Black Roses

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SEQUEL TO : Visitation

PAIRING : Angel/Faith


SPOILERS : Faith’s in jail, but not for long.

DISCLAIMER : I do not own these characters. "Love you to Death" is by Type O Negative.


“FAITH!” She stood up. She was fairly nervous about leaving. She hadn’t been outside the confines of the prison for three years. She was also nervous about Angel. She felt comfortable with him. She loved him. But they’d been having sex, they hadn’t been making love and she was nervous. She’d never made love before. She’d had sex. “FAITH! GET UP!”

She walked over to the door where the guard was unlocking it.


“As I’ll ever be.” She said as the guard threw her into the hallway.

It was midnight. He was waiting outside the prison doors for her. It was a gorgeous night out, he was glad. She shouldn’t get out when it was raining. He had a special night planned for them. The door opened and he watched as she stepped out, bewildered. She walked over to him and collided into his chest.

“Hi.” He said, kissing her forehead.

“Hey. I’m out!”

“Yes you are. How does it feel?”

“Weird. Like I haven’t been out for so long. At least in prison I wasn’t risking life and limb.”

“Don’t wanna slay?”

“I don’t know. Feeling that strong and powerful got me into trouble last time.”

“But this time you’ve got me.” He said taking her hand. “Let’s get outta here!”

She jumped into the convertible. “Top down kinda night?”

“I’m hoping.” He quipped.

“Angel...” she jokingly threatened.

“Seriously, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“I want to.”

“So Faith Dunnoway, you’ve just got out of prison, what do you wanna do now?”

“I want some kick ass food.”

“We can go shopping.”

“I need clothes too.”

“Shopping it is.”

“I don’t have money.”

“I do.”

“Groovy.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cigarettes.

“I didn’t know you smoke.”

“I didn’t before, I picked it up in prison. There’s not too much to do with your hands. Smoking kept ‘em busy.”

He reached over and took them from her. He threw them out of the car as they got on the freeway. “Trust me, you’ll have plenty to do with your hands now. You shouldn’t smoke. I hear it’ll kill you.”

“So will vampires, but I don’t throw you out of the car.”

He laughed. “You so sure I won’t?”

“Relatively, unless your soul goes all wacky. And by the way, what’s up with that?”

“The night you told me about your getting congical I fought that big demon. I had to take this talisman to this Council of Elders.  They told me that they were granting me one gift or wish for my services because they didn’t have money to pay me with. I asked for my soul. I didn’t want to worry about losing it again. I couldn’t risk it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Just slipped my mind. Why?”

“Cause I would’ve told you to forget about Johnny. The whole reason I asked you for a vibrator was because I was hoping you’d volunteer.”


“Totally!” She said he pulled into the twenty-four hour mall parking lot.

“Well?” She walked out of the changing area dressed in black, thigh-high leather boots, a black mini-skirt, with a crimson red leather tube top that tied in the back. His eyes swept up her lithe form to her black covered lips. She was exquisitely Goth with her jet-black hair hanging down. It had gotten long in prison. Her nails were even black. “Angel?”


“How do I look?”

“Fuckable.” He said before realizing what he’d said. “I mean, gorgeous, beautiful, exquisite.”

“You can stick with fuckable if you want.”

“I want.”

“Good. In order for that to happen, you’ve gotta do me a favor.”


“Since I’m going with this whole leather look...” she held up a pair of leather pants. “B said you look absolutely lickable in leather.” She smiled waving them in the air.

“Buffy said that?”

“Completely. She said had you not been trying to kill her, she would’ve fucked you.”

He processed the information as he took the pants from her and went to change. He stepped out in boots she’d picked out, the black leather pants and crimson satin shirt to match her top, and a leather duster she picked out. “Faith?”

She walked over to him and ran her hand over his hard chest. Her other hand ran up his leather covered thighs and cupped his hardening cock. “Oh yeah... definitely lickable.”

“Can we go home now?”

“Yeah, we’re done and I’m horny.”

He opened the door for her and she stepped in. “This place is nice.”

“Yeah, I had this floor turned into an apartment with a kitchen, luxury bath and three bedrooms. It’s more private this way. The other floors are just rooms. So wha-”

Faith stopped his thoughts when she slammed into him, pinning him against the back of the door. Her greedy hands sought out his pale chest under the shirt, while the other made quick with the zipper. Her tongue sought out entry into his cool mouth.

“Faith!” He mumbled through the kiss. He quickly slipped out from her grasp. “Calm down.”


“Because I had something planned. We’ve been rushed for the past year. Why don’t we take our time?”

“Because I want you so bad right now.”

He walked over to her and slid the duster off. Angel wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to him as he gently pulled the strings of her shirt loose. “We have all night and all day, and all year. We don’t have to rush. And besides, you’re ruining my present for you.”

“A present?”

“Yes. Wait here.”

“Only if you take your shirt off.”

“In time.” He opened the master bedroom door and went about lighting all the candles, after he’d turned the water on in the tub. When he was finished the place glowed from the light. He checked on the bath and it was ready. He took his shirt and boots off, and opened the door, expecting to find her standing. But she wasn’t. She was naked and was sitting on his favorite chair with her hands rubbing her breasts and shaven cunt. Her black nails contrasted her extremely pale skin as they disappeared into her aching swollen lips. Her eyes were closed and he walked over to her and slid his hand over hers inside her. “Mind if I lend a hand?”

//In her place one hundred candles burning

As salty sweat drips from her breast

Her hips move and I can feel what they’re saying, swaying

They say the beast inside of me’s gonna get ya, get ya, get...//

“Angel...” she moaned as he kissed her softly.

