was fiction, but what is frightening, is that it is not at all "far-fetched". Recently, in a press release by the Unification Church, they promoted the efforts of their organization in reaching 40 million youth with their own abstenance message, interestingly the Moonie press-release mentions presidential candidate George W. Bush by name, and credits him with promising to increase abstenance education funding, if elected President. Why is the Unification Church promoting George W. Bush in this way? The answer may be that the Moonies see their best hope for influencing American society and government through a Bush whitehouse. The question of a possible Bush initiative that would use a Moonie created program arises, because the cult has successfully sold their program to numerous public schools and churches in America already, many of which may be unaware of the Moonie connection.

July 24, 1999
For Immediate Release
For Further Information
Contact: Chris Corcoran
212-997-0050 x213, fax 212-719-4784

Pro-Family Group Promotes Sexual Purity Goal to Reach 40 Million Youth By End of Year Members of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification are taking their message to the streets of America, holding rallies and asking young people to recite a pledge of sexual abstinence before marriage. Their goal is reach 40 million American youth before the end of the year with the abstinence message. As of now, according to their New York office manager Jorg Heller, they have reached around 6 million.

The pledge, called the Pure Love Pledge, is written on a card and handed to young people with a request that they recite the pledge and commit themselves to refrain from sexual activity before marriage.

"We've had a tremendous response in Harlem," said Juanita Pierre-Louis, a Family Federation leader in New York. "One woman came running up to me after she read the card and threw her arms around me and said this is exactly what our young people need to hear." Heller states that Family Federation members around the country, many of them housewives with children in tow, report a tremendously positive response to the initiative.

Abstinence before marriage and fidelity within marriage are bedrock beliefs of the group founded by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who blessed in marriage many of the group leaders in Madison Square Garden in 1982. Seventeen years later, these couples have teenagers who are dedicated to maintaining their sexual purity in a youth culture in which the word virgin is almost a foreign term.

In order to spread the message further, hundreds of these Unificationist teenagers have toured America and overseas during the last three summers with an organization called the Pure Love Alliance. Using street theater, rock music, service projects and rallies, the teens generally get favorable responses from crowds and civic leaders and good media coverage.

Abstinence education in schools has gained greater acceptance among educators. Presidential candidate George W. Bush announced that he would increase the federal investment in abstinence education if elected.

Well, you may feel that presidential candidate George W. Bush would have the sense to resist a program designed to teach our children sexual abstenance, that was created and promoted by the Moonies, but you may be very wrong. In fact, the Unification Church has already had some success (and a few set-backs) in promoting their sexual abstenance materials to churches and public schools. Following, is an article detailing some of these efforts:

Celibacy program is dropped, As source is tied to Church

Wednesday, March 22, 1995
By Robert Hanley

NEW YORK, March 21 - Months ago, when Sister Marjorie McGregor, Janet Gilroy and Joanne Fruhauf learned about a slide presentation on AIDS that stressed teen-age celibacy, they were eager to promote it.

The three women, who lead groups on Long Island that encourage family values and premarital celibacy, worked hard at distributing the presentation, "Free Teens, USA." They championed the show's creators, Richard A. Panzer and Dr. William L. Bergman, at public and private schools, churches and doctors' offices on Long Island and in Brooklyn.

"We bought it because it's very good and very concise," Ms. Fruhauf, a chapter leader of Concerned Women of America said. "It's a very moral message."

Mrs. Gilroy, a leader of Project Respect, said, "We trusted and thought this is such a great thing they're doing."

Last fall, the women were stunned to hear from a specialist in anticult research that Mr. Panzer and Dr. Bergman had had leadership roles in the Unification Church. The church, led by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has been widely criticized for enticing young people to join and isolating them from their families.

Although the three women had no indication that the two men were recruiting in this case, they immediately cut their ties.

The men said their intent was only to stop the spread of AIDS.

"We may never be able to decipher the truth regarding the motives behind the program," Sister Marjorie McGregor said. "But I strongly recommend the Panzer program not be used by our young people."

The concerns of the Long Island groups are shared by their usual ideological opponent, Planned Parenthood, which also opposes Mr. Panzer and the presentation.

Public schools throughout the region have used the slides, with many unaware of Mr. Panzer and Dr. Bergman's links to Mr. Moon. Dwight Morrow High School in Englewood, N.J. is among those. The school districts that have bought the slides include Bronxville, White Plains, Yorktown, Byram Hills and Briarcliff, in New York, "Free Teens" literature says.

In April, the New York City Board of Education approved Mr. Panzer and Dr. Bergman as vendors, clearing the way for the city's middle and high schools to buy the slides for $150 for a three-hour presentation or $200 for six hours. Board officials said that they believe that no schools have bought the program, but that they cannot be certain because the decision is up to the individual schools.

Complete Article Here

Is Rev. Moon Seeking A George W. Bush Presidency?

~Recently, according to notes of a moonie in attendance, Rev. Moon gave a speech where he lauded Governor George W. Bush, leading to speculation that Moon would welcome a Bush presidency. This is significant, because it leads to the question of how much financial contributions may have been spent by Moon on Bush toward that end. Recently, in an MsNBC article, which explored the possible Moonie/Governor-Bush link, the question was also posed to Governor Bush's campaign manager:

Looking for George W.'s Moon link

MSNBC News, October 13, 1999

Oct. 13 - Is there a link between George W. Bush and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon? Some Bush foes are alleging there is - and are scrambling to prove it.

