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PAIRING : Dawn/Connor


SPOILERS : general season 6

DISCLAIMER : I do not own these characters.


I will never (not for as long as I live) forget the first time I saw Jake. I was seventeen and we were (brace yourselves) getting ready for yet another apocalypse.

This one was big, bigger than Glory. It was bigger than the Mayor and the Master, worse than being sucked into Hell or fighting the government. This was real- asteroids crashing down on the Earth, raining Helldemons and people being enslaved- horrible beatings and torture on everyone. No death- just horror and Hell far worse than you could ever imagine.

Giles had come back and was cross-referencing like crazy along with a couple council pals. We soon learned that we'd be fighting an army of a thousand. One thousand demons that were coming to end the world. Everything was crazy.

We were making and buying weapons, trying to find some way to stop it, or some sign that it was going to start. We were looking for prophecies and things of that sort, trying to find out how the hell to save ourselves, which seemed pretty damn impossible.

We knew it was bad when even *Spike* was starting to suggest hiding or hopping onto a spaceship of some kind. That's when we called in the big guns. That's when Buffy finally sucked it up and called Angel. Turned out Angel was just about to call Buffy as he'd been researching the same events. But I suppose it's a small world when it comes to demon fighting and prophecy reading.

So Angel brought his crew, which consisted of Cordelia, Groo, Gunn, Fred, himself and his son (and 'oh, Buffy, did I forget to mention that I have a son?' asshole.)

She was pretty shocked by that, but he was just as shocked to find out that she'd shacked up on a permanent basis with Spike. (We all were, come to think of it.)

Hell- there was a time when *I* wanted to shack up with him. I even had this crazy idea that he'd be my first. That I would turn 18 and he would finally see that I'm way better than Buffy and oh so willing to be with him. But I suppose she got to him first, but that's fine. NOW. Boy was I a bitch right after I found them making-out on the couch!

Anyway- back to the story. Jake.

He's so beautiful, really, he is. I'm sitting next to him right now. Well- sort of. He's sleeping.

So Angel also brought along Faith because she'd just gotten out of prison for good behavior. We were skeptical, but we needed strong fighters and a slayer was as strong as we had.


They knocked on the door to the house and I got there first. I let everyone in, Angel, Faith, Fred, Gunn, Cordelia, Gru, and (against Angel's wishes) Wesley. And *then*… I looked on the porch and saw him.

One more person from L.A., one more pair of eyes and oh god- HIS EYES!

They were so dark and mysterious… they captured me right away. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to declare my love for him right there.

"This is my son, Con-Steven. Steven," Angel said.

But that was wrong. He wasn't a Steven. He wasn't Connor either. I don't think he even could *have* a name… just a nameless hunk, with dark, mysterious, haunting eyes.

He was wearing a pair of ripped up jeans and a tank top with a necklace of teeth and tusks. He was totally hot.

Anyway- so the apocalypse. Turns out that 'Steven' and Angel were big players in the whole turn of events. We found out that the side that they fought on, would be victorious *if* they were able to destroy something called the Adinomauh.

So the questions before the court were… what the hell is the Adinomauh? And how do we destroy it?

These were questions that no one could answer.

So the first night, we all kind of talked and put our resources and information together. Everyone got caught up and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I swear… I was so… I'll say horny, but it was more than that. I wanted him with every fiber in my being. I felt like I was being pulled toward him all night long and no matter how hard I fought- I couldn't escape it.

He was strange though- I suppose due to growing up in Quor-Toth. He'd been here for a good year by then, but he still jumped when the phone rang and didn't understand television. He didn't understand half of Xander's jokes or my pathetic attempts to get him to notice me.

I swear- *chaos* demons are a better audience than he was. But I suppose he was just trying to get a read on people and figure out who was who and what they had to do with him and Angel. He still didn't like Angel too much- but they could at least fight well together.

He's the child of two vampires and unusually strong, which makes sense. He's been fighting demons since he could grip a stone. It's all he knew for most of his life.

