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PAIRING : none


SPOILERS : general Buffy & Angel

DISCLAIMER : I do not own these characters.

NOTES : Willow compares Riley & Angel.


I honestly don’t know what she sees in him. Sure he’s here now. She sees someone stable and honest and I suppose to some point, she’s right. But who are we kidding? She went from a wonderous hunk to this? I see them sitting over there on the couch, talking, holding hands and I am literally sick to my stomach. I mean, as a best-friend, I think it is my duty to say, ‘Hey, what the hell are you thinking?’ But still, she is trying to be happy and chances are this is just a rebound guy and one day I must have hope and believe that she will wake up and smell the roses, hell even lilacs would suffice. And what kind of a nickname or codename is Lilac anyway? And the government trusts him to fight demons? The boy can’t even dress.

I suppose there are some good things about him. I mean, afterall, he can walk into the sunlight, which is completely new for her. He can make love to her with no curses kicking in, which is nice, I suppose. Maybe it’s wrong of a best-friend to think about her friend’s ex-boyfriend in such a fashion. BUT, with the god-like body and gorgeous looks and a hundred years of practice, there is NO way in Hell that he was bad in bed. I mean, COME ON! There’s no way he is not completely beautiful, every part of him. Plus, come on, you touch him and he’s cold, how much fun would that be? I admit, perhaps I shouldn’t think about him in that fashion, but everyone can have their fantasies, right?

I watched her fall in love with him. I watched her get hurt by him. I watched her try to kill him. I kept my mouth shut when he came back from Hell and she hid him from us. I knew why she did it. I was angry, but I knew why she did it, hell I could even understand. LOOK at him! I was surprised she didn’t jump his bones, even the evil version of himself was exciting, despite the killing you part, of course. I thought about it, she can’t tell me that she didn’t. I watched her love him between space and time and I watched as they said their silent goodbyes.

I know they can’t be together. He knew this too and he left. How noble! I mean, he’s an all-around good guy, despite being undead, but my boyfriend wasn’t perfect normal college guy either. I adjusted. You can’t control love. Love makes you do the wacky and I guess it makes her do this. But I’m seriously getting physically ill watching her across the room. I HAVE to get out of this room. I excuse myself quietly and bolt for the door, stating I have a Wicca group meeting, which is a complete lie, but I think I’d rather go to Hell than watch THEM.

All throughout high school, whenever they were in a room together, you could feel the electricity between them. I could see the sparks flying, I practically got set on fire. But now? It’s disgusting. He left so she could find someone who could love her and give her children, not someone to make me barf. He NEVER intended for her to take the first guy that came along, and her certainly never intended for her to pick the first loser soldier boy that came along. He is a perfectly nice corn-fed Iowa fatigue-wearing commando guy, don’t get me wrong. He is sweet and I guess he could be considered cute, if not looking too close, or if completely wasted on vodka and beer (and pot.) But seriously... I wish I could knock some sense into the girl.

I am ashamed to know who she is dating now. Does the girl not have any standards? She’s beautiful, she could do SO much better. Hell a chiuaua would be better, with a little more personality anyway. But I do like him, as a friend, NOT a boyfriend! But she, for some inexplicable reason, does not understand that. I actually feel sorry for Angel, poor guy, knowing she’s with this, this imitation of a man. I feel like sending a sympathy card. I wonder if Hallmark has one for this occasion. Perhaps I’ll suggest one. It could say: Sorry your ex-girlfriend is a dunce. Maybe one day she’ll wake up and realize she’s so much better than him.

He came back a few weeks ago, after she went to LA to help him with Faith. If you ask me she should have broken up with Iowa boy right after that. She honestly said to me, “How could he have known?” I felt like telling her, “Tara did. She’d never met you before and she knew it wasn’t you.” Then under my breath I would have added, “Angel would have known.” And it would have been the truth, and we BOTH would have known it to be. But she went to LA for payback because Faith slept with Lilac. Aparently Angel was mean (although I’m sure she completely deserved it) so he followed her to apologize, but if you ask me the girl needed a good knock on the head, maybe convenient amnesia, or selective memory loss. I wonder if the Initiative has a chip for that. I mean Angel and Buffy’s love is so obviously the end all of romance, surpassing even that of Romeo and Juliet, and yet she is completely blind to it.

He left and we were talking one night and she said to me, “Can you actually believe Angel told me he didn’t like Riley?” I wanted to strangle her little throat and make her eat cow brains, because even THEY are smarter than her. But I just looked at her with that look that says, ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me, that’s even a question?’ But of course she was too stupid to figure it out. I knew she was not a dean’s list kind of girl, but she’s suppose to fight the forces of evil and she asks me THAT question. Perhaps it’s not her who is too good for Angel, but Angel who is out of her league.

Too bad he has a thing for blondie, cause I’d like to sink my fangs into him, metaphorically speaking. But that’s just my take on the situation. And what do I know anyway?

~El Fin~




©2004 site design, crazy evil dru, webmistress

MY EXTREME THANKS TO: dru's bitch, evil willow, ryan & sanne

Disclaimer: Please note that characters resembling Buffy & Angel characters do NOT belong to crazy evil dru by any stretch of the imagination. They belong to 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy & Joss Whedon. I’m a poor college student with nothing better to do than fantasize about television characters, no copyright infringement is intended. This fiction is strictly for my own amusement, and apparently that of others.