THE RUMBLINGS ORIGINATED because former president George Bush has accepted substantial fees from Moon, the head of the controversial Unification Church (whose followers are sometimes called "Moonies") and the owner of the conservative Washington Times. Bush has allegedly accepted at least $1 million from the Church for various speaking engagements (some put the figure closer to $10 million). He has called Moon "a man of vision" and has spoken on his behalf in front of groups in Washington, Tokyo and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In 1996, Bush gave the keynote address when Moon launched his new publishing venture in Buenos Aires. "I want to salute Rev. Moon, who is the founder of The Washington Times and also of Tiempos del Mundo," the former president said. He lauded the Washington Times for promoting "sanity" - and said that Moon's new Argentinean newspaper "is going to do the same thing."

"Some [Democratic foes] of George W. Bush are convinced that there is a link and they're looking to prove it," says one source. "At the very least, it doesn't look good that old man Bush seems to be so tight with the Moonies when his standing has been so instrumental in launching George W.'s political career."

A Bush spokesman dismisses the talk. "This is the first I've heard of that," campaign spokesman Brian Jones said with a bit of a chuckle. He called back to say that "the campaign has not received funds [from Moon] of any note."

"...of any note."? Whatever that means. So in other words, there may have been donations, but not "...of any note." as the Bush campaign so determines. Of course, this does not preclude heavy donations from Moon front-groups, like the ones that former President George Bush has received in huge amounts for speaking tours arranged by the Moonies. We don't know if Bush spokesman Brian Jones considers Moonie "front-group" money as being "Moon-money". One thing is certain. George W. Bush's father had no qualms in taking money that some have estimated in excess of a million dollars for a tour through South America for one of Moon's groups. So why would the Governor have any qualms if his father didn't? In fact, there is a long history between the Bush family and the Moon family, which will be detailed in Part-2 of this article. Moon has credited himself and his Washington Times newspaper with the Reagan and Bush presidencies, and in fact, Moon has contributed in numerous ways to those causes. Namely, by donations and workers for campaigns supplied by Moon's followers, and positive and supportive articles by the conservative Washington Times newspaper which is Moonie financed as well as numerous lobbying and political groups funded by Moon. Here are several quotes from Sun Myung Moon himself:

Leaders' Meeting - June 12, 1991
by Sun Myung Moon
June 12, 1991
East Garden, Irvington. New York
Translator - Col. Sang Kil Han

It is hard to believe but true that in 1975, the liberal movement was rampant. In a mere five years, how in the world has that miserable America, who retreated from Vietnam, losing the war against a nobody like North Vietnam, brought the Republicans back again and maintained their dignity and brought the country around to the extreme right, as represented by Reagan? It was a puzzle. It is a fact, so no one questions it now, but who played the key role? Father did. If Father didn't actually do something to turn the tide around, it would not have been done. Only those who know, know, but we do. Reagan did not know how he became the president. He succumbed to the pressure and sent Father to prison.

Belvedere, New York
6:00 A.M., 27th May, 1990
Translated by Col. Han

Father really helped the United States with The Washington Times. Reagan and Bush could not gain power without it. The world knows the Soviet's ultimate goal was to conquer the world by 1984. During Carter's time in office, he lost twelve countries to communism. If someone like him had stayed in office, would Gorbachev be doing what he is now? No. America would have pulled out of Korea, and taken many other actions causing worse collapse. What would have happened in 1984 if Mondale had won? He was a very good friend of Donald Fraser. The United States would also have pulled out of Korea. Would communism have gone down like it has? No. What about if Dukakis had won? Would Gorbachev have had to open up? No. Father wrestled with all his might to guide Reagan and Bush.

~Unfortunately, Moon's comments above cannot be dismissed merely as the rants of a mad-man. The fact is, that through the Washington Times Newspaper and a seemingly endless supply of cash reserves, Moon is strongly influencing our politicians and our political process. Representatives of the Unification Church and the Washington Times have been guests of various Republican presidents including Nixon, Reagan and Bush. And it has worked the other way too. Ronald Reagan filmed a promotional piece supporting the Moonie owned Washington Times Newspaper as well as getting Moon himself invited to a Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Grateful for Moonie support of his embattled presidency, Nixon invited Moon into the Whitehouse as a personal guest where Moon prayed for him in Korean. Nixon also may have contributed to Moon receiving his Green Card which occured during his administration, though Moon had already been receiving a reputation as a public menace by that time, and in spite of our own government intelligence reports stating that Moon may be violating laws by having members acting as mules transporting cash into the United States in huge amounts.

Governor George W. Bush sent a congratulatory letter to the Moonie founded "Women's Federation For World Peace" when they held a large banquet in the Governor's state of Texas, according to the October 1996 Unification News.

Former Republican President Gerald Ford, has also been a paid speaker for Moon, as has former President George H. W. Bush. Part-2 of this series details in particular the Bush-Family relationship with Moon and his various organizations, locking these two men (Bush and Moon) in everything from promoting Moonie Newspapers in South America, to funding the Nicaraguan Contras and possibly even darker secrets, like the question of the CIA's involvement in the Cocaine Coup which overthrew the Bolivian government by Nazi sympathizers, with an apparent 4 million dollar contribution by Moon's agents to the revolutionaries. All this, under George Bush's directorship of the CIA.

PART-2 The Bush-Family History With The Moonies

Some of the points covered in Part-2:

  • What do Bush, Cocaine and Moon have in common?
  • Bush accepted speaking fees from Moonies estimated at 1 million dollars.
  • Bush and Moon as business partners?
  • Why has George Bush called Moon "The Man With The Vision"?


Who Is In Moon's Pocket? SECTION


Moon's Wealth & Power Section


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