So everyone was getting fighting lessons with him, since he was the strongest and most agile. Hell, he was even a match for Buffy and Spike when they tag-teamed him!

We were able to pinpoint when the end was coming and we had one month to prepare for it. So Buffy decided that I should start fighting as well. *Everyone* needed to hone their skills and get strong. We were all eating powershakes and lifting weights and training for the fight of our lives.

"One thousand and every single one must fall- every one must bleed." Once that happened, we'd be able to destroy the Adinomauh.

That month was a busy one, what with my eighteenth birthday and everyone going insane trying to figure out what the hell the Adinomauh was. Spike and Angel were calling in every favor they could, trying to get more demons on our side, but not a heck of a lot wanted in on apocalypse fighting.

Tara and Willow started practicing magic again and asked if I'd like to help them. We were hoping I still have some 'key' energy in me that perhaps we could harness or use to help kill demons.

I kept trying to connect with him, but he'd always avert his eyes. I'd practically given up hope until one night when I supposed to train with Buffy, but there was a big vamp emergency. She asked 'Steven/Connor' to work out with me.

"So… gonna kick my ass?" I teased a bit as I pulled my sweater off. We were both in tank tops. I kicked my shoes off because he never wore shoes when he was training of fighting. I don't know why, but I thought perhaps it helped him concentrate or something.

"Hardly," he replied. "I'd never… hurt you."

The way he said that was so incredibly sweet… I couldn't believe it. "Well… ignoring me is kind of hurtful," I said softly but I don't think he heard me.

So we went on fighting. He showed me a few new moves and started teaching me how to use a sword. He stood behind me and guided my arms as he demonstrated various swings. He was so close… and he'd taken his tank off and I could feel his skin against my arms… I was all tingly.

I'm pretty certain I would have died had we been attacked by a demon then.

I had an itch on my back so I squirmed a little and 'accidentally' brushed against his penis. He was fairly hard too. It wasn't like I was a virgin then; I knew what the what was. I wasn't Miss. Slutty Bones, but I'd had sex three times with my ex-boyfriend Mike.

We dropped the sword and I twisted my neck and felt his breath on my face and… I just couldn't help myself. I licked his bottom lip, very softly, and was extremely happy when he wrapped his hands around my waist and I felt his mouth against mine more completely.

The second I touched the tip of his tongue with mine I was completely drunk. It's possible it *had* been just a case of Puppy-love, but… his mouth sealed over mine, his tongue entered my mouth, his arms were around me and I felt this incredibly calming peace wash over me telling me: this is home.

Ever since that night, I've never lacked for home.

We must have just kissed for ten minutes like that, when we finally had to stop because my neck was starting to get stiff. He just smiled sweetly when he pulled away and picked up the sword.

He was so much more at ease with me the rest of the training session.

We talked a lot. I explained about the Key and Glory and he could relate. He too was in a world where he was not meant to be, first in Quor-Toth and then on Earth.

"So… which name do you prefer? Steven or Connor?" I asked as we lightly sparred.

"Neither," he replied. "Connor was given to me by Angelus, a demon that exists for the sole purpose of killing. And Steven… was the name of a dead boy in the eighteenth century. I'm neither. I'm…"

"Without a name?" I ask. "Yeah- I know the feeling. Sometimes I wonder what people called me when I wasn't me. When I was just this big ball of energy- what was I? Was I anything? Sometimes I can almost remember just floating around doing nothing- being nothing…"

"Dawn suits you though."

"Does it? I hardly think so and if someone calls me 'Dawnie' one more time…"

He silenced me with a kiss and then said, "Then I shall call you Rain, because your lips taste like rain to me… clean and pure and so moist…"

Shit. That was the most romantic thing I'd ever heard so I cupped his face and 'rained' kisses all over his beautiful face. Our lips met again and that kiss was a bit more passionate and lustful, but it ended abruptly and he tore himself away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing… it's just- nothing."

I noticed him turning away a bit and… realized instantly that he'd probably never met a girl in Quor-Toth, let alone known the purpose of getting hard. I wondered if his eighteenth century father had ever even explained about sex or anything.

