Gene's Autistics Behaviors/Characteristics -
What is Being Said About Them
The Sideways Glance: "The Biological Basis for Perceptual Deficits in Autism" by Dr. Mary Megson

..."When you say, “look at me, look at me,” they really are. But they have to look at you sideways. They are turning their eye so that the light reflected from your face lands on the edge of the fovea or the lateral retina where they have some rod function.The fovea is the area in the back of the eye where the cones are closest together. That’s the only way they can “see” you. When you force their pupil to appear to focus on you, you are actually forcing them to look away from you
because their “best vision” is off to one side."

"On the fish liver oil, their rod function improves. One of the first effects we see is the disappearance of the “sideways glance” that the children are known for. For too many years, parents have been told that there were psychological reasons for why their children wouldn’t look at them. The old theory of a cold, unloving parent was probably developed due to this observation.
But the truth is, the sideways glance is a biological adaptation, given how their vision pathway has been blocked. The body always tries to adapt the best way it can. So, this way of looking at things is “normal” for the child with autism. As rod function improves, they look right at you and can really see you!..."
Salt Craving: Complete listing

DDI report mentions possible adrenocortical hyperactivity when it is high sodium but low potassium. DDI also states that high sodium with high potassium is associated with elevated levels of potentially toxic elements. They say it indicates that further tests need to be done.
In his paper
Acrodynia written in 1946, Cheek explains in the summary section:  Mercury potentiates the sympathetic nervous system and induces diuresis with the loss of extracellular volume and sodium. With excessive response toepinephrine and the presence of mercury, damage to the ascending loop Henle (inkidney) eventuates, causing extensive salt wasting. Diminished blood volume further stimulates the sympathetic adrenal system, but neither the increased blood pressure nor sodium retaining hormones offset the renal salt loss.

It is really important to have him evaluated and NOT TO KEEP HIM AWAY FROM THE SALT SHAKER, as if he does have a serious problem retaining salt a high salt intake is essential for life.

The kidneys and adrenal glands work together to regulate the body's salt level. What they do is to hold salt in while throwing other minerals out. If either of them isn't working right the person quickly builds up other minerals but becomes deficient in sodium (from salt).

You are probably correct that
chelation will fix it (or make it a lot better), and it may well be wise not to do anything active for treatment, but you might as well find out what is going on before deciding whether to hide the salt shaker or to let him have at it as much as
Sound Sensitivities: Dr. Andy Cutler: Sensitive to certain smells - "...Very arsenic or arsenic + mercury like..." Which is shown in Gene's DDI Hair Test.

have many ear infections
reaction to the varivax vaccine
speech is a bit sing-songy and frequently "inappropriate." 
Frequently, he makes odd sounds
Likes a lot of structure
Becomes compulsive/obsessive about certain things
Can be highly emotional but can "turn on, turn off" emotions very easily
Sleeps very well
he cups his hand beside his mouth and pinches that side of his mouth closed and speaks out of the other side of his mouth
social skill
Food Cravings: for more info on phenols:

Prior to going the diet, Gene loved jelly sandwiches, pancakes, biscuits (etc...) and green apples, especially the peel. Once on the diet, he would  frequently ask when I would be making his "special bread" or "special pancakes"...and would devore several green apples every day if he could get away with it...

It seems that
the phenol is concentrated in the peel, and Gene would eat all the peel first and sometimes leave the actual apple. The phenol and gluten can be addicting, so as long as this is a problem, there will be cravings.  After 6 mos on the diet, now the apples, bread, etc. are not so important to him anymore. It would seem that the No Phenol enzymes are helping with the apple issue and non-gluten diet is helping with the other.
Low Birth Weight:

I can't seem to find the reference anymore, but I read somewhere that if mercury toxicity is a problem, vaccines can be the culprit if one or more conditions took place.  Any amount of mercury is not a good thing, but if it is a small amount (relative to body mass and maturity) in a healthy individual, usually the body's immune system can handle as with the vaccine itself.  BUT if it is a larger amount and/or the body mass is small and/or it is a very young individul and/or the individual has an impaired immune system, any of these factors can be fatal or dibilitating.
Larger Amount: this could be from multiple dose vaccine where the heavy mercury can settle at the bottom of the tube, so whoever is unlucky enough to get the last dose gets all the mercury from all the doses!!
Small Body Mass: Gene was low birth weight - obviously the smaller the child is, the less poison its body can handle
Young Child / Baby: A young child's immune system is not as developed; in particular, the baby's Blood / Brain Barrier has not developed.  This very important because this barrier assists in keeping foreign substances out of the brain!  It is said that until the child is 2 years old, there is elevated danger from vaccine reactions.  Of course by the time Gene was 2 yrs old, he had had 26 vaccine doses(!!) Click here and here for stats.
Impaired Immune System:  Gene had many ear infections; this could imply that there was an immune system problem.  The whole basis of vaccines assumes that immune system will work properly.  If it isn't, it is possible the vaccine itself can harm the individual. Click here for a very interesting article