He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. The scent of vanilla filled the room and assaulted her senses as she ran her trembling fingers over his expansive chest, for the first time seeing him. He took her in the bathroom and set her down. “It’s beautiful.”

She looked around, there was a skylight in the ceiling (as they were on the top floor) and she could see the stars. The candles made the room glow and she looked to the center of the room where there was a huge tub. “I thought you might want a real bath.”

“Only if you’ll join me.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He put his hand out and she walked up the three stairs to the tub.

“Oh my Gods...” floating in the water of the huge tub, were several floating candles amidst rose petals. She stepped into the water and sunk into it. “Ahhh... it feels so good.”

He turned around, suddenly self-conscious. This was the first time they were seeing each other naked. He stripped himself of his pants and poured the wine.

She was anxiously awaiting him. She wanted to see him. He’d seen her. She knew what he felt like. She’d had him in her mouth, she’d felt him up, and jerked him off, but she’d never *seen* him. He turned around and carried wine towards the tub and she couldn’t help but stare. He looked larger than he felt, and he was so pale and muscular. He was well toned and gorgeous. “Wine?”


“Am I everything you hoped?”

“And more.” She said taking a sip of the red wine.

//Black lipstick stains her glass of red wine

I am your servant; may I light your cigarette?

Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you’re saying, praying

They say the beast inside of me’s gonna get ya, get ya, get...//

He slid in behind her and she leaned back against his chest. She could feel his hardness against her backside and she wiggled against him. He groaned, “Faith...”

He set his glass down and slid his hands around her body, massaging her body as he touched her. He wanted her relaxed. He wanted her to remember the night for the rest of her life. He gently nibbled on her neck and ear lobes as he kneaded her breasts gently. She gasped and moaned as his hands slid down her body and his cool fingers danced outside her cunt. “Angel...” she whimpered and he obliged. He slid three fingers into tight body and she pushed against them, wanting so much to cum.

She set her glass down and whimpered as she rocked against his hand. Faith slid her hands behind her and stroked his cock lovingly. He growled softly as she worked him and she whimpered as his fingers slowly made love to her. The rose petals tickled her nose and skin as they gently rubbed against her breasts.

“Gods... Angel...” he quickened his pace and used his other hand to squeeze and put pressure on her clit until she exploded in the water. He continued to play with her sex while she stimulated his.

Faith opened her eyes and looked around. “This place is really Goth Angel.”

“I like my dark colors.”

“I noticed.” She was referring to the bedroom, which had a large canopy bed with black lace around it. The walls were dark and the only real light came from the candles. “Old fashioned guy.”

“I guess. We vampires tend to be that way.”

“Make love to me, Angel. I can’t wait any longer.”

“Okay.” He stood up and helped his dark goddess out of the tub. He gently lifted her, carrying her to the bed. When he pulled back the lace curtains, the bed was also covered in black rose petals. She loved how he could turn a morbid color into a romantic one. He deposited her onto the bed and resumed his work on her clit and inner labia.


“I’m your humble servant.” He said kissing her. He took a handful of rose petals and sprinkled them over her heated flesh. She whimpered and arched into the gentle touches.

//I beg to serve, your wish is my law

Now close those eyes and let me love you to death

Shall I prove I mean what I’m saying, begging

I say the beast inside of me’s gonna get ya, get ya, get...//

He hovered over her, throbbing cock begging to be sheathed inside her molten core. Her hands sought him out and granted entry into her heat. “I love you Angel.” She said, staring directly into his eyes.

“I love you too Faith. Let me love you too. Let me love you to death.”

He thrust inside completely and she moaned, biting her lip at the sensation. It was so much different than the past year, because this was *Angel*, her lover, the love of her life, her best friend. All the times before were sex, this was love. She pushed back against him and his hips began moving, long languid strokes. She gasped for air as she moved with him, feeling herself stretch as he sheathed his cool manhood inside her over and over again.

//Hey am I good enough for you?

Hey am I good enough for you?

Am I?

Am I?

Am I good enough for you?//

Her black nails ran over his back and weaved into his hair, pulling his mouth to hers.

She was so impossibly tight, and hot. It was almost as if he was on fire. She was sweating as his cool body moved above her hot one. He felt her vagina walls contract around him and she moaned, panting for air. He thrust into her willing, inviting body, speeding up, nearing his release. “Please...” she whimpered. He looked down and she bared her neck to him. She’d never done so before.


She responded by pulling his head to her neck. “I can’t.” He whispered against her skin, but she held him there.

They’d talked about vampire mating rituals during her stay in prison, and he wondered if that’s what she wanted. Did she want to be his mate? “Faith?” He asked again.

She took his head in her hands and looked deep into his eyes. “I’m yours, Angel. No one else could ever fill me the way you do.” She then pulled his head into her neck and he gently slid his fangs into the tender flesh as she came violently around him, thrashing from the double invasion of his body.

He exploded within her, flooding her insides with his cool essence as he drank deep. Her blood was on fire from her orgasm, and he could taste how much she loved him.

After hours of passionately making love among the roses, they lay together, spent and sated. He showered her in more petals as she fell asleep on his chest. His love. His mate. His Dark Goddess, finally where she belonged.

~El Fin~




©2004 site design, crazy evil dru, webmistress

MY EXTREME THANKS TO: dru's bitch, evil willow, ryan & sanne

Disclaimer: Please note that characters resembling Buffy & Angel characters do NOT belong to crazy evil dru by any stretch of the imagination. They belong to 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy & Joss Whedon. I’m a poor college student with nothing better to do than fantasize about television characters, no copyright infringement is intended. This fiction is strictly for my own amusement, and apparently that of others.