I moved toward him and grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. "Don't be embarrassed," I whispered against his lips as I slowly slid my hand down to rub his erection through the jeans.

He jumped away and was completely shocked and mortified, damn eighteenth century values.

"Co-St- it's okay."

"No- it's… unnatural."

I couldn't help but suppress a small giggle and then he ran out of the house and I couldn't catch up with him.

I didn't see him until the next day when I woke up. We were all up and having breakfast and I watched him watching Angel drink his blood. I could only imagine the confusion he must have been feeling. He was raised by someone who hated and despised his own father and rightly so. He'd been poisoned against his own father.

I mean- I imagine he was just as angry as I was when I realized my entire life had never happened.

"So… four more days, huh?" I said generally, while looking directly at him.

"Dawn- must you?" Buffy asked. "It's bad enough we know it's… soon- but you're gonna count us down?"

And in that moment, I was just so sick of everyone dancing around the fact that we were likely to die. "YES! I'M GONNA COUNT US DOWN, BUFFY! These might be the last four days I'm in my house. It might be the last four days we ever have together! So *yes*… I'm going to count down and enjoy being with the people I love. You should too!"

I stormed out of the house after that. I remember slamming the door but Buffy let me go. I just said what we were all thinking and feeling and did what we all wanted to do. Storm out.

"DAWN!" I heard someone screaming after me as I ran down the street.

"RAIN!" I froze dead in my tracks as his voice came from above. He dropped down in front of me, "You shouldn't be alone."

"Aren't we all?" I asked with tears streaming down my cheeks. He just pulled me to him and we hugged for the longest time because I felt so safe in his arms.

We held hands and walked quasi-silently through a town that might not have survived a week. It was… surreal. He was calming to me. Still is, I suppose.

I actually led him to what was left of the tower as I explained more of that night- the last night I was truly terrified.

"Must seem so stupid to someone who grew up in a Hell dimension. Huh?"

"Not stupid," he whispered as he brushed some hair out of my eye. "I'm sorry… for-"

"I shouldn't have laughed. I just- I had just realized that you'd probably never even known women in the other dimension. I wasn't sure if… you know about- stuff."

"Stuff?" He asks shyly.

"Sex and stuff."

"This… sex? What… is it?"

I'd never even thought that perhaps he'd never even heard the word. "Let's not jump ahead of ourselves, C- St- ya know what? I need to know what you want me to call you."

"Call me yours," he murmured under his breath. I just smiled at him and kissed him sweetly.

He smiled, "Why don't you give me a name, Rain? One that you think is fitting."

The very thing that came into my head was, "Jake."

"Jake?" He asked.

"Yeah- you… look like a Jake."

"I like it. My name is Jake."

"Okay," I nodded. "Come on," I said. I led him through town past Angel's old mansion up to the bluff that overlooked the town. We sat down on the ground and I turned to him. "The first part of sex usually involves a lot of this," I said as I leaned forward and started kissing him. "It involves a lot of kissing."

We macked on each other for a good half an hour before I placed my hand on his thigh. He jumped and that time, I was expecting it so I moved my hand with him. "It's okay," I said. "The second part is touching. Like this-" I slid one hand under his tank to rub his nipples a bit. "See?"

He nodded and looked into my eyes, and then downward to my, "May I…"

"Yes," I said. "You can touch all of me," I said. Hell, he already had, without even knowing it.

The first tentative contact that his hand had with me was on my shoulder. He placed his palm on my shoulder and slowly started sliding it downward until he finally cupped one of my breasts in his hand.

I couldn't help but moan because like I said- his touch… it was home. I was so in love with him, it wasn't even humorous.

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly.

"Huh? Nothing… it just- feels good. *Really* good." He smiled, almost in pride. He moved his other hand to my other breast and squeezed them both slightly and I leaned into his touch because it felt so good. My skin was on fire- I swear.

I took the opportunity to move my hand from his thigh to over his erection. He didn't jump that time and I (acting all expert-like) said, "This is your penis. I don't know if… your father ever told you- gave you the words… explained about it… but when it gets hard, like it is now- it means you're aroused, that you want sex."

"And this is sex?" He asked. "We're having sex?"

"No- sex, in its technical stage, is when you put your penis inside me." Man- did I feel like an adult.

"WHAT?" He asked, shocked.

"When you're hard, like this- you've got an erection. And sex is when a male has an erection and puts it inside a woman's vagina." I was so glad I'd taken that sex education course. Let me tell you!

"And what is your… vagina?"

I smiled and led one of his hands over my sex. "It's here, under my clothes. Can you feel how hot is it?"

"Yes," he gasped.

"That's what happens to me, when I'm aroused. I get wet and hot inside."

"Then you… want sex? Now?"

"I can wait," I smiled.

"For what?"

"For when you're ready," I whispered with a smile before standing up. "Come on, we gotta get back."

The rest of that day he did everything he could to touch me. He brushed up against my nipples when walking through the hallway. He snuck into the bathroom when I was washing my hands and rubbed my entire body as he wrapped his arms around me. He reached under the table and rubbed my sex during dinner.

That night- after everyone was asleep; after we'd all patrolled- he came into my bedroom "Rain?" He asked. "Are you decent? May I…"

"Come on in, Jake."

He crawled onto my bed and ran his hands over my body with nothing but one sheet between his palms and me. I was naked under the sheet and as we talked that night- he just ran his hands up and down my body, all over. It was amazing. I felt so completely alive and *there*. He was listening and asking and answering questions while he touched me. He cupped my sex and felt his fingers pushing inside slightly with the sheet covering them. It was incredible that night.

"DAWN!" Buffy screamed when she opened my bedroom door in the morning. "What the-"

"BUFFY! Ever think of knocking?" I shrieked.

"Buffy, what's up?" Angel asked before appearing in the doorway. "Oh… Connor-"

"Get out!" I said, sitting up with the sheet covering me. "GET OUT!" I screamed and the door suddenly slammed shut as Buffy and Angel were thrown out into the hallway. Apparently, the magic lessons from Willow and Tara were working, which was good.

He placed his hand onto my bare back and I practically melted. "Your hands feel so good, Jake."

"You're so soft… like rain."

"Ha, ha."

Things were tense that day but I didn't care, I argued with everyone who tried to tell me that nothing could ever come of a relationship between he and I. Yeah right!

The next night, he was already in my room when I got there to go to sleep. He was under the covers and I could tell he was nude. "Hey," I said.

"I thought… maybe…"

"I'd love to touch you," I said quietly. I laid down on top of the covers and he held me in his arms. I slid my hand over his abs, down to his thighs and then over his manhood.

He gasped as I ran my hand up the length of him. "How's that?" I asked.

"Sooo good," he whimpered as I squeezed his cock. He was thick and slightly longer than Mike was. I could tell, just by stroking him through the sheet, that he would feel *amazing* inside me, although I'm glad he wasn't going to be my first- because it would have hurt. A lot.

That night, as I stroked him and kissed him, he told me about Quor-Toth and about his childhood and how he'd trained every day of his life. He told me so much about how he really felt about Angel and we just… became so close. We'd only known each other for a month, been friends for not even a week, and we were *so* close. I felt like I'd known him all my life.

He started really whimpering around dawn- all night without release (I've heard) will turn grown men into fools. "It… hurts, Rain. I need…"

"To come," I said. "Have you ever… before?"

"Yessss… when my father left and I…"

"It's okay- it's normal for teenage boys to… do what I've been doing. Girls do it too."

"Do what?" He asked as he closed his hands over mine.

"Use our fingers to get ourselves off." I held my index and middle finger up and said, "These two… I pretend they're the man of my dreams."

"The man of your dreams?" He asked and I just smiled. "Can we…"

"Yes, let's."  I slowly started pulling the covers down and kissed his chest as it was revealed to me. At last, I uncovered his red erection and we passed our hands over it, squeezing and pumping. His skin felt wonderful in my palm and under my lips as we together brought him to climax.

"RAAAIN!" He shouted as he came over our hands in sticky white strings.

"Dawn?" I heard over the knocking on the door. "Are you okay?"

"FINE, Buffy!" I answered.

"Have you seen Conner?" She asked as the opened the door and stood there in shock.

Spike was standing behind her that time and said, "Well- I guess she has, Luv."

That night, we were quarantined. Buffy decided that if she wasn't getting any, that I wouldn't be. She told Angel to take himself and Connor to a motel, but he refused, and the two of them ended up sleeping in the dining room on the floor with Wesley. Buffy slept in my room with me.

The next day, it was decided that we would all just rest. No training. No researching. We knew all we could possibly know. So we sat awkwardly around the living room, talking occasionally, but otherwise just sitting there petrified of the next day.

He tried to sit next to me, but Buffy wouldn't allow it. "What do you have up your ass, Buffy?" I asked.

"DAWNIE!" She gasped.

"What? Just because you're not getting any, I can't have some?"

"Dawn- it's a bit more complicated than that. He's Angel's son!"

"SO?! May I remind you that Spike is *also* Angel's son?"

"Dawn! This is so not the same. I don't want-"

"Buffy, I'm eighteen years old and might I add, in case you don't know or actually care, I'm *not* a virgin. SO there's no point in saying you're trying to *save* me."

"*Dawn*, now is *not*  the time to be having this conversation!"

"When are we gonna have it, Buffy? Before we're enslaved or after the demons torture us?"


"NO! We're all thinking it. I'm just the only one who'll actually say it. Why won't you let me be with the one person I wanna be with before we die! God- Buffy… I *love* him! You, of all people, should understand how rare that is- to have a connection with someone who really understands you…"

"You what?" He asked quietly.

I turned to him and smiled as I fell to me knees on the floor next to him. "I *love* you, Jake. I wanna be with you."

"Me too," he said softly before he pulled me to him for a kiss.

"Who's Jake?" Angel asked.

We both stood up, holding hands. I turned to Buffy and said, "We're leaving now. We'll be back tomorrow at noon. Don't try to stop us and don't come looking for us."

He followed me out the front door silently as we heard Angel ask, "Who's Jake?"

"Are you okay?" He asked as I grabbed a blanket out of the back of Angel's car.

"Yes. She's just… self-centered. And unfortunately, my life does not revolve around my sister." I explained more about Buffy and myself as we walked back to the bluff.

We placed the blanket down and looked up at the sun. It was about five o'clock. By that time the next day, we'd be on our way into battle.

"Rain? Did you mean it?"

"What?" I asked, turning toward him.

"That you love me?"

I kissed his lips sweetly and said, "Yes. Absolutely, ever since I first saw you. The past few days, when I've been in your arms… I felt so at peace. I felt like I was home."

I think he actually started crying a bit then. "What?" I asked as my thumb wiped away his tear.

"I just- I've never… felt loved before. Everyone has always just wanted something from me. It's never been selfless."

"Well-" I said with a coy smile. I slid my hand over his penis, " I wouldn't say it's *completely* selfless."

"Are we going to have… sex?"

"No- we're going to make love," I replied.

"Okaaay," he said nervously.

I slid my hands up to cup his face and whispered, "Just relax… and feel me."

For the next three hours we kissed and touched. He lifted my shirt off and I took his tank top off and the feel of his skin, finally and completely, on mine was amazing. He kissed his way down my throat to my nipples and suckled them. I couldn't believe how perfect his mouth felt sliding against my skin.

He cupped my breasts and covered my skin with his hands, touching everywhere possible. I nibbled on his nipples as well before kissing my way down to the button of his jeans.


"Shh… I need to feel you inside me, Jake. I need you to feel me too."

He nodded and helped me pull his jeans off. I could finally see what I had been touching the night before, his thighs, his manhood… there was nothing I didn't love about him. His body… was divine. Working out and training and fighting had given him such an incredible body and as I kissed my way over his skin, I could feel how much strength he had inside him. I moved my fingertips gently over his skin and I felt each and every muscle respond to my touch.

"How do you do that?" He whimpered.

"Do what?" I smiled.

"Drive me crazy."

"Magic," I said before licking the tip of his erection.

"Rain!" He started to protest but I just kept licking and kissing him, slipping my hands down to caress his sac. "Ohgodpleasedon'tstop!" He panted.

I slithered up his body and kissed him deeply. I love how his tongue feels against mine. I can't get enough of his kisses or his hands on my body.

"Rain- please… let me see *you* now."

I couldn't deny him. I slipped my pants off and the look he got when I was standing nude in front of him was unbelievable. I felt completely adored and loved and… it was just amazing.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered as he beckoned me to lay down with him on the blanket in the dusk. I shivered a bit as it was starting to get a little chilly what with having no clothes on.

I watched as he built a fire a couple feet from the blanket. Once it was roaring, he came to me again and we just… melted. We kissed and touched and it was so beautiful and magnificent. I've never felt so alive as when he's inside me.

I took him in slowly and he gasped and whimpered the entire time. He'd never felt anything like it and I was happy I could be the only one who would ever take him inside.

And when we came… it was like a tsunami rolling through us, completely taking us over as we cried in ecstasy.

We laid together in front of the fire, touching and rubbing each other for a few hours, just talking and being quiet. I was so angry that I'd just found someone and we might die the next day.

We made love five more times that night and once in the morning. To this day I can't explain how that was even possible. Perhaps because I was the key and he was the child of two vampires… perhaps it was the magic in the air of what was meant to be… perhaps it was anticipation of the fight and the possibility that we'd never be together again…

"DAWN! Are you okay?" Buffy exclaimed as we walked back into the house at noon.

"Fine, Buffy. It's not like I was with a murderer."

"I'm sorry, Dawn," she said and hugged me. We didn't have time for any other words.

"Who's Jake?" Angel asked.

"I am, Father. My name is Jake now."

Angel seemed to accept it pretty quickly, but I suppose to him, it was better than Steven.

"Okay, we're all just… in the living room."

We all sat in silence that afternoon. We were all holding hands, just crying and hugging and… we were so scared. All of us. It was out of our hands. We still didn't know what the Adinomauh was and we weren't even sure we'd be able to kill the thousand demons that would be escaping the Hellmouth.

At five o'clock, the sky got incredibly darker than normal and Buffy stood up. "It's time."

We all changed into clothes we'd found particularly better for fighting. Everyone had knives, stakes, swords, axes and guns strapped to them, under our clothes, in our boots… we were no longer people. We were warriors. Dressed in bright yellow. We didn't really like the color, but we thought it would be useful to be able to find each other once demons started coming out.

"Okay-" Buffy stood on the stairs as we all looked up at her. "I don't… have any words… except that… I love you- all of you. It's a pleasure to be fighting with you all. And… I just… love you."

We all hugged once more and then we broke up to pair up. We'd taken great amounts of time to plan out our strategies. Everyone had a partner with which to stay. We were going to start right at the Hellmouth. All the prophecies said they'd pour from the Hellmouth. One thousand. We'd decided to just be there and kill them as they came out.

Jake and Angel were paired, as they were to end the fight if we managed to kill the demons. I was to stay with Willow and Tara, as we had all learned several spells to try and help the fight. We had invisibility spells and relocater spells ready to go as well. Cordelia had been practicing with her demon power as well. We were as well prepared as we could be.

"Rain!" He came over and kissed me so deeply and passionately, trying to reassure me as well. "I will be inside you again, my love."

"Let's move out," Buffy said.

Over the past month, Fred and Willow had also taken a lot of time hiding weapons at the school, as well as explosives if need be. We had all been sparring inside the building as well. We'd cleaned up the halls as best we could so that we could minimize the threat of broken legs and sprained ankles. We had also created several places to hide in case… in case we were losing.

We all had radios and if it looked as if we were going to lose- we all decided that we would try to regroup and… it was unclear whether we were considering mass suicide or if we just wanted to be together.

Demons started pouring out of the Hellmouth in twenties and we were soon outnumbered. The plan was to keep the battle centralized in the school so we could blow it up if needbe and kill a bunch of demons. The ground was shaking and then the ceiling started falling.

It got worse when the sky… it opened up. Balls of fire fell to the ground and claimed Gunn and Fred. I'd never seen so much pain. I'd never… we tried so hard to save everyone. Willow, Tara and I were chanting spells left and right, protecting or stopping what we could. We also had healing spells that saved Giles and Xander.

The fight was tough and long. I watched from above as everyone started fighting. We watched Wesley go down first, then Anya. It was… horrible.

Bodies started piling up. Hundreds of demons and they just kept coming. Demon after demon- different kinds, different tendencies, different strengths and powers… demon after demon.

It was starting to look hopeless. Buffy made the call. Get the bodies and get out. Transportation spells made it much easier to get our loved ones out in a rush. Once we were all outside, Willow pushed the button and blew up about four hundred demons. Perhaps three hundred more to take out?

They kept pouring out of the school and we fought them on the lawn. Willow and Tara and I kept our backs together as we picked up our weapons and kept chanting.

Cordelia started glowing so intensely that we were able to kill a few demons that were frozen blind.

I'd never seen so much. I've never seen as much since.

In the end, we lost six very dear friends. Wesley, Anya, Gunn, Fred, Xander and Giles.

But as Jake tore the last demon apart, a *huge* force shot out from the Hellmouth accompanied by a bright light, the brightest I've ever seen. Jake and Angel ran toward it and I was sure I'd never see him again. I'd seen too much- too many bodies, too much death…

I often have him tell me the story of what they found when they reached the center of the force. A calm, peace, silent. In the center was a large door. Jake says that when they looked inside they were looking into the face of evil. He won't say much else except that they struggled to close the door as it resisted. And once they'd closed the door the force and light were all sucked into it. And they hacked it apart with their axes.

I suppose "Adinomauh" is demon for the source of all evil.

We buried our dead and grieved and were elated at the same time. It was a long while before any of us were ready to return to our lives. We just all sat around the living room dazed for a week or more, barely eating. It was over.

For Buffy and Spike, it was the beginning. For Angel and Cordelia as well, apparently. And in time, Faith and Gru.

For Jake and I? Well, obviously since he's *here* with *me*, it was definitely the beginning of something wonderful.


"Honey?" He asks.

"Sorry- did I wake you?" She asks as his hands creeps around her swollen belly. "I was just…"

"Talking to the baby again?"

"Guilty as charged," She admits. "But… she needs to know our story…"

"She? How do you know it's not another boy?"

"Jake- we already have *three* boys! It's time for a girl!"

"We can always try again…" he whispered as he drifted off again.


Sorry about that, Honey. Your daddy can be…insistent. That's for sure.

Anyway- Daddy and I decided to move out and start our own lives. He wanted to build our life from scratch, which explains why we live in a cabin in the woods. That's why Daddy hunts for our food and why we grow our own fruits and vegetables.

*And* it explains why I'm pregnant all the time!

But I suppose as life goes- this isn't really bad since I have everything I could ever want.

I have three, soon to be four, beautiful, healthy children, and a gorgeous home.

*And* I have the love of a man who calls me Rain. A man that *I* call Jake.

What else is there?

~El Fin~




©2004 site design, crazy evil dru, webmistress

MY EXTREME THANKS TO: dru's bitch, evil willow, ryan & sanne

Disclaimer: Please note that characters resembling Buffy & Angel characters do NOT belong to crazy evil dru by any stretch of the imagination. They belong to 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy & Joss Whedon. I’m a poor college student with nothing better to do than fantasize about television characters, no copyright infringement is intended. This fiction is strictly for my own amusement, and apparently that of others.